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* faire

errand. Go there, and put (every thing) in order. Let him

commission f.


go to church on (holidays). art. église f. * les jour de fête.

being loaded with




A force de inf1.

chargé de They have

scents, and particularly amber, he (offends the smell).

odeur f. surtout d'ambre,


sentir mauvais.

(made) a very fine stuff. I shall
étoffe f.
I would go to Rome, if I

woven silk and cotton together, and
en ont fait
send spring flowers to those ladies.
printanier 2. f. 1.


could. We would (send back) our horses. Why do they go Pourquoi

le pouvais. away so soon? My brother and sister went yesterday to Windsor.

I will not go (any more) a


ind. 4

plus à art. chasse f.


Ces marchands achètent-ils du drap? Do those merchants buy cloth? En achètent-il beaucoup ?

Do they buy a great deal of it?

had more money?

N'en achèteraient-ils pas plus s'ils Would they not buy more if they avaient plus d'argent ? Ces matelots appellent-ils leur chien ?

N'appelez-vous pas le vôtre?
Achetez-vous ce joli petit chien ?
Si vous ne l'achetez pas ne l'achète-
ront-ils pas ?

Irez-vous ce soir au spectacle?

Vos sœurs n'(y) iront-elles pas? Votre père désirerait-il que vous y allassiez ?

Ne voudriez-vous pas qu' il y allât?

Voulez-vous que j'y aille ?

Do those sailors call their dog?

Do you not call yours?

Do you buy that pretty little dog? If you do not buy him, will they not buy him?

Will you go this evening to the theatre ?

Will not your sisters go thither? Would your father desire that you should go thither?

Would you not desire that he should go thither?

Do you wish me to go thither? Enverrez-vous ces fleurs à votre Will you send those flowers to your sœur ?.


Ne les lui enverrez-vous pas ce soir? Will you not send them to her this

Quand les lui enverrez-vous ?
Cette pauvre femme achète-elle des
fleurs pour vous les envoyer?
Les enverra-t-elle par sa petite fille
Louise ?

Ne vous les enverra-t-elle pas par
son petit garçon ?


When will you send them to her?
Does that poor woman buy flow-

ers to send them to you?
Will she send them by her little
girl Louisa ?

Will she not send them by her little boy?

Par qui les enverra-t-elle ?
Ses enfants vont-ils à l'école ?
Y vont-ils tous les jours ?
Comment s'appelle sa fille aînée ?

Ne s'appelle-t-elle pas Isabelle?
Comment vous appelez-vous ?
Comment s'appelle votre frère ?
Ne s'appelle-t-il pas Guillaume?
Votre cousin ne s'appelle-t-il pas

Comment s'appelle-t-il ?
Comment appelez-vous cela en
Français ?

Cela ne s'appelle-t-il pas un
rateau ?"

Votre frère ne pèle-t-il pas ma pom-

Ne la pelez-vous pas vous-même ?
Ces jardiniers ne pèleront-ils pas
leurs poires et leurs pommes ?
Pourquoi les pèlent-ils ?

By whom will she send them ?
Do her children go to school?
Do they go thither every day?
What is the name of her oldest

Is not her name Isabella?
What is your name?

What is the name of your brother?
Is not his name William?
Is not your cousin's name Charles?

What is his name?

How do you call that in French?

Is this not called "a rake"?

Does not your brother peal my ap-

Do you not peal it yourself?
Will not those gardeners peal their
pears and apples?
Why do they peal them?

Mangez-vous ces melons sans les Do you eat those melons without

peler ?

Irez-vous demain à la pêche ?
N'y allâtes vous pas hier?

Votre oncle et votre cousin n' allè-
rent-ils pas
hier à la chasse ?

pealing them?

Will you go to-morrow a fishing?
Did you not go yesterday?

Did not your uncle and cousin go
yesterday a hunting?

Désirez-vous que votre frère aille à Do you wish that your brother la chasse avec moi ? should go with me a hunting? Votre mère est-elle allée chez sa Is your mother gone to her sister's? sœur?

N'y va-t-elle pas tous les mardis?

Does she not go thither every Tuesday?

N' avez-vous pas été ce matin au Did you not go this morning with marché avec la servante?

A urait-elle voulu que vous y allassiez sans elle?

Ce capitaine aurait-il voulu que ses matelots allassent moins souvent à la cabine?:

the servant to the market? Would she have wished that you should go thither without her?

Would that captain have wished that his sailors should go less often into the cabin ?

Allez-vous tous les dimanches à Do you go every Sunday to church? l'église ?

For the conjugation of these Verbs, see page 30.

The verb Bénir, to bless, is conjugated as Punir, but differs in the past participle when this verb signifies blessed

by religious ceremony; as, pain bénit, holy bread; eau bénile, holy water; then, in this sense, the past participle is bénit, masculine, and bénite, feminine; but if the verb has its usual signification, béni, bénie is the past participle; as, une nation bénie de Dieu, a nation blessed of God.

The verb Hair, to hate, is likewise conjugated as punir, and takes two points over the (ï) throughout its conjugation, except in the three persons singular of the present of the indicative, and in the second person singular of the imperative; as, Je hais, tu hais, il hait. Imperative, hais, hate.

The verb Fleurir, to blossom, to flourish; used figuratively in the signification of to flourish, as in speaking of the prosperity of the arts and sciences, &c., makes florissant in participle present, and in the imperfect of indicative: Je florissais, tu florissais, nous florissions, ils florissaient, &c. L'empire des Assyriens florissait à cette époque; the empire of the Assyrians flourished at that epoch.

Faillir, to fail, is a defective verb, used only in the following tenses, and in all the compound tenses, which is conjugated with Avoir. Infinitive, Faillir. Participle present, Faillant; past, Failli; preterit definite, Je faillis, tu faillis, il faillit, nous faillimes, vous faillites, ils faillirent.

Quérir, to fetch, is used in familiar conversation after venir, envoyer, aller, as, envoyez quérir, send for; allez quérir, go and fetch.


May the name of that good king be blessed from generation to

nom m.


The arts

generation! These trees blossomed twice every year. ind-2 deux fois tout art. an pl. and sciences flourished at Athens in the time of Pericles. Horace and


ind-2 à Athènes

Virgil flourished under the reign of Augustus.


[ocr errors]

We discovered from découvrir

Virgile ind-2 sous
règne Auguste.
the top
of the mountain a vast plain full
plaine f. rempli
meadows. The empire of the Babylonians
pré m. pl. 1

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nien ind-3



flourishing one. We did not hate the man, but his vices. Does she


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sisted him. (The moment) he saw us in danger, he ran to us and


délivrer ind-3

dès que

[blocks in formation]

us. By so whimsical a conduct, should we not contribute 2 bizarre 3. 1


to our destruction? He discoursed sa long on the immortality of the. perte f.


soul, and the certainty of another life, that he left

certitude f..


laisser ind-3

nothing unsaid. If we (were going to aet thus,) we should certainly incur the agir ind-2 ainsi

en arrière

displeasure of our parents.. I would not have recourse to so base a

[blocks in formation]

Ces orangers fleurissent-ils tous les Do those orange-trees blossom evmois ?

ery month?

Ne fleurissaient-ils pas toutes les Did they not blossom every week semaines l'année dernière ?

L'empire des Babyloniens fut-il
long-temps florissant?

Faites-vous bouillir cette viande?
N'est-elle pas assez bouillie?
Cueillez-vous déjà vos pêches?

Ne les cueillez-vous pas avant qu'el-
les ne soient mures?

last year?

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Votre frère n'a-t-il pas cueilli tout le Has not your brother gathered all raisin? the grapes?

Ne cueillerez-vous pas ces beaux Do you not gather those fine apriabricots ? cots ?

Le jardinier cueillera-t-il tous les Will the gardener gather all the fruits demain ? fruits to-morrow?

Combien de pêches avez-vous cueil- How many peaches have you gathlies ce matin? ered this morning? En avez-vous cueilli trois boisseaux? Have you gathered three bushels

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Dieu n'a-t-il pas béni votre entre- Has not God blessed your under



Cette femme couvre-t-elle son pa- Does that woman cover her basket?


Le couvre-t-elle avec son tablier ? S'il pleut couvrirez-vous le vôtre? Le jardinier a-t-il couvert les pommes et les poires pour les mettre à l'abri de l'orage?

Does she cover it with her apron ? Will you cover yours if it rain? Has the gardener covered the apples and the pears to shelter them from the storm ?

Ne couvrirez-vous pas ces melons?
Avez-vous envoyé quérir votre
canne ?

N'avez-vous pas failli la perdre ?
Votre frère hait-il mon cousin ?
Pourquoi le hait-il?

Will you not cover those melons?
Did you send for your cane?

Have you not been near losing it?
Does your brother hate my cousin?
Why does he hate him?

Je ne le hais pas; le haissez-vous? I do not hate him; do you hate him? Haissez-vous ceux qui vous haïs-Do you hate those who hate you? sent ?



Mourir, to die, takes the auxiliary être; and when reflected, is seldom used, except in the present and the imperfect of the indicative.


He (was near) losing his faillir perdre


life in that rencounter. He (was near)
rencontre f. faillir ind-4
for him. His strength
* lui
art. f. pl.
have something to eat

falling into the snare which was laid
piége m. qu'on avait tendu
fails him every day.
Let us
art. m. pl. Donnez-nous

défaillir lui

vite 1


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directly; we are fainting with fatigue and hunger. I cannot meet pr. faim ne puis rencontrer When we have no employ, we endeavour to

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fausseté f. of grief (for the loss of) her son. He is dying. She was expiring chagrin m. d'avoir perdu

se mourir

with grief, when the fear of death at last wrested


crainte f. art.

enfin arracher ind-3

se mourir her secret -m.

from her. Send for the physician and follow exactly his advice. Go lui.

and fetch my cane. Every day

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calculated to fix the attention of an enlightened 2

de art. ouvrage m. pl. fait pour public. That I would acquire riches at the expense


subj-2 de art.

of my

dépens m. pl.

honesty! He had acquired by his merit great influence over the

probité f.

m. une


opinions of his contemporaries. I have inquired about that man (every


where) and have not (been able)




(to hear any thing of him.)
pu en avoir de nouvelles.
has requested it of you?
4 en 2 * 1

qui 3

-là partout Who

Qui est-ce Sesostris, king of Egypt, conquered a

great part of Asia. The formidable empire which Alexander con



-dre ind-6

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