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day of deliverance approach! Nothing but the gospel's rays can dispel such horrid clouds of superstition! The other day I sent a poor man, who had met with a sad accident, over to Calcutta to the native hospital: I sent one of my native Christian servants with him. In a short time the man returned, saying, no boatman would carry him over because be was sick. I went immediately and found the poor man lying at the ghaut (or landing place,) surrounded by a multitude who laughed and joked at his groans. I took him in my arms and placed him in the first boat I came to, and got in my. self; but no promises or threats would induce the men to come in to row, till I fortunately remembered the poor sick man was a Brahmin of their caste. I told them this, and at length they rowed us over, as it is lawful to attend on a sick Brahmin. When we got over the water we were just in the same dilemma with the palanquin bearers; however, by the powerful assistance of an extra rupee, they carried him.


In a late Circular of the Pope, in which he attempts to suppress the circulation of the scriptures among Catholics, he thus addresses his brethreu:

"What shall I say more? The iniquity of our enemies has so increased, that beside the deluge of pernicious books, contrary to the faith, it even goes so far as to convert to the detriment of religion the Holy Scriptures, which have been given us from above for the general edification."

"You are not ignorant my venerable brethren,,' says his holiness, "that a society commonly called a Bible Society, is audaciously spreading through the earth, and that in contempt of the traditions of the holy fathers, and against the celebrated decree of the Council of Trent, it endeavours with all its power, and by every means, to translate, or rather to corrupt the Holy Scriptures into the vulgar tongues of all nations; which gives just reason to fear that in all the translations the same thing may happen which has happened with regard to those already known-namely, that we may there find a bad interpretation, and instead of the gospel of Christ, the gospel of men, or what is worse, the gospel of the devil!

"Many of our predecessors have made laws to turn the scourge, and in these latter times, Pius the VII, of sacred memory, sent two briefs, the one to Ignatius, the other to Stanislaus, archbishop of Mohilow. In these briefs are found passages

taken as well from the Holy Scriptures as from tradition, and collated with care and judgment, to show how injurious this sub. tle invention is to faith and morality.

"And we also, venerable brethren, in the discharge of our apostolic duty, exhort you to remove your flocks with care and earnestness from the fatal pasture. Reprove, entreat, insist on all occasions, with all doctrine and patience, in order that the faithful, attaching themselves exactly to the rulers of our congregation of the Index, may be persuaded, that if they let the Holy Scriptures be indiscrimi nately translated into the vulgar tongues, there will result, in consequence of the rashness of men, more evil than good.

"This is a truth demonstrated by experience, and which St. Augustine more than all the other fathers, has made known by these words :-there have been formed heresies and perverse dogmas, which involve the souls of men in their snares, and drag them down the abyss only because the Holy Scriptures have not been well understood; and, because having ill understood them, men have supported their false interpretations with rashness and audacity!

"Such, venerable brethren, is the tendency of this society, which, besides, omits nothing for the accomplishment of its impious wishes; for it boasts not only of printing the translations, but of disseminating them by going through the towns; and even, to seduce the simple by a perfidious liberality, choose to distribute them gratuitously.

"We exhort you not to let your courage be cast down. You will have for you, and for this we rely with confidence on the Lord, the power of secular princes, who, as reason and experience show, defend their own cause in defending that of the authority of the church; for never will it be possible for man to render unto Cæsar the things which are Cæsar's, without rendering unto God the things which are God's. You will also, have for you, to speak as St. Leon did, the good offices of our ministry towards you all. In your crosses, in your doubts, and all your necessities, have recourse to this Apostolic guidance. For God, as St. Augustine said, has placed the doctrine of truth in the chair of unity.'


As a comment upon the foregoing ex. tract from the Pope's Circular, may be given the following notice of the Catholic peasantry of Ireland. Upon these children of the Catholic communion his holiness does no doubt look with complacency, while he exerts his paternal authority to

save them from the "deluge of pernicious books," and above all, from the knowledge of the scriptures which, with strange inconsistency he says, were "given us from above for the general edification."

At a public meeting in London a short time since, it was remarked by one of the speakers, that in company with the High Sheriff of one of the counties, he began an itinerant survey of the families in the two largest provinces, which occupied three days. The investigation was awfully interesting. In all the cabins visited, there was not found one copy of the scriptures, nor a book on the principles of the Christian religion. No one could give even a vague account of its holy doctrines. It may be well imagined, that in such a state of society, the darkest superstitions would be tolerated and become popular. And such proved to be the case here. The following is but one instance: An annual assemblage of the peasantry takes place, for the purpose of frequenting particular wells, whose waters are in high repute as containing a mystical virtue. Not less than 15,000 persons are reported to have convened at one of these wells. The ceremony is as follows:-The devotees commence by drinking the water; and as soon as they receive a mouthful, they proceed round the well on their knees, by which they are severely cut by the large sharp stones placed about it. They then crawl about fifty yards off, to a high tree, and cut off a large slip of the bark, which is considered an infallible specific against every evil. After this, they creep round the tree nine times upon their knees, muttering their unintelligible superstitions.-From the tree, they proceed to a holy stone, 50 yards distant. Here a broad flag is elevated upon two supporters. This is by the people supposed to contain a virtue, which cures all diseases of the back; and creeping under this stone is believed to be a certain reme. dy for all rheumatic pains, especially when seated in the back. After these fooleries are ended, they retire to an encampment of tents, and feast and drink, and practice the most abandoned profligacies until midnight. Eighty thousand persons went round the well on their knees in three days. They have a remarkable reverence for the Irish language; and many of them if spoken to upon religion in any other language, will not hearken; but on being addressed in their native dialect, they will listen with much pleasure. They are greatly attached to forms of prayer, and awfully under the tyrannical sway of ungodly and ignorant Catholic priests. How much does this people need the guidance and instruction of enlightened Christians!


The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions held their fifteenth Annual Meeting at Hartford on the 15th of September. The anniversary sermon was preached by Rev. Samuel Austin, D. D. from Gal. i. 15, 16; after which a handsome collection ($113) was taken up for the treasury of the Board.

From the statement of the Treasurer it appeared, that the expenditures, in the course of the year preceding August 31, 1824, were $54,157 05-and that the receipts during the same period were $47,

483 58.

The following officers of the Board were elected for the ensuing year:

Rev. Joseph Lyman, D. D. President. Hon. John Cotton Smith, LL.D. Vice President.

Hon. William Reed, Rev. Leonard Woods, D. D. Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Hon. Samuel Hubbard, Rev. Warren Fay, Prudential Committee.

Rev. Calvin Chapin, D. D. Recording Secretary; Jeremiah Evarts, Esq. Corresponding Secretary; Henry Hill, Esq. Treasurer; Rufus Anderson, Assistant Secretary; Chester Adams, Auditor.

The Rev. Dr. Porter, of Catskill, (N. Y.) and the Rev. Dr. Milledoler, Col. Henry Rutgers, the Rev. Dr. Spring and Eleazer Lord, Esq. were unanimously elected members of the Board.

On Wednesday evening at a public meeting, extracts from the Annual Report were read to a respectable audience by the Secretary; this communication was followed by animated addresses from Rev. Dr. Beecher, and Rev. Dr. Proudfit.

The next annual meeting is to be holden at Northampton. The Rev. Dr. Bates is appointed to preach the anniversary sermon, and Rev. Dr. Griffin his second.

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The United States Gazette contains an address from the Rev. WM. HOGAN, to the Congregation of St. Mary's Philadel phia, in which he formally renounces his connexion with the Roman Catholic Church. The following extracts embrace all that is material to know.

"A tedious and protracted controversy with the emissaries of the Court of Rome, who seem to have lost sight of the pure doctrines of the Gospel, who have substituted the traditions and fabulous tales of monks, for the revealed word of God, who hold that salvation is not to be obtained through the atonement of Christ, without the instrumentality of means, which have

no other effect than to demoralize the human mind, and degrade the understanding of man, has given me so perfect an insight into the economy of that Court, that I feel myself bound thus publicly to notify you of my intention to retire from St. Mary's Church, until it breaks off all connexion with it.

"If you declare yourselves independent of the Court of Rome, and insist upon the right of electing your own Bishops and pastors-if you consent to the free circulation of the Scriptures-if you consider yourselves on an exact footing with the Greek Catholics; and will denominate your Church, The American Catholic Church, I shall feel a pride in being your Pastor." T. Repertory.

Renunciation of Universalism.

From a letter published in the Hartford Christian Secretary, it appears, that the Rev. C. Crosman, who has been for several years Pastor of the New Universalist church at Norwich (Con.) has publickly renounced his sentiments. After a few weeks absence (says the letter) "he returned to his flock last week, and in a publick print announced his intention to preach on the subsequent Sabbath. On the day appointed he officiated, and after the close of the afternoon's discourse, he publickly renounced the doctrine of Universal Salvation; and stated in clear and impressive language, that, for the last nine months he had laboured under strong feelings of doubt and uncertainty, respecting the correctness of the doctrine which he

had professed to believe, and to preach, and that after diligently searching the Scriptures-praying frequently and fervently for a right understanding of them, he had come to the conclusion, that the doctrine of Universal Salvation was fallacious, and eminently dangerous to the immortal souls of those who place their trust and confidence in its efficacy.

Interesting Donation.-A Society of Cherokee females at Creek Path, a few days since transmitted to the Treasurer of the United Foreign Missionary Society in New-York, nine dollars and ninety-five cents, in aid of the mission among the Osages. The Cherokee woman who made the motion to appropriate the money in this way, observed to the Society, "The Bible tells us to do good to our enemies ; and I believe the Osages are the greatest enemies the Cherokees have."

N. Y. Observer.


(In the month of August.)

To the American Bible Society, $2,323. To the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign missions, (from July 13, to August 16 inclusive,) $3,429 20, and $1000 to the Everest Fund.

To the United Foreign Missionary Society, including collections, $1,174 16. To the American Education Society, $205 49.

Ordinations and Installations.

Aug. 9.-The Rev. JOHN KEYS, (installed,) over the First Congregational Church and Society in Tallmadge, Portage county, Ohio.

Aug. 29.-The Rev. T. W. P. GREENWOOD was inducted into the ministerial office, at King's Chapel, Boston, as colleague with Rev. Dr. Freeman. The official part of the induction was performed by Dr. Freeman and his Vestry. Sermon by the Pastor elect.

Sept. 1.-The Rev. WILLIAM CASE, over the Fourth Society of Saybrook, Con. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Porter, of Farmington.

Sept. 1.-The Rev. AARON Warner, over the Second Congregational Church in Medford, Mass. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Porter, of Andover.

Sept. 2.-The Rev. PHINEAS BAI.

LEY, over the Congregational Churches in East and West Berkshire, Vt. Sermon by the Rev. Calvin Noble, of Chelsea.

Sept. 7.-The Rev. WILLIAM CHESTER, (installed,) over the Presbyterian Church in Hudson, N. Y. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Chester, of Albany.

Sept. 8.-The Rev. THOMAS S. STONE, over the Church in Andover, Me. Sermon by the Rev. Benjamin Tappan, of Augusta.

Sept. 8.-The Rev. STEPHEN OSTRANDER, over the Reformed Dutch Church of Oakhill, Durham, N. Y. Sermon by the Rev. Cornelius Bogardus, of Bern.

Sept.15.-The REV.EBENEZER PLATT, as Pastor of the Church and Congregation of Middlesex, in Darien. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Danbury, Con.

Diew of Public Affairs.


SOUTH AMERICA-A Treaty of Alliance defensive and offensive is said to have been concluded between Mexico and Colombia; to which all the other Spanish American States are invited to accede and form a general league. The Treaty contemplates a general Congress of Plenipotentiaries from each of the confederated States, to devise means of cementing their alliance; to serve them as a council in great emergencies; to interpret their treaties when controversies arise, and to act as arbiter and mediator in their disputes and differences.

Iturbide arrived in the Mexican Territory on the 14th of July, in disguise and on the 16th was recognized and apprehended. He was taken before the Congress at Padilla on the 17th, and on the foilowing day condemned and shot; in pursuance of the decree of the General Sovereign Congress of the 28th of April by which he was proscribed and outlawed whenever he should present himself in the territory of the federation. The Government has generously decreed an annuity of $8,000 for the support of his wife and children on condition that they leave the country.

SPAIN,-Very recent information from Gibraltar furnishes some reason to believe that the Constitutionalists are again ready to rise in a simultaneous struggle through. out Spain. A body of 4 or 500 exiles who had been secreted in various places on the coast, formed a union and landed on the 4th of August at Tariffa, where they were joined by the garrison and by numbers from the interior. Another body of 700 left Gibraltar on the night of the 7th on a similar expedition. Madrid also, a struggle is said to have taken place, in which many French were killed. A strong force sent from Cadiz to attack the Constitutionalists in Tariffa were repulsed with a severe loss.



In noticing the arrival of Gen. La Fayette, in our last Number, we proposed to give a brief sketch of his stay in our country. As our limits forbid any thing like a detailed account of his movements we postpone the subject for the present, intending, in a future number, to give a summary of the most interesting particu lars of his reception at the various places which he visits..

Answers to Correspondents.

S.; P. N.; J. P. W., and Silas, are received. W. L. may expect some notice of his communication in our next Number.

We have to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from an unknown correspondent, with the signature of B. G. This article, which is very long and apparently of a philological character, is accompanied by a letter wherein it is "distinctly made known" to us, that the writer is " utterly unwilling" that his manuscript should be "abridged or alterei in any respect," but that it is to be printed “as it is” or “ immediately returned." Now as we might have some rhetorical scruples about the correctness of a figure or the use of a word; and more especially, considering the length of the article, some benevolent regard to the patience of our readers, we feel it our duty to inform B. G. that we shall not presume to apply our humble criticism to his production, but shall cheerfully return it according to his direction.

B. G. is the signature of another correspondent, who requested that it might be affixed to no communication of which he was not the author. If writers will have the goodness to consult the indexes of former volumes they may avoid adopting signatures already appropriated.



No. 11.]

NOVEMBER 1, 1824.

Keligious Communications.

On "The Moral and Religious Improvement that may be derived from Natural Beauty and Sublimity."

THEKE is no part of the day better fitted for devotion, than what passes between the setting sun and the close of evening twilight. The sober aspect of all things at the hour of departing day-the gloom of darkness, and, above all, the profound stillness, which, at this season, reigns over every object, are well fitted to awaken contemplation, and lead the mind, as it walks abroad, to thoughts of death and eternity.

I much delight in these evening rambles, and am sometimes filled with astonishment and pleasure, when I discover how all objects around me are shadows of heavenly and divine things. The earth with its scenes of grandeur; and the heavens shining with stars, lead, by association, to the more glorious beauties of the new earth and new heav

ens; the departing light, the fading splendours of evening, and the fleeting vapours and exhalations, are so many mementos to remind us of the transient nature of all things below; and in the light clouds of the sky, as they are seen dissolving in air, or vanishing in the shades of night, we discover beautiful emblems of earthly joy and mortal happiness.

A mind thus disposed to reflection, may make almost every natural scene an occasion of either raising new and uncommon views of things, or of strengthening familiar truth by Vol. VI. No. 11.



new associations. In this manner, one may find fountains of instruction springing wherever he treads.

Yet it is wonderful how men, that are in the pursuit of happiness, neglect and undervalue these sources of high enjoyment. Many will look in wonder upon the castles and other grand edifices built by the art of man, and yet find no pleasure in the rocks and mountains piled by the hand of the Almighty. They will admire a description in poetry, or a view in painting, and pass by unnoticed those scenes of grandeur in the earth and heavens, in which are seen all the finishings of divine workmanship, and of which the first are only a faint and feeble imitation. They admire the copy but neglect the divine original.

It is easily observed that the works of nature, lovely as they are from their own inherent sublimity and beauty, become wonderfully more so when God is realized as their author, and benevolence as their end. Without this consideration, all their splendour is but dimness; and the man who can give to these objects of Creation no other interest than the impression their forms and colours make upon his senses, is much like one who is gazing upon a well formed countenance without discovering in its features intelligence or goodness.

But he who can discern wisdom and intelligence shining through all things, who can see in them the mor al beauty of this origin and end, and who is accustomed, to ase the poet's

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