HAMPSHIRE CONDUCTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF GENTLEMEN. FOR THE YEAR 1824. VOLUME VI. NEW-HAVEN: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY S. CONVERSE. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1824 THE CHRISTIAN SPECTATOR. No. 1.] JANUARY 1, 1824. [VOL. VI. Keligious Communications. For the Christian Spectator. History of the Connecticut Missionary Society. of the cross. Origin, design, and plan, of this Society.-THE energetic and enterprising spirit which sustained the first colonists of this country through all their severe trials, has to this day continued to characterize their descendants. The adventurous sons of New-England have imprinted their foot-steps on almost every corner of the earth, as they went with the design of bearing the flag of commerce, or the holier purpose of unfurling the banner Soon after the termination of the Revolutionary War, this spirit led many of the inhabitants of Connecticut to emigrate to the North and West, more particularly into the States of Vermont and New-York. These States were then almost an entire wilderness, and uninhabited by civilized beings. Tracts of country which then contained only a few pious people, are now inhabited by a population of more than two millions. Most of the first emigrants were in low circumstances; but with the hope of improving their condition, they left the homes and institutions of their fathers, and mingled with the yearly increasing tide of emigration which was rolling and emptying its burden into the wilderness. After arriving at their place of destination, it was often a long time before they could erect comfortable dwellings; and they saw no period in prospect, when they could hope for schools, for Sabbaths, and Pastors. Many of these people were pious; most, if not In this situation, individuals and neighborhoods made applications to their former Pastors, stating their growing necessities, and beseeching them in the most earnest manner, to visit them in their solitary condition, and preach to them the glad tidings of salvation. These entreaties were frequently repeated, were loud and came |