Grammaire turque à l'usage des Français et Anglais. Éd. revue, augmentée d'une version angl

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Page 8 - Numerals and expressions oftime the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth the tenth the eleventh the twelfth the thirteenth the fourteenth the fifteenth the sixteenth the seventeenth the eighteenth...
Page 8 - ... one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred...
Page 8 - Deuxième, Troisième, Quatrième, Cinquième, Sixième, Septième, Huitième, Neuvième, Dixième, Onzième, Douzième, Treizième, Quatorzième, Quinzième, Seizième, Dix-septième, Dix-huitième, Dix-neuvième, Vingtième, Vingt et unième, Vingt-deuxième, &c.
Page 8 - A person remarked that when he counted over his basket of nuts two by two, three by three, four by four, five by five, or six by six, there was one remaining ; but when he counted them by sevens there was no remainder. How many had he?
Page 8 - Cent. Deux cents. Trois cents. Quatre cents. Cinq cents. Six cents.
Page 8 - Grand-Turc et tenant sa loy, qui aye volonté d'avoir affaire à moy corps à corps , deux à deux , trois à trois , quatre à quatre , cinq à cinq , je , pour...
Page 28 - I have loved, thou hast loved, he has loved; we have loved, you have loved, they have loved.
Page 23 - I was not. thou wast not. he was not. we were not. they were not. you were not.
Page 23 - Je ne suis pas, Tu n'es pas, II n'est pas, Nous ne sommes pas, we are not Vous n'êtes pas, Ils ne sont pas, I am not thou art not he is not you are not they are not COMPOUND OF THE PRESENT.
Page 33 - Preterpluperfect. I had written. thou hadst written. he had written. we had written. you had written. they had written. Future. I shall write, thou shalt write.

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