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French Publications of William R. Jenkins.


Under this general tille is issued a series of Classical French works, carefully prepared with historical, descriptive and grammatical notes by competent authorities, printed in large type, at a uniform price of


Paper, 25 Cents.

Cloth, 40 Cents.

1.-L'Avare. Par Molière. With elaborate annotations by Schele de Vere. Professor of Modern Languages at the University of Virginia, 105 pages.

2.-Le Cid. Par Corneille.


Annotated by Prof. Schele de Vere. 87

3.-Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. Par Molière. Annotated by Prof. Schele de Vere.

4.-Horace, by Corneille, with annotations in English by F. C. de Sumichrast, Assistant Professor of French at Harvard University. 70 pages.

5.-Andromaque, by Racine, with annotations in English by F. C. de Sumichrast, Assistant Professor of French at Harvard University. 72 pages.

6.-Athalie, by Racine. with a biography, Biblical references and explanatory notes in English by C. Fontaine, B. L., L. D., Director of French in Washington's High Schools. 111 pages.

In Preparation.

Les Précieuses Ridicules.-Le Barbier de Séville.




Simples Notions de Français, or First Steps in French, with 75 illustratious to teach children who cannot read and followed by the most popular songs amongst French children, 12 chansons et rondeaux. with music. Board..... ......750.

Livre des Enfants. Pour l'étude du français. A simple, easy and progressive French Primer, in the natural method, for young students, with upwards of fifty illust., 12mo, cloth, 100 pages..500. Le Second Livr des Enfants. A continuation of Livre des Enfants, illustrated with over fifty pictures upon which the lessons are based 12mo, Cloth,148 pages...


Le Français Pratique. This book is written for special instruction of Americans intending to travel in France. It can be used as a first book for every one wishing to make a thorough study of the French. 1 vol., 12mo. 191 pp., cloth............ ......$1.00 La Langue Française, 1ère partie. Méthode pratique pour l'étude de cette langue. 12mo, cloth, 292 pages.


La Langue Française. 2eme partie (for intermediate classes), variétés historiques et littéraires. 12mo, cloth, 276 pages.. .$1.25 Short Selections for Translating English into French. 12mo,




French Publications of William R. Jenkins.

Lectures Faciles, pour l'Étude du Français, arrangées et annotées, Cloth, 256 pages.....


P. Bercy's French Reader, Contes et Nouvelles modernes. With explanatory English notes. 12mo, cloth, 328 pages... .$1.00 Balzac (Honoré de), Contes. Edited, with Introduction and Notes by George McLean Harper. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of French in Princeton University; and Louis Eugene Livingood, A.B., formerly instructor in French and German in Princeton University...


Carte de Lecture Française, pour les enfants Américains, A set of reading charts printed in very large type and profusely illustrated, to teach American children..



Geure des Noms. A complete treatise on the gender of French nouns. 12mo.....



L'Art D'Intéresser en Classe, 12mo, paper....

La Traduction Orale et la Prononciation Française, a practical French course for advanced classes. 12mo, bds.


Le Français Idiomatique. French Idioms and Proverbs, with their English equivalents and copious exercices, systematically arranged. "A most valuable guide for the mastering of idiomatic French. The type is as clear as the arrangement.' 12mo, cloth....


COPPÉE, FRANÇOIS. Extraits Choisis. Prose and poetry with explanatory notes in English by Prof. Geo. Castegnier, B.-ès-S. 12mo, cloth........90c. DUCROQUET, CHAS. P.

First Course in French Conversation. A manual for class or private use in acquiring a practical knowledge of conversational French. A new revised edition, 1895, with a French and English Vocabulary. 12mo, cloth....

..$1.00 A French Grammar. Grammar, Exercises, and Reading followed by Examination papers of Harvard, Yale. Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, ete. The most practical French Grammar yet published. 12mo, half roan, 295 pages. ...$1.25

Le Français par la Conversation. A very valuable book for beginners, with music. 12mo, cloth.... La Conversation des Enfants.

12mo, cloth..


.$1.00 ..750.

Director of French in Washington's High Schools. Les Poètes Français du XIXème Siècle, with biographical and explanatory notes in English. 12mo, cloth, 402 pages .......$1.25. Les Prosateurs Français du XIXème Siècle, containing the best selections of the Modern French authors, with biographies and English explanatory notes. 12mo, roan, cloth............. ...$1,25.

Les Historiens Français du XIXème Siècle, with English and historical notes. Cloth, 384 pages..... $1.25.


Fables Choisies, with explanatory foot notes in English and a biography by Madame B. Beck of the Brearley School. 16mo. board, 400.

French Publications of William R. Jenkins.


Syntaxe Pratique de la Langue Française pour les Anglais, suivi d'exercises distribués dans l'ordre des règles et d'une nouvelle arrangée. 12mo, cloth, 206 pages



Antonymes de la La Langue Française. Exercices Gradués pour classes intermédiaires et supérieures des Ecoles, Collèges et Universités...

Livre de L'Élève. Cloth, 185 pages..
Livre du Maitre, Cloth, 185 pages..







Preliminary French Drill, by a Veteran, 12mo, Cloth,.. Drill Book.-A.-This book gives the pupils the power to speak from the start, and as it embodies systematically the main principles of the language, it will easily accomplish all the work a grammar is supposed to do-and much more. The vocabulary (English and French) will be found to be quite extensive, and contains most of the works in common use. 12mo, 118 pp., cloth.........75c. B.-" The purpose of this book is to facilitate the mastery of the irregular verbs in all their tenses. The drill' is conducted by questions on everyday topics, which are to be answered in French. It is the outgrowth of practical experience in attempts to combine sound grammatical knowledge with actual living conversation, and it is admirably fitted to accomplish this result. -Boston Transcript. 12mo, 82 pp., cloth.....



French Pronunciation, Rules and Practice for the Use of Ameri12mo, bds..... .....500.


This short treatise offered to the students, is constructed above all on the lines of practical use.

The book may be most advantageously used in connection with the earliest lessons in the language. Yet it is of permanent value to any student, as therein is found an answer to all questions that are usually asked on the subject of pronunciation.

Gender of French Nouns at a Glance. Small Cards 3 x 5 inches...10c. This card, showing at a glance the gender of most of the French Nouns, will prove very valuable to the students when writing, as it will save them trouble and much time lost in looking up in the dictionary.


Manuel de Littérature Française. Comprenant: 1o des notices biographiques et littéraires. 2o des œuvres ou morceaux choisis de chaque auteur, 3° des notes explicatives, 4° un questionnaire détaillé pour chaque auteur. 12mo, cloth..


French Publications of William R. Jenkins.


French Verbs at a Glance, by Mariot de Beauvoisin. The readiest, simplest, most practical and cheapest treatise on the French verbs, their grammatical_construction, regular ard idiomatic usage and conjugations. Exceedingly valuable in mastering the difficulties besetting students in French, in regard to the forms and conjugations of the verb. Fifty thousand have been sold in England. 8vo, 61 pages..

..350. French Verbs, by Chas, P, DuCroquet. Concise, clear and thorough treatise for learning all French verbs in a few les




Blanks for the Conjugation of French Verbs, by Chas. P. DuCro-
quet. Put up in tablets of 75 sheets....
Blanks for the Conjugation of Latin Verbs, by Frank Drisler,
A. M. Put up in tablets of 75 sheets...



These blanks save more than half the time otherwise necessary in writing or in correcting verbs. They insure uniformity in the class work and give the learner a clearer understanding of what he is doing.

French Verbs. By Prof. Schele de Vere, of the University of Virginia. Concise, clear and thorough treatise for learning all French verbs. Cloth.... .$1.00


The Table Game. Part First. A French game to familiarize pupils with the names of everything that is placed on the dining-room table. By Helène J. Roth. 155 cards in a box...... French Verbs. Game of Loto for Auxiliary Verbs, by Prof. P. Le Perrier.. $1.25



Les Misérables. This edition of Victor Hugo's masterpiece is not only the handsomest but the cheapest edition of the work that can be obtained in the original French. Its publication in America has been attended with great care, and it is offered to all readers of French as the best library edition of the work to be obtained, the only Paris edition being large, cumbersome and costly. 1ère partie: Fantine, 458 pages: 2ème partie: Cosette 416 pages; sème partie: Marius. 378 pages; 4ème partie; Idylle rue Plumet, 612 pages; 5ème partie: Jean Valjean, 437 pages. *5 Volumes, 12mo, Paper. $ 4.50, Cloth, 6 50, Half-calf, 13 50,

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*For the convenience of classes, single volumes may be obtained separately in paper at $1.00, and cloth binding at $1.50. Notre-Dame de Paris. The handsomest and cheapest edition to be had, with nearly 200 illustrations, by Bieler, Myrbach and Ross.. 2 volumes, 12mo, Paper, $2.00, Cloth, $3.00, Half-calf, $6,00 the seit

Foreign Publications of William R. Jenkins.

Edition de Luxe of the same, with 12 fac-simile water-color and 200 illustrations in black, on satin finish paper, The Edition de Luxe, of which four hundred numbered and signed copies were published at $12.00, the set of two volumes, will be offered until further notice at $6.00 the set.

The Edition de Grand Luxe, only 100 copies of which were published at $20 00 for two volumes, will be offered for $12.00. Quatrevingt-Treize. One of the most graphic and powerful of Hugo's romances, and one quite suitable for class perusal. 12mo, paper, $1.00, cloth. $1.50, half calf, $3.00. 507 pages.

Les Travailleurs de la Mer. This celebrated work, which is one of the most notable examples of Victor Hugo's genius, uniform in style with the above. 12mo, paper, $1.00, cloth, $1.50, half-calf, $3,00,


Les Malheurs de Sophie, par Mme. la Comtesse de Ségur. This amusing story has long been familiar to French children and is not even unknown to American ones, especially to those reading French. In France it is a classic. Here, it has been used for years, by teachers requiring something light, amusing and interesting for young children, and the publisher, in issuing an American reprint of it, trusts that it will find a wider ctientéle than ever, especially as the price is much lower than the Paris edition. 12mo, illustrated, paper, 60c.; cloth, 203 pages......



Des Kindes Erstes Buch, by Wilhelm Rippe. 12mo, board.....400. Since the publication of the very successful first French book "Livre des Enfants," many demands have been received by the publisher for a work of similar character in German. This method is devided into forty lessons, each consisting of a short vocabulary, and appropriate illustration, a reading lesson. and a few sentences to be memorized; and as appendix are given a few simple rhymes suitable for the nursery.

Das Deutsche Litteratur Spiel, (75 cents.) By F. 8. Zoller.


German game of authors. The plan is very similar to that of the well-known English game of authors. It consists of 100 cards arranged in sets of four, each set giving the name of an author and three of his or her best known works. It may be played by any number of persons and will be found an excellent recreation for schools and for evening companies.

Der Praktische Deutsche, by U. Jos. Beilly. 12mo. Cloth......$1.00

In Preparation.

Kleine Anfange, by Fraulein Albertine Kase.

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