1850: Complete PUBLISHED BY SAMUEL HUESTON, 139 NASSAU-STREET. LONDON: PARTRIDGE & OAKEY, PATERNOSTER-ROW, AND 70, EDGEWARE-ROAD, (HANBURY AND COMPANY, AGENTS.) BOSTON: CROSBY & NICHOLS: FETRIDGE & CO. REDDING & CO. PHILADELPPHIA: G. B. ZIEBER & CO. 1850. WM. OSBORN, PRINTER. EDITED BY LEWIS GAYLORD CLARK.. THIS is pronounced, by the press of America and England, 'the best Magazine in America.' It has now completed its thirty-fifth volume, and in its list of upward of a hundred contributors, are found the names of every distinguished writer, male and female, in America, with several equally prominent of Great Britan, Turkey, Sweden, etc. A new volume will commence with the first day of July, 1850. The following notices of the KNICKERBOCKER are from the American and English press, to which might be added hundreds of others. 'THE last KNICKERBOCKER is exceedingly good. Some of the articles are worthy of BLACKWOOD'S palmiest days. The Editor's Table is in Mr. CLARK's happiest vein; varied and racy in a remarkable degree.'-New-York Commercial Advertiser. THE KNICKERBOCKER seems to increase in attraction as it advances in age. It exhibits a monthly variety of contributions unsurpassed in number or ability.' - National Intelligencer. THE KNICKERBOCKER is one of the most valuable Magazines of the day, and outstrips all competition in the higher walks of literature.' - Albany Argus. 'THE KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE is now beyond a question the magazine of the country. Whoever wishes his money's worth, and something over, let him subscribe now to 'Old KNICK,' and our word for it, the Editor's Table alone will amply satisfy his expectations. It is not a periodical to be lightly glanced over and thrown by, but it forms a library book to save and re-read. A set of the KNICKERBOCKER, bound up in volumes, on the shelves of one of our popular libraries, is more consulted (so the librarian has often told us) than any other similar work.' - Boston Daily Transcript. THE LONDON EXAMINER. - 'This very clever Magazine is the pleasantest periodical in the United States. Its articles, which are numerous and short, various and interesting, are well worthy of imitation by our Magazines on this side of the Atlantic.' LONDON 'MORNING CHRONICLE. - Judging from the numbers before us, we are inclined to consider this the best of all the American literary periodicals. Its contents are highly interesting, instructive and amusing.' REDUCTION IN PRICE TO CLUBS. The publisher has determined to do every thing in his power to bring the Knickerbocker within the means of all, and invites the attention of those who feel an interest in circulating the best American literature, to the following terms to clubs, viz For five copies sent to one address, the price will be $20 00 46 ten 44 35 00 60 00 f Post Masters throughout the United States are invited and requested to act as agents. To all those who may interest themselves in getting up clubs, we will send a copy free so long as they keep up, and remit regularly the yearly payment. To the Subscribers and all interested in our Work. The publisher desires to avail himself of this opportunity to thank those who have manifested their unabated interest in the Knickerbocker, by sending subscribers. Quite a number have done so, and no doubt with a very slight effort on the part of some friends, our list might be doubled. As a further inducement for this effort on the part of our patrons, we wish to say, thatno pains or expense will be spared to enhance the value of the work, and our pages will prove that our readers will receive at least as large a share of benefit from our increased means as we could expect ourselves. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE. ENTERPRISING, active agents are wanted in every town and city in the United States, to procure subscribers for the Knickerbocker. To competent, active persons, with satisfactory references, the most liberal terms will be allowed. Apply, post paid, to SAMUEL HUESTON, 139 Nassau-street. GREAT INDUCEMENT TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE KNICKERBOCKER. THE undersigned will give the Volumes of the Knickerbocker for the years 1847, 48, 49, and '50, to all persons who will remit to him ten dollars, in funds current in this city, post paid. BACK Volumes or Numbers supplied, and a complete set for sale. SAMUEL HUESTON, Publisher, |