THE GOLDEN GIFT. My Native Land, - My Native Place, My thoughts are in my native land, Where sunny shrubs disperse their scent, And raise their blossoms high to heaven, As if in calm acknowledgment For brilliant hues and virtues given. My thoughts are with my youthful days, I bent the rushes to my feet, And sought the water's silent flow, I moved along the thin ice fleet, I culled the violet in the dell, In God's own house, on God's own day, Thus memory, from her treasured urn, And still my soul shall these command, ANON. Remember Me. Remember me when not a cloud of sorrow Its shadow flings across my sunny way; When all is bright, and Hope bespeaks the morrow As undisturbed and happy as to-day; When throbs my heart with pleasure, and its foun tain Is sending forth a stream of joy and love; And clothes in beauty, every vale and mountain, And all the glowing canopy above. But when a tear is starting, and a sadness And scenes that once were beautiful, are dreary, W. A. SLEEPER. Home of my Youth. How well I remember My boyhood's sweet home! How oft in my sadness Its memories come! I remember the cot, The green sloping hill: The silvery brook, that Went wandering through The mossy green mead, where The strawberries grew, The garden, the orchard, The grove, and the lane, Are all, all still fresh, In memory's chain. 1 |