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Arbuste, n. m., bush, shrub.
Arcade, n. f., arcade, arch.
Arc-en-ciel, n. m., rainbow.
Arche, n. f., arch, ark.

Archer, n. m., bowman, constable.
Archevêque, n. m., archbishop.
Architecture, n. f., architecture,

Ardent, e, adj., ardent, burning.
Ardeur, n. f., ardor, heat, zeal.
Ardoisé, ée, adj., slate-color.
Arène, n. f., sand, arena.

Argent, n. m., silver, money, cash.

Vif, quick-silver.
Argenter, v. a., to silver, to plate.
Argenterie, n. f., silver plate.
Argentin, e, adj., silvery.
Argile, n. f., clay.

Aride, adj., arid, dry, sterile.
Aristote, p. n. m., Aristotle.

Arme, n. f., arm, weapon.
Armée, n. f., army, forces, troops.
Armer, v. a., to arm, to equip.

S'-, v. pr., to arm one's self. Armide, p. n. f., Armida. Armorium, p. n. m., Armorium. Armure, n. f., armor, ironwork. Arnauld, p. n. m., Arnold. Arpège, n. m., arpeggio. Arpentage, n. m., land-surveying. Arracher, v. a., to pull, to draw, to snatch, to rescue. S'-, v. pr., to break away from, to detach one's self.

Arranger, v. à., to arrange, to put in order, to repair. S'-, v. pr., to settle one's self.

Arrêt, n. m., decree, judgment, arrest. Maison d'—, prison. Arrêter, v. a., to arrest, to stop, to stay, to seize. S'-, v. pr., to pause, to halt. Arrière, n. m., stern, rear.

behind, back.


Arrière-garde, n. f., rear-guard. Arrivée, n. f., arrival, coming. Arriver, v. n. imp., to arrive, to come, to happen.

Arroser, v. a., to water, to sprinkle. Arsenal, aux, n. m., arsenal. - de

marine, dockyard.

Art, n. m., art, skill, liberal arts, craft, cunning.

Artichaut, n. m., artichoke. Articulation, n. f., articulation. Artifice, n. m., artifice, design. Artistique, adj., artistic, artistical. Ascendant, e, adj., ascending, ascendant.

Asie, p. n. f., Asia.

Asile, n. m., asylum, refuge, shelter. Aspect, n. m., aspect, view. Asperge, n. f., asparagus. Asperger, v. a., to sprinkle, to besprinkle.

Asphyxie, n. f., asphyxia, suffocation.

Asphyxier, v. a., to asphyxiate,

to cause asphyxia.

Aspirant, e, n. m. f., aspirant, can

didate; adj., sucking. Aspiration, n. f., inspiration, in

haling, aspiration, breathing. Aspiré, ée, adj., aspirate. Aspirer,v.a., to inspire, to inhale, to aspirate; v. n., to aspire to, after. Asraël, p. n. m., Asrael. Assassin, e, n. m. f., assassin, murderer, murderess; adj., killing, murdering.

Assassinat, n. f., assassination, murder.

Assassiner, v. a., to assassinate,

to murder, to bore.

Assaut, n. m., assault, attack,


Assemblage, n. m., assemblage, collection.

Assemblée, n. f., assembly, meeting, party.

Assembler, v. a., to collect, to gather, to assemble. Asseoir, v. a. irr., asseyant, assis, j'assois, j'assis, to sit, to seat. S'-, v. pr., to sit down, to be seated.

Assertion, n. f., assertion.

Asservir, v. a., to enslave, to conquer.

Assez, adv., enough.

Assiéger, v. a., to besiege, to surround.

Assignation, n. f., assignation,


Assigner, v. a., to summon, to assign, to appoint.

Assistance, n. f., assistance, presence, help, attendance. Assomption, n. f., assumption. Assortiment, n. m., assortment, stock.

Assortir, v. a., to sort, to match. S'-, v. pr., to agree. Assoupir, v. a., to allay, to deaden. S'-, v. pr., to get drowsy. Assouplir, v. a., to render supple, to soften. S'-, v. pr., to become supple.

Assourdir, v. a., to deafen, to make
deaf. S'-, v. pr., to grow deaf.
Assurance, n. f., assurance, certi-
tude, certainty, promise, insu-
rance, boldness.
Assurément, adv., certainly.
Assurer, v. a., to assure, to secure,
to assert, to insure. S'-, v. pr.,
to be assured, to secure.
Astre, n. m., star, phenix.
Atelier, n. m., workshop, work-
room, studio.

Athalie, p. n. f., Athalia.
Athée, n. m. f., atheist; adj.,


Athènes, p. n. f., Athens.
Athlète, n. m., athlete, wrestler.
Atmosphère, n. f., atmosphere.
Atmosphérique, adj., atmospher-
ical, atmospheric.

Atroce, adj., atrocious, heinous, horrible.

Atrocité, n. f., atrocity. Attachant, e, adj., interesting, attractive, engaging.

Attachement, n. m., attachment, affection.

Attacher, v. a., to attach, to fasten. S'-, v. pr., to take hold of, to cling to, to become fond of, to be intent.

Attaque, n. f., attack, assault, fit. Attaquer, v. a., to attack, to assail.

S'-, v. pr., to challenge, to defy. Atteindre, v. a., atteignant, atteint, j'atteins, j'atteignis, to attain, to reach.

Atteinte, n. f., stroke, blow. Atteler, v. a., to harness, to yoke. Attendant (en), adv., in the mean

time, waiting. Attendre, v. a., to wait, to wait for, to expect, to look for, to hope for. S'-, v. pr., to expect, to be expecting. Attendrir, v. a., to soften, to make tender, to move. S'-, v. pr., to be moved, to pity. Attentat, n. m., attempt, outrage.

Attente, n. f., expectation, waiting. Attentif, ve, adj., attentive, mindful.

Atterrissement, n. m., alluvion,


Attraper, v. a., to trap, to entrap, to catch.

Attribut, n. m., attribute. Aube, n. f., dawn, daybreak; alb (of a priest).

Aubépine, n. f., hawthorn.
Aucun, e, pron., no, no one, none,
Aucunement, adv., at all, not at
all, by no means.

Audace, n. f., boldness, audacity.
Audacieux, se, adj., daring, bold.
Au deçà, adv., on this side.
Au dedans, adv., within.
Au dehors, adv., outside.
Au delà, adv., on the other side,
nay, more, further, beyond.
Auditoire, n. m., audience, audi-

Augmenter, v. a., to augment, to increase.

Augure, n. m., augur, augury,


Auguste, p. n. m., Augustus; adj.,
august, venerable.
Aujourd'hui, adv., to-day.
Aumône, n. f., alms, charity.
Auprès, adv., near.

Auréole, n. f., aureole,halo, nimbus. Aurore, n. f., aurora, dawn, break of day. Aurore boréale, aurora borealis.

Ausone, p. n. f., Ausonia.

Attester, v. a., to attest, to certify. Auspice, n. m., auspice, omen.

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Authentique, adj., authentic. Automne, n. m., autumn, fall. Autorisation, n. f., authorization. Autoriser, v. a., to authorize, to empower, to permit. S'-, v. pr., to get authority, to make a pretext of.

Autorité, n. f., authority, power.
Autour, prep., round, around.
Autran, p. n. m., Autran.
Autre, adj., other, different.
Autrefois, adv., formerly.
Autrement, adv., otherwise.
Autruche, n. f., ostrich.
Autrui, pr., others, other people.
Auxiliaire, n. m., auxiliary, help.
Aval, adv., down the river.
Avalanche, n. f., avalanch.
Avance, n. f., advance, projec-

tion. D', in anticipation. Avancer, v. a., to advance, to put

forward, to promote.

Avancement, n. m., progress, promotion.

Avanie, n. f., molestation, insult, outrage.

Avant, prep., before, ahead, before all. - tout, first of all.

Avantage, n. m., advantage, profit.

Avantageusement, adv., advantageously.

Avantageux, se, adj., advanta

geous, profitable, becoming. Avant-coureur, n. m., forerunner. Avant-garde, n. f., vanguard. Avare, adj., avaricious, miserly, stingy; n. m., miser.

Avec, prep., with, besides. Avenir, v. n., see advenir (always impersonal); n. m., future. A l', in the future, henceforth. Aventure, n. f., adventure, luck. A l'—, adv., at random. Aventurer, v. a., to adventure, to risk. S'-, v. pr., to expose one's self.

Aventurier, ière, n. m. f., adventurer, adventuress; adj., adven

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Aveugle, adj., blind; n. m. f., a blind
man, woman. A l'—, blindly.
Aveuglement, n. m., blindness.
Aveuglément, adv., blindly.
Aveugler, v. a., to blind, to dazzle.
S'-, v. pr., to deceive one's self.
Avide, adj., eager, keen.
Avilir, v. a., to degrade, to dis-

honor, to disgrace, to depreciate. S'-, v. pr., to demean one's self. Avilissement, n. m., debasement, contempt.

Avis, n. m., advice, opinion.

Avisé, ée, adj., prudent, careful. Aviser, v. a., to advise, to perceive, to decide; v. n., to think of. S'-, v. pr., to reflect on, to imagine, to try. Avoir, v. a., ayant, eu, j'ai, j'eus, to have; imp., il y a, there is or there are, etc.; n. m., riches.

Avoisinant, e, adj., neighboring. Avoisiner, v. a., to be near to, to border upon.

Avouer, v. a., to avow, to confess.

Avril, n. m., April.
Ayesha, p. n. f., Ayesha.
Azur, n. m., azure, blue.


Babylone, p. n. f., Babylon.
Bacchus, p. n. m., Bacchus.
Badinage, n. m., play, sport.
Badiner, v. n., to sport.
Bagage, n. m., baggage.
Bah, interj., pshaw.
Baie, n. f., bay.

Baigner, v. a., to bathe.

Bâiller, v. n., to yawn, to gape. Bâillon, n. m., gag. Bain, n. m., bath. Baiser, v. a., to kiss; n. m., kiss. Baisser, v. a., to lower; v. n., to fall. Se - v. pr., to stoop, to humble one's self.

Balancement, n. m., balancing, swaying.

Balancer, v. a., to balance, to swing.

Balayer, v. a., to sweep.

Balbutier, v. n., to stammer, to lisp.

Ballade, n. f., ballad.
Balle, n. f., ball, bullet.

Ballon, n. m., balloon, football.
Balzac, p. n. m., Balzac.

Banc, n. m., bench, bank, reef, bar. Etre sur les --s, to be at school.

Bande, n. f., band, bandage, troop. Bandeau, n. m., headband, diadem, veil.

Bander, v. a., to bind up.

Banni, e, n. m. f., exile; adj.,
banished, exiled.
Bannière, n. f., banner.
Bannir, v. a., to banish.
Banquet, n. m., banquet, feast.
Baraque, n. f., barrack, hut.
Barbare, adj., barbarous, inhuman;
n. m. f., barbarian.
Barbarie, n. f., barbarity.
Barbe, n. f., beard.

Barbier, p. n. m., Barbier ; n. m.,


Bardin, p. n. m., Bardin.

Baron, ne, n. m. f., baron, baroness. Barre, n. f., bar.

Barreau, x, n. m., bar, court of justice, barristers.

Barrer, v. a., to bar, to obstruct.
Barrière, n. f., barrier.
Bas, se, adj., low, vile.

Bas, n. m., lower part, stocking.
Base, n. f., base, foundation.
Basilique, n. f., basilica.
Bassesse, n. f., meanness.
Bassin, n. m., basin.

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