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" I'll warrant she'd fancy a ghost by her side, And faint if she saw a white cow. "
The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany - Page 145
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The English Review, Or, An Abstract of English and Foreign Literature, Volume 25

Curiosities and wonders - 1795 - 690 pages
...charge on her courage allow ?" His companion exclaim'd with a fmlle ; " I (hall win, for I know Ihe will venture there now,' " And earn a new bonnet by...bringing a bough "•From the elder that grows in the aide." ' With fearlefs good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the abbey flie bent ; s The night...
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The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, Volume 9

Books and bookselling - 1797 - 514 pages
...; " I ¡lull win, for I know fhe will venture there now, tt And earn a new bo>n«t by bringing a " From the elder that grows in the aifle." With fearlefs good humour did Mary comp'r. And her way to the abbey (he bent ; The night it was dark, and the wind it wat And as hollowly...
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Robert Southey - English poetry - 1797 - 236 pages
...charge on her courage allow >" His companion exclaim'd with a smile ; " I shall win, for I know she will venture there now, . " And earn a new bonnet by bringing a bough i " From the elder that grows in the aifle." XI. With fearless good humour did Mary comply, And her...
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The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ...

English poetry - 1798 - 1094 pages
...charge on her courage allow ?" His companion exclaim'd with a fmile ; " I ihall win, for I know Ihe will venture there now, " And earn a new bonnet by...bringing a bough " From the elder that grows in the aide." XI. With fetrlefs good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the Abbey Ihe bent : The night...
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The New annual register, or General repository of history, politics, and ...

1798 - 986 pages
...allow ?M His companion exclaim'd with afmile; " I (hall win, for I know (he will venture there how, " And earn a new bonnet by bringing a bough " From the elder that grows in the aifle." XL With fearlefs good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the Abbey (lie bent: The night it was...
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Poems, Volume 1

Robert Southey - Botany Bay (N.S.W.) - 1799 - 226 pages
...charge on her courage allow ?" His companion exclaim'd with a smile 5 " I shall win, for I know she will venture there now, " And earn a new bonnet by...bringing a bough " From the elder that grows in the aisle." XI. With fearless good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the Abbey she bent ; The night...
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The British poetical miscellany

British poetical miscellany - 1805 - 262 pages
...this charge on her courage allow?" His companion cxclaim'd with a fmile; " I fhall win, for I know fhe will venture there now, " And earn a new bonnet, by bringing a bough " From the alder that grows in the aifte." With fcarlefs good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the abbey...
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Poetical selections, consisting of the most approved pieces of our best ...

Poetical selections - 1811 - 324 pages
...charge on her courage allow ?" His companion exclaim'd with a smile ; " I shall win, for I know she will venture there now, " And earn a new bonnet, by bringing a bough, " From the alder that grows in the.ajsle>" With fearless good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the abbey...
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Apparitions; Or, The Mystery of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, and Haunted Houses ...

Joseph Taylor - Apparitions - 1814 - 240 pages
...charge on her courage allow]" His companion exclaim'd with a smile ; " I shall win, for I know she will venture there now, And earn a new bonnet by bringing a bough Prom the elder that grows in the aisle." With fearless- good humour did Mary comply, And her way to...
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Apparitions: Or, The Mystery of Ghosts, Hobgoblins, and Haunted Houses Developed

Joseph Taylor - Apparitions - 1815 - 268 pages
...charge on her courage allow ?'' His companion exclaim'd with a smile; " I shall win, for I know she will venture there now, And earn a new bonnet by bringing a bough From the elder that grows in the aisle." With fearless good humour did Mary comply, And her way to the abbey she bent ; The night it...
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