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IN presenting their third annual report, the members of the Bureau would congratulate the Institute on the practical results of the present organization.

To our present Secretary, as Chairman of this Bureau for1866, the Institute is indebted for the present system of Bureaus, by which the working force of the Institute is classified, as well as developed. The volume of Transactions for 1867 gives evidence of the success as well as importance of this plan. The value of this work is seen by an examination of its many interesting and instructive papers. To this efficient officer also are the thanks of the Institute due for the excellent manner in which the volume is arranged and published.

The Bureau would recommend that some of the resolutions adopted at the sessions of 1866 and 1867 be incorporated into the by-laws, and that the latter be amended as follows:

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ARTICLE II. to be amended by an additional section, to wit: SECT. 2. The Officers of the Institute, viz., the President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Provisional Secretary, and Treasurer shall constitute an Executive Committee, which shall arrange the order of business at the meetings of the Institute; a tend to matters of business not otherwise specially provided for; and perform such other duties as may, by vote of the Institute, devolve upon it. It shall also constitute the Publishing Committee.

ARTICLE IX. to be amended by the addition of the following sections:

SECT. 2. Properly accredited delegates, being physicians, shall be admitted by the Institute to all the privileges of members, except eligibility to office, on the following basis:

First. From every association composed of more than fifty members from different States, two delegates, with an additional delegate for every twenty additional members.

Second. From every State society, two delegates, with an additional delegate for every twenty members.

Third. From every county or local society, one delegate. Fourth. From every college, hospital, or dispensary actually established, one delegate.

Fifth. From every medical journal published, one delegate. Such delegates shall be elected for the term of one year.


It shall be their duty to present to this Institute, through its proper Bureaus, a clear synopsis of the doings of their respective associations.

SECT. 3. Of State societies represented in the Institute, the Presidents shall be ex officio Vice-presidents, and the Recording Secretaries shall be ex officio Corresponding Secretaries, of the Institute. It shall be the duty of these officers to communicate to the General Secretary any facts or information concerning the condition of these societies, and the progress of homoeopathy in their several States.

SECT. 4. Any foreign homœopathic physician may be elected a Corresponding Member of the Institute at any meeting; and the Institute may, at any annual meeting, elect as Honorary Members, not to exceed five in one year, any foreign homœopathic physicians who may be judged worthy, from their superior attainments in medicine; provided that the names of persons proposed for honorary membership shall have been presented, through the Board of Censors, at a previous annual meeting.

Such Corresponding and Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote, nor be eligible to office.

SECT. 5. Members and delegates shall be required to pay annually the sum of five dollars towards defraying the expenses of the Institute.

ARTICLE X. to have the following amendments:

SECT. 1, to be amended to read, There shall be a Bureau of Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Provings, consisting of one member from each State represented in the Institute, which shall obtain facts relating to the materia medica and pharmacy; and institute, collect, and arrange provings of drugs.

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SECT. 2, to be amended to read, There shall be a Bureau of Clinical Medicine, to consist of one member from each State represented in the Institute, which shall collect facts relating to clinical medicine generally, and especially to any endemic or epidemic diseases which may exist in the country.

SECT. 3, to be amended to read,-There shall be a Bureau of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, which shall collect and report to the Institute facts and observations on subjects pertaining thereto.

The same Article to have sections added as follows:

SECT. 8. There shall be a Bureau of Medical Jurisprudence and Psychology, which shall report upon these subjects.

SECT. 9. There shall be a Bureau of Necrology, which shall prepare biographies of homoeopathic physicians, members of the Institute and others, deceased.

SECT. 10. There shall be a Bureau of Correspondence, of which the General Secretary shall be a member ex officio, which shall have charge of the correspondence with physicians and societies in foreign countries.

Each of these Bureaus, unless otherwise provided, shall consist of five members, to be appointed annually by the President, with the advice of the other members of the Executive Committee; and, if any member of a Bureau shall resign, or decline § VI.—7*

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