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February 23, seven, A.M. Six drops. Nine, A.M. Sensation of intoxication; fits of vertigo, lasting three to five minutes, relieved by moving about, but worse on sudden motion. Sensation as if all objects about him were in quick, violent agitation. Ten, A.M. Sensation of cold and numbness in hands; they feel clumsy and stiff, with tingling and prickling, as if recovering from cold. Eleven, A.M. Fits of vertigo not so frequent, but more decided; worse on sudden motion and bending forward. One, P.M. Vertigo only when stooping. P.M. Vertigo all gone, but head feels a little muddled. six drops; no symptoms.

No symptoms.

Two, Took


February 24, noon. - Seven drops. past five, P.M.-Ten drops. Six, P.M. Dull, heavy, passive pain around the umbilicus, with a fine; active pain above umbilicus, across the abdomen; relieved by pressure. Seven, P.M. No symptoms after supper.

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February 25, nine, A.M. Ten drops. Eleven, A.M. Dull, constant, heavy pain in the umbilical region. Abdomen feels hollow, empty, caved in. Took ten drops. No symptoms. Three, P.M. Fifteen drops. No symptoms.

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April 15, 1867, nine, A.M. Took five drops of the mother tincture. Ten, A.M.-Fifteen drops. Eleven, A M. Felt languid and lazy; had no inclination to stir; aversion to all muscular exertion; constant nausea, and feeling of uneasiness in umbilical region; abdomen felt caved in. Sensation of softness in abdomen, and as if its front walls were drawn in towards the spine; dull, heavy pain in umbilical region. Abdomen weak, lax; sick; wanted to be let alone. Pulsations in umbilicus isochronous with those of the heart. One, P.M. Symptoms gone.

Three, P.M. Took ten drops. At half past four, P.M.— Fifteen drops. Five, P.M. Dull, heavy, aching in region § II.-19

of umbilicus; abdomen feels caved in, with sense of heat; general feeling of muscular weakness; inclination to avoid all exertion, mental and muscular; sensation as if the nervous system were resting; flushes of heat in abdomen. Half past five, P.M. Prickling numbness in hands; sensation as if they were cold, and larger than usual. Six, P.M. Feeling in hands like that produced by electricity. Symptoms in the abdomen nearly gone. Nine, P.M. Beating in abdomen; tingling in hands and fingers; head feels light; mind confused; intolerance of loud talking. A voice usually pleasant sounds very coarse and rough; thought that it would produce spasms if he were obliged to listen. Impression produced by the sound heard last continues a long time.

April 16, half past five, A.M.- Ten drops. teen drops. No symptoms.

Ten, A.M. - Fif

April 17, nine, A.M. Twenty drops. Noon. Twenty drops. In half an hour, a feeling of warmth in abdomen and stomach; dull pain in abdomen; general feeling of intoxication. Brain seems agitated, mind confused, pupils contracted; sensation as if all objects were in violent agitation; nothing seems to be at rest. One, P.M. Symptoms all less marked. Three, P.M.-Symptoms gone. Took twenty drops; no symptoms. Proving discontinued for want of time to attend to it.

Remark. The above proving, though not very satisfactory to the prover, was not spun out, and made up from imagination. No symptoms were given but those well marked, and which could not reasonably be attributed to any cause but that of the drug.

C. H. L.


Prover in good health, but having from birth a tendency to unnatural desquamation of the skin.


Nov. 12, 1867, nine, P.M. Took ten drops, mother tincture, in one ounce of water. Slept well until two, A.M., when he awoke, dreaming of fighting.

Nov. 13, seven, A.M. - Ten drops. Nine, A.M. A sharp, darting pain through upper lobe of left lung, lasting only a short time, but returning every half-hour; aggravated by descending stairs; did not feel it after the first day.

Noon. Ten drops. Appetite very good. A feeling of mental uneasiness, wandering from one subject to another.

Nine, P.M.-Ten drops. Was quite hungry, but did not eat very heartily. Had most frightful dreams; dreamed of getting whipped, and killing snakes.

Had an abnormal

After eating, a feelnext hour, gradual

Nov. 14, seven, A.M. Twenty drops. -Twenty drops. appetite, but his food did not distress him. ing of liveliness and activity for one hour; passing off of cheerfulness, amounting to sadness, and a disposition to be displeased with everybody and everything. Could not concentrate his thoughts. Soreness and weariness in lower extremities.


Noon. Took twenty drops. One, P.M. Felt a sharp, darting pain through left superciliary ridge, extending deep into the head, lasting but a short time; would return at intervals, whether in motion or not. A prickling in lower extremities, almost like that of pins, mostly in popliteal space; on scratching, it burns like fire, but no change in color of the skin.

Nine, P.M. — Twenty drops. Dreamed as before. Had a dull, heavy headache in frontal region; burning in the skin of lower extremities like fire. Could get more relief from rubbing than scratching.

Nov. 15, seven, A.M. Sixty drops. Feeling, as before, of liveliness after eating, followed by great depression of spirits. Red spots on lower extremities, alike in position on both; after

an hour or so, they would change to a purple color; there would be no itching quite near or on the spots, but around on the healthy skin. Weakness and depression all over the body, especially in lower extremities.

Noon. Took sixty drops. Felt all the afternoon as though he would break out into a profuse perspiration, but did not. Bright-red spots in various parts of the body, changing as before to a purple color.

Ten, P.M.-Sixty drops. Could go to sleep quite easily; was able to sleep only a short time, awaking from horrible dreams, and covered with a profuse perspiration. Itching was not so annoying while perspiring.

Nov. 16, seven, A.M. - One hundred drops. One hour before breakfast counted as many as fifty spots on various parts of the body, most of them on upper and lower extremities; one or two on the chest. Itching more confined to the trunk. Discontinued the use of the drug for two weeks, during which time the itching continued as annoying as ever. By getting in the least degree excited or warmed, the spots would be as red as ever, but in an hour or so would subside and assume a purple hue. After the expiration of two weeks, could see where the spots had been. The itching was as annoying as ever; it did not produce any disorganization of the skin. As the spots disappeared, they became of a dirty-yellow color, somewhat like that left by a bruise. Appetite remained quite good for two weeks.


Nov. 30, 1867.- Took ten drops of the first dec. dil. three times a day for three days. Did not get any prominent symptoms, and discontinued the use of the drug.


Reported by Dr. Pierce.

Prover aged thirty-five; of a bilious temperament; took the drug for three days.

Nov. 12-14, inclusive.-Three times per day. The first day, ten drops at a time; second day, twenty; third, sixty. It occasioned quite an irritation of the skin, but not the peculiar spots manifested in the preceding case. The itching was so intense all over the body that she could not be induced to continue the proving longer. She described it as so many thousand fleas on her; could not refrain from constant scratching. The itching was not worse at night. The drug did not seem to have any other effect upon her.


To one hundred grains of sugar-of-milk, on which Prof. Hale had dropped one hundred drops of the tincture, the prover added one and a half ounces of alcohol. Of this solution he took a dose four times a day, commencing with three drops and gradually increasing, till, at last, he took drachm doses, until the preparation was all gone. No symptoms could be found.


He then waited four days and commenced taking the first decimal trituration, in three-grain doses, four times a day, gradually increasing the dose to fifteen grains, when fifty grains (all which Dr. Hale had sent) were exhausted. During the last three or four days, there was a peculiar reddish-clouded appearance of the skin over the whole body. Aside from that, he remained perfectly healthy, taking his usual meals without tea or coffee.

Bowels continued to move once a day, as usual; would not have known from his feelings that he had taken any drug. Two § II.-19*

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