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joints, especially in the knees, ankles, and feet. All the evening had a drawing, aching distress in the right hypochondrium.

April 28, seven, A.M. Half an ounce, half an hour before breakfast. A number of times through the forenoon had a feeling in the forehead as if it was being pressed together from temple to temple, with severe distress in the region of the spleen and right side of umbilicus; stool rather constipated. Very languid all the afternoon, with severe, aching distress in the wrists, knees, ankles, and feet. Fine, sharp pains in the fingers. Dull, aching distress in the small of the back. Constant aching distress in the whole abdomen. The pressive headache has troubled me more than any other symptom to-day, with the aching in the back and legs.

April 29. Awoke with severe backache, which passed off in one hour. Seven, A.M. Half an ounce, an hour before eating. Several times through the forenoon had pressive pains from one temple to the other; natural stool. Very languid from noon until six, with flushed face and a feeling as if I had fever; but the pulse was two beats below the natural standard. Constant frontal headache, with severe pressive pains in the temples, from one temple to the other, every ten or fifteen minutes. Almost constant cutting pains in the left umbilical and epigastric region, with aching distress in the right hypochondrium. Frequent rumbling in the bowels, with desire for stool. Dull backache. April 30. Awoke with severe pain in lumbar region. Seven, A.M. Half an ounce, one hour before eating. Had constant pressive headache, with aching distress in the bowels, back and legs, with great languor, all the forenoon. Natural stool. Head, back, knees, and calves of the legs continued aching severely all day, with rheumatic drawing pains in the elbows and bowels. Fauces feel sore. Atmosphere quite damp.

May 1, 1867. Languid all day, with aching distress in the small of the back, knees, and calves of the legs. A number of times through the day had hard, pressive pains in the temples.

Very irritable and desponding.

Natural stool. Frequent

drawing pains in the right and left hypochondrium. Occasional

sharp pains in the stomach.

May 2. Legs and back ached all the afternoon.


times through the day had drawing pains in right elbow-joint and fingers. Natural stool.

May 3. Natural stool. Legs ached all the afternoon until seven, P.M.


May 6, noon. - Feeling well. Took half an ounce of the second dec. dil., half an hour before dinner. In the afternoon, had hard, pressive pains at times in the left temple, with frequent cutting pains in the epigastric and umbilical regions, and constant drawing pains in the wrists, knees, and ankles, worse in the right knee and right wrist and fingers. Had very severe ach. ing distress in the right knee all the evening; had repeated colicky pains in the small intestines, lasting but a minute or two at a time.

May 7. Natural stool, morning and night, with colicky pains in the hypogastrium in the evening, before stool.

May 8, six, A.M. Half an ounce. In the forenoon had slight distress in the abdomen, but all the afternoon had severe aching distress in the whole lumbar and sacral region. Natural stool, morning and night.

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May 9. Awoke with hard headache; passed off in a short time. Natural stool. Seven, A.M. Half ounce of the first dec. dil. one hour before eating. At eight, A.M., sharp pains in the umbilicus. Three, P.M. Excessive languor, with a feeling as if he had fever; pulse 88, soft and weak, with constant inclination to yawn. Five, P.M. For the last hour has had colicky pains in the umbilicus, and drawing pains in the hands and ankles. Pulse 74; feeling much better. Once in the evening had hard, pressing pains in the right temple.

May 10.Awoke with severe backache, which lasted about half an hour. Six, A.M. Two ounces first dec. dil. one and a half hours before eating. At eight, A.M., natural stool. Several times in the forenoon had severe cutting pains in the right temple. Noon. For the last hour has had constant distress in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, with drawing pains in the fingers and ankles. Three, P.M. Very languid and feverish; pulse 88. Has had frequent cutting pains in the umbilicus.

May 11. Same symptoms as yesterday, but not so strongly marked.

Had a few rheumatic symptoms for several days, similar to the above noted.


May 27, 1867, six, A.M. — Feeling well. Feeling well. Took forty grains of the solid extract, prepared by myself from the bark of the root of a Ptelea trec six inches in diameter. In twenty minutes, sharp neuralgic pains in the right temple. In forty minutes, dull distress in the stomach, with fine stitches in right temple. Seven, A.M. Frequent darting pains in right temple, with constant distress in stomach (probably mechanical). In one hour and ten minutes after taking the medicine, ate breakfast, which relieved the distress in the stomach. At nine, A.M., natural but lumpy stool. Same pains in the temples. Tongue feeling as if it had been scalded; the whole upper surface feels as after taking Aconite. Noon. Has had, a number of times, fine, sharp pains of a pressive character in the left temple. Tongue still has fine, sticking pains all over the upper surface. Frequent distress in the stomach. Aching distress in the calves of both legs. Hands hot and dry. Three, P.M. Feeling feverish, hands are hot and dry, and ache constantly. Pulse 80. Occasional pains in the left temple. At five, P.M., hard, dull, aching pains in the wrists, hands, fingers, and ancles. Nine, P.M. Tongue

has felt as if it were scalded all day; occasional pains in the bowels. Languid feeling. Thermometer 62.

May 28. Slept well; awoke very languid. yellow, and feeling rough. Urine high-colored. colored stool.

Rainy day.
Tongue coated

Lumpy, dark

Six, A.M.-Took eighty grains. Ate breakfast an hour and a quarter after. Eight, A.M. Dull headache, with a feeling as if he had fever; breath seems to burn the nostrils. Tongue feeling as if it had been burned. Nothing tastes natural. Distress in the epigastrium; had constant dull headache all the forenoon, with frequent paroxysms of pain in the right temple, as if it would be pressed to the left side. Noon. Smarting of the eyes. Acrid feeling in the tongue. Languid and feverish. Rheumatic pains in the wrist, hands, fingers, knees, and ankles. Four, P.M. Languid, with dull feeling of the head. Several times through the afternoon and evening had sharp, colicky pains in the umbilical region. Thermometer 70. Cloudy day.

May 29. Slept well. Rough, flat taste in the mouth; tongue yellow, coated along the centre and base. Natural stool.

Six, A.M. One hundred and fifty grains. In half an hour, hard, pressive pain in right temple. Breakfast at half past seven. Nine, A.M. Severe, dull headache, aggravated by walking upstairs. Stinging, biting sensation all over the tongue. Teeth all ache and feel sore; increased flow of saliva that tastes saltish. Hands and fingers ache constantly. Ten minutes before noon. Severe nausea for two minutes, with efforts to vomit. Has had a severe dull headache all day, aggravated by walking. Increased secretion of saliva, with biting sensation in the tongue. Burning distress in the epigastrium (not severe). Slight colicky pains in the umbilical region. Dull, aching distress in the hands, fingers, knees, and ankles.

Breath seems so

hot that it irritates the nostrils; pulse 74. Languid. At two, P.M., soft stool. Nine, P.M. Same symptoms as in the forenoon, but not so strongly marked.

§ II. - 18


Under the Direction of Dr. Cowles.

Prover aged twenty-seven; of a bilious-sanguine temperament; with dark-brown, or almost black, hair and eyes; of decided, yet mild, disposition; with strong constitution. A housekeeper. General health has been regarded good. Has been troubled somewhat with sedimentous urine, after the use of some kinds of food. Some tendency to rheumatism. Requires about eight hours of sleep regularly; subject to dreams, yet sleep is good and refreshing. For some days previous to proving, found urine as follows: Variation in quantity from twenty two to thirty-five ounces; average for fourteen days was twenty-eight ounces. When it was the least, it had some red sediment upon standing. Weather mild and pleasant. No epidemic.


April 6, 1867.-Took ten drops of the first dec. dil. on sugar, regularly three times a day, about one hour before eating. Ten, A.M. Feels a trembling and weariness in the lower limbs. Two, P. M. Rumbling in bowels. Four, P. M. Stitches in shoulder and hip. Nine, P.M. Dull pain in left shoulder-blade, and some unpleasant sensation in stomach; sticking pain in left knee.

April 7. On getting up, had a feeling of lameness in small of back. Urine during last twenty-four hours only sixteen ounces, with reddish, cloudy sediment. Six, P.M.-Soon after taking the drug, had a pain behind the right ear; also twice during the evening.

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April 8. Lameness in back on getting up. Twenty ounces of clear urine. Half past eleven. About half an hour after taking drug, had a sharp pain behind the right ear, near the carotid artery. Three, P.M. Hiccough; face burns; dull

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