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in the urethra upon urinating, rising out of bed for the purpose. Nearly ten ounces were passed. Smarting in urethra continued for twenty minutes after urinating.

April 17, morning.-Felt well. Eight, A M.-Sixty drops. An immediate feeling of heaviness in the stomach; eructation of wind; nausea; felt well in an hour.


Ten, A.M. Sixty drops. Repetition of former symptoms. Well again an hour after.

Three, P.M.Sixty drops. Headache now set in. At about five, the old pain in the umbilical region became a prominent symptom. The headache and pain continued without intermission; both rather severe.

Ten, P.M.


- Took sixty drops and retired. Passed a restless Arose twice to urinate. Passed during the day and night thirty one ounces. Stool natural.

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April 18, five, A.M.
Headache soon set in.
Eight, A.M.-Sixty drops.
ical region very tender, and
Noon, ate a light dinner.
Sixty drops.

Appetite not very good. Umbilseemingly on the point of aching. Urinated eight and a half ounces. During the afternoon noticed an increase in the amount of saliva. Spitting became frequent, though unusual in health. Headache severe.

One, P.M.

Three, P.M.Sixty drops. Pain in the umbilicus and stomach set in with vigor. Throbbing headache in the frontal and temporal regions; very painful. Pain in the abdomen, very severe. Nervous irritability of the eyes. Urinated six ounces. Stool natural.

Seven, P.M.-Feeling very sick. Took sixty drops, and retired. Restless, and in pain all over the head, stomach, and bladder. At eight, was obliged to get up and urinate; passed six and a half ounces. Considerable burning in the urethra. Heat in the region of the prostate. Pulse full, hard, tense, but not rapid. Skin dry and parched; lips cracked, although the § II. - 17*

saliva is greatly increased in quantity, and keeps up a constant driveling while lying on the face. Rolled around till after midnight, when sleep gave some intermission to the constant pain.

Rumbling in the bowdiarrhoeic stool, very Pulse much more nat

April 19, nine, A.M. - Arose with headache, feeling very sore, tired, and disgusted with everything. Urinated about six ounces. Pulse more rapid (90). Took one hundred drops, followed in an hour by thirty-five more. Nothing experienced from the fresh doses until about half past eleven, when, on a sudden movement, the headache became violent, and the whole abdominal region began to ache and pain. els, followed at half past twelve by a dark in color, and sulphurous in smell. ural than on the preceding day. Saliva very abundant. Appetite all gone; eyes sensitive to light; general malaise. Pain in the bowels was eased but a moment by the stool. Three, P.M. Symptoms unchanged. Half past four. Headache confined to the left side. Abdominal pain settled to a steady, dull pain, not so severe as before. Diarrhoeic stool. Headache passed off after the stool. Abdominal pain the same. Six, P.M. Headache resumed. Relieved at nine, feeling better than the night before, yet in much pain. Urine not measured during the day; about the same in amount as the day before; saliva not very troublesome.

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April 20. Same general feeling of malaise, tenderness and pain in the umbilicus, and dull headache continued all day. Slept most of the afternoon. Three stools during the day, rather diarrhoeic; urine nearer the normal amount; pulse rapid, -from 80 to 90; saliva troublesome.

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April 21. Occasional headache; bowel pains continue. Stools diarrhoeic. Diarrhoeic stools continued a full week, when the unnatural condition was removed. In a week more, the tendency to headache had passed off, but it was full three weeks before pressure on the abdomen could be endured without pain.

An unusual amount of saliva has troubled the prover ever since. Urine natural in a few days.


Prover, twenty-one years of age; nervo-sanguineous temperament; light-brown hair; gray eyes; weight, one hundred and twenty-five pounds; in good health; no constitutional disease; temperate in habits, never indulging in the use of ardent spirits or tobacco. The medicine was of the third dilution, prepared with distilled water by the decimal scale, from Prof. Hale's tincture. Diet unchanged during proving.

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April 15, 1867, seven, A.M. Took five drops. No symptoms. At eleven, took five drops. No symptoms. At six, P.M., five drops. Tickling in urethra after urinating. Urine deposits muddy sediment.

April 16, seven, A.M.-Ten drops; dull headache set in at about ten.

Half past eleven. - Ten drops. At two, P.M, urine increased in amount, filled with whitish sediment. Sensitiveness of the urethra; headache continues.

Six, P.M.-Ten drops. Feeling of nausea; pulse rapid at bedtime; oppressive headache over eyes.

April 17, seven, A.M. -- Fifteen drops. No symptoms during forenoon. Fifteen drops at half past eleven. Headache during afternoon; soreness at pit of stomach; appetite poor.

Six, P.M. Fifteen drops. Headache increases during evening; quite severe upon retiring. Urine more nearly normal.

April 18, six, AM.-Arose feeling restless and uncasy. Sleep disturbed by dreams. Perceptible increase in sexual desire. Awoke during night with nightmare.

Seven, A.M.Took fifteen drops. No special symptoms during forenoon. Took fifteen drops at half past eleven; pulse, small and rapid; thirst; furred tongue; poor appetite; desire for acid food; headache; nervousness.

Six, P.M., fifteen drops. Diarrhoeic stool; headache contin

ued; drank a great deal of water; retired at nine, feeling unwell.

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April 19, seven, A.M. Took fifteen drops. Repetition of symptoms of day before; diarrhoea; five stools during the day. Half past eleven.-Fifteen drops. Headache during afternoon; feverish.

Six, P.M.Fifteen drops. Felt better during the evening; urine, normal.

April 20, seven, A.M.-Slept much better than night before. Took fifteen drops. Headache; some diarrhoea; no further symptoms during day, with the exception of a diarrhoeic stool and feeling of malaise.

April 21.- Awoke with slight headache, which passed off during the forenoon; diarrhoea; urine increased in quantity; pulse natural.

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The diarrhoea passed off in the course of a few days, and no further effects were experienced from the proving.


Prover of sanguine-nervous temperament, with a little of the lymphatic; weight, one hundred and forty-eight pounds; habits temperate, using no form of distilled or spirituous liquors, tobacco, coffee, or the like. Health excellent; appetite good; bowels move regularly once a day, generally in the morning.


April 20, 1867, six, A.M. Took half an ounce of thirtieth dec. dil., prepared by myself in rain-water. Had a natural stool before breakfast. At ten, A.M., had a stool of a mushy character, with distress in the hypogastric region. At noon, dull, pressive pains in the temples, with occasional fine, neuralgic pains in the temples. The headache is aggravated by walking. Headache continued all day, with eructations of sour fluid

rom the stomach, and great lowness of spirits. A sour stomach is something he is never troubled with.

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April 21. Great depression of spirits all day, with a black, lumpy stool at two, P.M.

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April 22, six, A.M. - Took half an ounce one hour before eating. Felt unusually well all day until eight, P.M.; then had colicky pains in the small intestines every few minutes for one hour; the pains were not severe.

April 23, five, A.M. Mushy stool; another at ten, P.M. Unusually irritable all day, with slight, colicky pain in the epigastric region, and drawing distress in right hypochondrium. Legs ached all day.

April 24, six, A.M. - Half an ounce. Had a few sharp pains in the arms in the morning. While in bed in the evening, had fine, prickly pains in the fingers.


The thirtieth dilution produced so few symptoms upon him, that he determined to use the sixth, prepared as before, in rain


April 27, six, A.M.-Feeling well. Took half an ounce an hour before eating. At half past six, severe distress in the region of the spleen. Seven. Sudden, pressive pain in the temples; it feels as if the temples would be pressed together; with distress in the epigastric region. Eight. Natural stool, followed by distress in the anus. Nine, A.M. Constant distress in the small intestines, with an urgency to stool. Occasional flying pains in the abdomen. Dull, frontal headache, feeling as if the temples would be pressed together. Drawing pains in the left heel. Noon. Have had frequent distress in the bowels. Two, P.M. Had severe nausea for five minutes, with distress in the umbilicus, and dull, pressive headache. Frequent fine pains in the fingers, and region of the spleen. Nine, P.M. Languid all day, with aching distress in all the

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