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How far he has fucceeded in the attempt, and wherein he has failed, must be referred to the determination of the judicious and candid reader.

THE method which he has adopted, of exhibiting the performance in characters of different fizes, will, he trufts, be conducive to that gradual and regular procedure, which is fo favourable to the business of inftruction. The more important rules, definitions, and obfervations, and which are therefore the most proper to be committed to memory, are printed with a larger type; whilft rules and remarks that are of less confequence, that extend or diversify the general idea, or that ferve as explanations, are contained in the smaller letter: thefe, or the chief of them, will be perufed by the student to the greatest advantage, if poftponed till the general fyftem be completed. The ufe of notes and obfervations, in the common and detached manner, at the bottom of the page, would not, it is imagined, be fo likely to attract the perufal of youth, or admit of fo ample and regular an illuftration, as a continued and uniform order of the feveral fubjects. In adopting this mode, care has been taken to adjust it so that the whole may be perused in a connected progrefs, or the part contained in the larger character read in order by itself.

WITH refpect to the definitions and rules, it may not be improper more particularly to observe, that in selecting and forming them, it has been the Compiler's aim to render them as exact and comprehenfive, and, at the fame time, as intelligible to young minds, as the nature of the fubject, and the difficulties attending it, would admit. In this attempt, he has fometimes been, unavoidably, induced to offer more for the fcholar's memory, than he could otherwife have wished. But if he has tolerably fucceeded in his defign, the advantages to be derived from it, will, in the end, more than compenfate the inconvenience. In regard to the notes and obfervations, he may add, that many of them are intended, not only to explain the subjects, and to illuftrate them by comparative views, but also to invite the

ingenious ftudent to inquiry and reflection, and to prompt to a more enlarged, critical, and fatisfactory research.

FROM the fentiment generally admitted, that a proper selection of faulty compofition is more inftructive to the young grammarian, than any rules and examples of propriety that can be given, the Compiler has been induced to pay peculiar attention to this part of the subject; and though the inftances of falfe grammar, under the rules of Syntax, are numerous, it is hoped they will not be found too many, when their variety and usefulness are confidered.

In a work which profeffes itself to be a compilation, and which, from the nature and design of it, muft confist of materials felected from the writings of others, it is fcarcely neceffary to apologize for the ufe which the Compiler has made of his predeceffors' labours; or for omitting to infert their names. From the alterations which have been frequently made in the fentiments and the language, to fuit the connexion, and to adapt them to the particular purposes for which they are introduced; and, in many inftances, from the uncertainty to whom the paffages originally belonged, the insertion of names could feldom be made with propriety. But if this could have been generally done, a work of this nature would derive no advantage from it, equal to the inconvenience of crowding the pages with a repetition of names and references. It is, however, proper to acknowledge, in general terms, that the authors to whom the grammatical part of this compilation is principally indebted for its materials, are Harris, Johnson, Lowth, Priestley, Beattie, Sheridan, Walker, and Coote.

THE Rules and Obfervations refpecting Perfpicuity, &c. contained in the Appendix, and which are, chiefly, extracted from the writings of Blair and Campbell, will, it is prefumed, form a proper addition to the Grammar. The fubjects are very nearly related; and the ftudy of perfpicuity and accuracy in writing, appears naturally to follow that of Grammar. A competent acquaintance with

the principles of both, will prepare and qualify the ftudents, for profecuting thofe additional improvements in language, to which they may be properly directed.

On the utility and importance of the ftudy of Grammar, and the principles of Composition, much might be advanced, for the encouragement of perfons in early life to apply themselves to this branch of learning; but as the limits of this Introduction will not allow of many obfervations on the subject, a few leading sentiments are all that can be admitted here with propriety. As words are the figns of our ideas, and the medium by which we perceive the fentiments of others, and communicate our own; and as figns exhibit the things which they are intended to reprefent, more or less accurately, according as their real or established conformity to thofe things is more or lefs exact; it is evident, that in proportion to our knowledge of the nature and properties of words, of their relation to each other, and of their established connexion with the ideas to which they are applied, will be the certainty and ease, with which we transfufe our fentiments into the minds of one another; and that, without a competent knowledge of this kind, we shall frequently be in hazard of misunderstanding others, and of being misunderstood ourfelves. It may indeed be justly afferted, that many of the differences in opinion amongst men, with the disputes, contentions, and alienations of heart, which have too often proceeded from fuch differences, have been occafioned by a want of proper skill in the connexion and meaning of words, and by a tenacious mifapplication of language.

ONE of the best supports, which the recommendation of this study can receive, in fmall compafs, may be derived from the following fentiments of an eminent and candid writer on language and compofition. "All that regards "the ftudy of compofition, merits the higher attention upon this account, that it is intimately connected with "the improvement of our intellectual powers.


* Blair.

For I

"must be allowed to fay, that when we are employed, "after a proper manner, in the ftudy of compofition, we "are cultivating the understanding itself. The ftudy of "arranging and expreffing our thoughts with propriety, "teaches to think, as well as to fpeak, accurately."

BEFORE the clofe of this Introduction, it may not be fuperfluous to obferve, that the Compiler of the following work has no interest in it, but that which arises from the hope, that it will prove of fome advantage to young perfons, and relieve the labours of those who are employed in their education. He wishes to promote, in fome degree, the cause of virtue, as well as of learning; and, with this view, he has been studious, through the whole of the work, not only to avoid every example and illustration, which might have an improper effect on the minds of youth; but alfo to introduce, on many occafions, fuch as have a moral and religious tendency. His attention to objects of fo much importance will, he trufts, meet the approbation of every well-difpofed reader. If they were faithfully regarded in all books of education, they would doubtlefs contribute very materially to the order and happiness of fociety, by guarding the innocence, and cherishing the virtue of the rifing generation.

Holdgate, near York,-1795.



The eighth edition of this grammar received confiderable alterations and additions: but works of this nature admit of repeated improvements; and are, perhaps, never complete. The author, folicitous to render his book more worthy of the encouraging approbation bestowed on it by the public, has again revised the work with care and attention. The new edition, he hopes will be found much im

proved. The additions, which are very confiderable, are chiefly, fuch as are calculated, to expand the learner's views of the fubject; to obviate objections; and to render the ftudy of grammar both eafy and interefting. This edition contains also a new and enlarged system of parfing; copious lifts of nouns arranged according to their gender and number; and many notes and obfervations, which ferve to extend, or to explain, particular rules and pofitions.*

The writer is fenfible that, after all his endeavours to elucidate the principles of the work, there are few of the divifions, arrangements, definitions, or rules, against which critical ingenuity cannot devife plaufible objections. The fubject is attended with so much intricacy, and admits of views fo various, that it was not poffible to render every part of it unexceptionable; or to accommodate the work, in all refpects, to the opinions and prepoffeffions of every grammarian and teacher. If the author has adopted that fyftem which, on the whole, is best suited to the nature of the fubject, and conformable to the fentiments of the most judicious grammarians; if his reafonings and illuftrations, refpecting particular points, are founded on just principles, and the peculiarities of the English language; he has, perhaps, done all that could reasonably be expected in a work of this nature; and he may warrantably indulge a hope, that the book will be still more extenfively approved and circulated.

*The author conceives that the occafional ftrictures, difperfed through the book, and intended to illuftrate and support a number of important grammatical points, will not, to young perfons of ingenuity, appear to be dry and ufelefs difcuffions. He is perfuaded that, by fuch perfons, they will be read with attention. And he prefumes that thefe ftrictures will gratify their curiofity, ftimulate application, and give folidity and permanence to their grammatical knowledge.



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