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Words whose spelling and signification are alike in English and French have usually been omitted; likewise the commoner pronouns.


à to, at, in, by, for, on.

abandonner to leave, forsake.

abattre to beat down, cut down;

s'abattre to alight, swoop.

abbaye f. monastery, abbey. abeille f. bee.

abîme m. abyss, ocean. abondamment abundantly. abondance f. plenty. abonder to abound in.

abord m. meeting, approach; d'abord at first, at once; dès l'abord at the very first. aborder to land, address, approach. abri m. shelter. absent -e absent.

s'abstenir to abstain, refrain from. absurde absurd, foolish. abus m. abuse, error. accident m. occurrence. accommodant -e accommodating, courteous.

accommoder to adapt, put on, fit; s'accommoder to come to an agreement.

accompagner to accompany. accomplir to accomplish, fulfill. accord m. agreement, harmony; mettre d'accord to reconcile. accorder to reconcile, unite.

[blocks in formation]

affreu-x-se frightful.

afin (de or que) in order. Afrique f. Africa.

âge m. age, old age. agile nimble, active.

agir to act, move, shake; il s'agit

the question is.

agiter to move, shake, disturb. agneau m. lamb.

agréable pleasant.

agréer to accept, please, be agreeable.

aide f. help, assistance.

aider to help.

aïeul m. grandfather.

aïeux m. pl. ancestors. aigle m. eagle.

aigrette f. egret, tuft, plume.

aile f. wing.

ailé -e winged.

aille from aller.

aimable amiable, agreeable.
aimer to love, like.
aîné -e oldest.

aînesse f. primogeniture, seniority. ainsi thus, so; ainsi que as, as well

as, even as.

air m. air, look, appearance. airain m. brass.

aise glad, pleased. aisément easily.

ajouter to add, put, give. alarme f. alarm, fright. alentour round about.

allécher to allure, entice.

allégresse f. mirth, joy, glee. alléguer to allege, plead, urge.

aller to go; s'en aller to go away. allonger to stretch out.

I allons come!

alors then.

alouette f. lark.

altéré -e spoiled, ruined. altérer to alter, impair. amant m. lover.

amasser to heap up, gather up.
amateur m. lover, admirer.
ambassade ƒ. embassy.

ambassadeur m. ambassador.
âme f. soul, mind, heart, life.
amende f. fine, penalty.
amener to bring.
Amérique f. America.
amertume f. bitterness.
ami m. friend.

amitié ƒ. friendship.

amour m. love; l'Amour Cupid. amoureusement lovingly.

amoureu-x -se loving, in love. amuser to amuse, entertain, beguile. amusette f. amusement.

an m. year.

ancien -ne ancient, old. âne m. ass, donkey. ânier m. ass-driver.

animer to stir up, excite, urge on. année f. year.

annoncer to announce, tell, declare. antique ancient, old.

antiquité ƒ. antiquity, old times.
antre m. cave, den, lair.
août (oû) m. harvest.

apaiser to appease, pacify.
s'apercevoir to perceive, see.
apologue m. fable.

apôtre m. apostle, hypocrite. apparemment evidently.

apparence f. appearance, looks. appartement m. apartment, lodg ings.

appartenir to belong.

appât m. bait, enticement.

appeler to call, name; s'appeler to be called.

appétit m. appetite, taste. applaudir to applaud.

appliquer to apply.

apporter to bring.

apprendre to learn, teach. apprêt m. preparation. apprêter to prepare, get ready. approcher to bring near; s'approcher to approach, come near. approfondir to examine thoroughly, search into.

approuver to approve. appui m. prop, support. appuyer to support.

après after, next, afterwards. aquatique aquatic, of the water. aquilon m. north wind.

araignée f. spider.

arbalète f. cross-bow. arbitre m. judge, umpire. arbre m. tree.

arbuste m. shrub, bush. arc-en-ciel m. rainbow. ardeur f. ardor, eagerness. argent m. silver, money. arme f. arm, weapon. armée f. army.

armer to arm.

arpenter to survey, stride over. arracher to pull away, snatch from. arrêter to arrest, stop. arrière away! avaunt! arrière-neveu m. grand-nephew, descendant.

arriver to arrive, happen. art m. art, artifice, class.

artisan m. artist, workman.

asile m. asylum, refuge.

assaut m. assault, attack. assembler to collect, call together, bind, hold.

s'asseoir to sit, sit down.

assez enough, somewhat, quite, rather.

assiégeant m. besieger. assiette f. plate.

assis -e seated, sitting. assister to help.

associé m. partner.

s'associer to associate with.

assouvir to glut, surfeit, gratify, satisfy.

assuré -e sure, safe, certain. assurément surely, certainly.

assurer to assure; s'assurer to be


astre m. star; astre du jour sun. astreindre to force, compel. astrologue m. astrologer. Athènes Athens.

attacher to fasten, fix, tie. attaquer to attack.

atteindre to reach, overtake, catch. atteinte f. blow, attack. attelage m. team.

(en) attendant in the meantime; en attendant que till, until. attendre to wait for, expect; s'attendre à to expect, depend on. attente f. expectation.

attenti-f -ve attentive.

attester to attest, call to witness. attirail m. apparatus, utensils, baggage.

attirer to attract, draw.

attraper to catch, overtake.

s'attribuer to claim.

aube ƒ. dawn, daybreak.

aucun -e any, none, no.

aucunement not at all, by no means. au-dessous below, beneath. au-dessus de above. aujourd'hui to-day, nowadays. auparavant before, heretofore. auprès (de) near by. aurore f. dawn, morning.

aussi too, also, therefore, so, as. aussitôt immediately, at once; aussitôt que as soon as. autant as much, as many; autant que as much as, as well as; tout autant so many, also.

autel m. altar.

auteur m. author.

automne (m silent) m. autumn. autour m. hawk.

autour (de) about, around. autre other, different. autrefois formerly, once. autrement otherwise. autruche f. ostrich.

autrui others.

avaler to swallow.

avancer to advance, hasten, urge; s'avancer to advance, get on. avant before, deep, forward, far. avant-coureur m. forerunner, harbinger.

avec with.

avenir to happen, arise. avenir m. future.

avent m. Advent.

aventure f. adventure, occurrence, affair; d'aventure by chance. s'aventurer to venture, risk one's self.

avertir to warn.

avertissement m. warning, notifi


aveugle blind.

aveuglément blindly.

avidité ƒ. greediness, greed. avis m. opinion, advice, warning. avisé -e discreet, prudent. aviser to consider.

avocat m. lawyer. avoine f. oats.

avoir to have; il y a there is, there are.

avoir m. possession, property. avouer to confess, acknowledge. azuré -e azure, blue.


babil m. chatter, talk.

badinage m. sport, jest, foolery, trifle.

bafouer to ridicule, make sport of. baigner to bathe.

bâiller to yawn, gape.

bain m. bath.

baiser to kiss.

baiser m. kiss.

baisser to let down, lower; se bais

ser to stoop.

bal m. ball, dance.

balai m. broom, brush.

balancer to hesitate, waver.

balandras m. cloak.

balayer to sweep.

baleine f. whale.

ballon m. balloon.

ballot m. package, bundle. banc m. bench, seat.

bande f. band, gang, troop. bannière f. banner, flag.

bannir to banish.

barbe f. beard.

barrière f. bar, barrier.

bas down, low; en bas downwards.

basset m. terrier, basset-hound. bât m. pack-saddle.

bataille f. battle.

bateau m. boat, ship.

bateleur m. juggler, buffoon. bâtiment m. building, house. bâtir to build.

bâton m. stick, staff, cudgel. battre to beat, strike; se battre to fight; battre la campagne to roam, wander.

baudet m. ass, donkey.

beau, bel, belle, beautiful, fine; avoir beau to be in vain. beaucoup many, much, far. beauté f. beauty, looks. bec m. beak, bill.

bêcher to dig, delve.

bêler to bleat.

belette f. weasel.

bélier m. ram.

béni-n -gne kind, gentle, mild. bénir to bless.

berger m. shepherd.

bergère f. shepherdess, maid. bergerie f. sheepfold.

berner to ridicule, jostle, push. besace f. wallet.

besacier m. one who carries a wallet. besogne f. work, business.

besoin m. need, distress. bête f. beast, animal.

bien well, right, much, quite; bien que although; si bien que so that. bien m. good, advantage, well-being, blessing, gift, boon, property.

bienfait m. benefit, favor.

bienfait-eur m. -rice f. benefactor,


bientôt soon.

bique f. goat.
biquet m. kid.
bise f. north wind.
bissac m. wallet, sack.
blâmer to blame.

blanc -he white.
blancheur f. whiteness.
blanchir to whiten.
blé m. wheat, grain.
blême pale, ghastly.
blesser to wound, hurt.
bloc m. lump, mass, block.
se blottir to squat, crouch.
bœuf m. ox, bull.
boire to drink.

bois m. wood, forest, antlers.
boisson f. drink, beverage.
boiteu-x-se lame, limping.
bon -ne good, kind.
bond m. bound, jump.
bondir to bound.

bonheur m. happiness, good luck. bonjour m. good day, greeting. boquillon m. woodman.

bord m. shore, bank, brink, board. Borée m. Boreas, north wind. borner to bound, terminate. bouc m. he-goat.

bouche f. mouth. bouchée f. mouthful. boue f. dirt, mud.

bouger to stir, budge, move. bourdonnement buzzing, humming. bourdonner to buzz, hum. bourgeois m. middle-class citizen, shopkeeper.

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