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Persons residing in the Northern Liberties, (Philad.) may apply to Mr. Josepla

Ene, Sees Delaplaine, Second Street, near Poplar Lane.

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a new world of pleasure opens to thee to me a new carte
fame. Let them speak the doom I despise, and erase the name of
Bois-Guilbert from their list of monastic slaves! I will wash out with
blood whatever blot they may dare to cast on my escutcheon!"

"Tempter," said Rebecca, "begone! - Not in this last extremi-
ty canst thou move me one hair's-breadth from my resting place-
surrounded as I am by foes, I hold thee as my worst and most
deadly-avoid thee, in the name of God!" Vol. 2. p. 290.

See a review of Ivanhoe in our last number.

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