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VARIOUS, that the mind

Of desultory man, studious of change

And pleased with novelty, may be indulged.-Cowper.

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ART. I.-Memoirs of Anacreon. By J. E. Hall.

THE festivities which followed our marriage, were suddenly interrupted by information which arrived from Athens. That mirth which laughed in every eye was changed into sadness; and deep dismay was diffused through a circle where the utmost hilarity and cheerfulness had reigned but a few days before.

The occasion and circumstances shall be briefly related. Notwithstanding that the Tyrants, Hippias and Hipparchus, singularly cultivated wisdom and virtue,* and unremittedly devoted themselves to the welfare and happiness of the nation, their conduct had not been such as to exempt them entirely from the anger of some and the dissatisfaction of others.

Two citizens of the middle rank, named Aristogeiton and Harmodius, having received a private affront from Hippias, resolved to enjoy a signal revenge. The discontents of the rival factions had been smothered during the life of Pisistratus by the vigorous measures of his government, but, under the milder reign of his sons, they had ventured to whisper their murmurs. The murderers determined to kill the Tyrants, and, by representing their object to have been the good of their country, they expected, amidst the conflicting interests of the different parties, to reap the reward of patriotism. The time they selected for the execution of their

*Such is the expression of Thucydides. Ἐπετηδευσαν ἐπιπλείστον δι τυραννοι ου τα άρετην και ξύνεσιν. Thucyd. Lib. iv. c. 54.

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diabolical project was at a season well suited to their success and their safety.

It was during the celebration of the Panathenæan festival, while the Aoidoi were reciting the Rhapsodies of Homer, that these men approached the person of Hippias, who was directing the ceremony in the Cerameicus, a place in the suburbs of the city. But seeing Hippias, who was easy of access to all,* engaged, apparently, in familiar conversation with one of the conspirators, they went in quest of Hipparchus, whom they found in the Lescorion within. the walls. The dreadful attack succeeded, but the death of Hipparchus was dearly accomplished, for his blood was mingled with that of his murderers.

The consternation which was excited by the perpetration of so heinous a crime, in the face of Gods and men, may more easily be imagined than described. Aristogeiton was so fortunate as to escape the vengeance of the guards who surrounded the body of Hipparchus, but he was afterwards caught by the people and severely treated. And in the confusion that prevailed, when they attempted to escape, the brothers lost their lives and bequeathed their patriotism to their friends.t

Such were the sad events of a single day at Athens. But a short time before, I had beheld the royal brothers, happy in their reciprocal fondness for each other, and enjoying those pleasing reflections which arise from the approbation of a good conscience. Now I saw the one weltering in his gore by ignoble and unworthy hands, and the other seated on a doubtful throne and anxiously regarding the phrenzied action of a wild and ungovernable democracy.

When we recovered from the amazement and grief, which this intelligence occasioned, Telesicles exclaimed that it was no longer safe to remain in Attica. Since the death of Solon he had been numbered among the Pisistratide; and if the Alcmæonidæ, from which party we then supposed the treason had arisen, should succeed in dethroning Hippias, Telesicles had reason to fear that he should be doomed to no better fate. Anacreon said that he had been absent from his paternal seat since the days of his youth, and he felt an ardent desire to return to it.

Teos is opposite to Samos, and I rejoiced that the place of our voluntary banishment was so nigh to the residence of my mother. In a few days every thing was prepared for our departure, and we launched into the Egean Sea. The winds seemed to favour our flight, for they quickly wafted us to the coast of Ionia. We repaired to the house of Anacreon, which overlooked the sea. It

* Ἦν δὲ πασιν ευπρόσοδος ο Ιππιατ. Thucyd. Lib. vi. c. 67.

Thucydides says, with laconic quaintness, being taken by the people they were not mildly treated. Pausanias, Lib. 1. c. 23. insinuates that the Tyrants were not entirely blameless. But surely no one but a Jack Cade, or a revolutionist, can justify such patriotism.

was in the spring of the year; a season which is so particularly agreeable, in the delicious region of Ionia. There the buxom breezes never visit the inhabitants too rudely, and no more rain falls than is necessary to fertilize the soil. The richest grapes grow in abundance and the flowers diffuse their fragrance in grateful profusion. A thousand delightful remembrances seemed to crowd upon the mind of Anacreon as he recognized the various objects which r minded him of the pastimes of his early days. In the rapture of the moment he seized his lyre and sang an ode expressive of his feelings:

When Spring begems the dewy scene,
How sweet to walk the velvet green,
And hear the Zephyr's languid sighs,
As o'er the scented mead he flies!
How sweet to mark the pouting vine,
Ready to fall in tears of wine;

And with the maid, whose tender soul
Is love and bliss, entranc'd to stroll

Where the embowering branches meet-
Oh! is not this divinely sweet?

It was about the close of the evening that we arrived at his dwelling. The waning moon slept upon the unconscious roses and the gentle breezes stole their odours as they passed along. The birds had long ceased to sing, and no sounds interrupted the silence of nature save the gurgling of a distant brook. It was an hour of pensive pleasure. I pressed the hand of Myrilla with tender fondness, for every object awaked me to beauty and love. Anacreon again felt the inspiration of the Muse, and he obeyed her influence.

SEE the young, the rosy Spring,

Gives to the breeze her spangled wing;
While virgin graces, warm with May,
Fling roses o'er her dewy way!
The murmuring billows of the deep;
Have languish'd into silent sleep;
And mark! the flitting sea-birde lave
Their plumes in the reflecting wave,
While cranes from hoary winter fly
To flutter in a kinder sky.
Now the genial star of day
Dissolves the murky clouds away;
And cultur'd field, and winding stream,
Are sweetly tissued by his beam.
Now the earth prolific swells
With leafy buds and flowery bells;
Gemming shoots the olive twine,
Clusters ripe festoon the vine;

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