The price of the Port Folio is Six Dollars yearly, payable by new subscribers in advance. Single Numbers 75 cents. No Subscription will be taken for less than twelve months; nor discontinued without written notice before the expiration of the year, and payment of arrears. JUST PUBLISHED AT THE PORT FOLIO OFFICE, A SECOND EDITION, MUCH ENLARGED OF THE CONVERSATIONS ON THE BIBLE, BETWEEN A MOTHER AND HER CHILDREN. In Two Vols. Price $1 75. Eight plates. Ir is the object of the author to give a plain but comprehensive view of the sacred writings. The style is adapted to young minds, and the narrative is illustrated by coincidences and explanations derived from modern books; so that it will be novel and interestin; to all who have not studied the subject in the great original. The author indulges a hope that by this popular manner of treating the subject, the gay and the indifferent may be persuaded to peruse these sacred VOlumes; of which it has been said with not less elegance than truth, that they contain "not only the true origin of the world, the rise of the several nations upon the earth, and the first institution of civil government; not only the earliest account of all useful callings and employments: such as gardening, husbandry, pasturage of cattle, &c. but all the politer arts and sciences likewise; such as poetry and music, history and geography, physic, anatomy, and philosophy of all kinds, the arts of war and ornaments of peace, are primarily to be found in this book: that it is, in short, not only a record of the most antient learning, but a magazine of all learning, whatever, and that he who affects to appear in the capacity of a scholar, either as a critic, a chronologer, an historian, a poet, an orator, a disputant, a lawyer, a statesman, a pleader, or a preacher, must not be unacquainted with this INEXHAUSTIBLE FUND." Stackhouse, part 1. ch. IV. Persons residing in the Northern Liberties, (Philad.) may apply to Mr. Joseph Delaplaine, Second Street, near Poplar Lane. S. R. Arthur, Wm. T. Williams, INDEX TO VOL. XIV. 000 EMBELLISHMENTS. I.-Rebecca at the Stake. (From "Ivanhoe,") to front page 1 IV.-The First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, V.-The Tread Mill, VI.-William Pinkney, Esq. VII.-The Skin Lodges of the Konza Indians, 177 339 429 433 516 May you like it, a tale, 141 Travels, Porter's, 457 Maximillian Prince, Travels in Brazil, 2 Underhill, Capt. fined for Heresy, 137 |