| Edmund Burke - History - 1800 - 650 pages
...flies : thou looked in thy beauty, from the clouds, and laughed at the dorm. But to Offian, thou looked in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more; whether thy yellow hair flows on the Eadern clouds, or thou trembled at the gates of the wed. But thou art perhaps, like me, for a feafon,... | |
 | History - 1762 - 618 pages
...thou lookeft in thy beauty, from the clouds, and laughelt at the ftorm. But to Oflian, thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair flows on the eaftern clouds, or thou trembleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps, like me, for a feafon,... | |
 | Edmund Burke - History - 1762 - 662 pages
...them lookeil in thy beauty, from the clouds, ai.d laugheft at the ilorm. But to Oflian, thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair flows on the eaftern clouds, or thou tremhleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps, like me, for a feafon,... | |
 | Bards and bardism - 1765 - 416 pages
...thou lookeft in thy beauty, from the clouds, and laugheft at the ftorm. But to Offian, thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair ftows on the eaftern clouds, or thou trembleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps, like... | |
 | Poetry - 1773 - 436 pages
...thou lookeft in thy beauty, from the clouds, and laugheft at the ftorm. But to Offian, thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair ftows on the eaftern clouds, or thou trembleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps, like... | |
 | Literature - 1781 - 316 pages
...thou lookeft in thy beauty from the clouds, " and laugheft at the ftorm. But to Oflian " thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy *' beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair " flows on the eaftern clouds, or thou trem" bleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art, " perhaps, like me, for... | |
 | Scottish Gaelic poetry - 1783 - 274 pages
...thou lookeft in thy beauty, from the clouds , and laugheft at the ftorm. But ro Oflian , thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair flows on the eaftern clouds , or thou crembleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps , like me , for a... | |
 | 1784 - 432 pages
...thou lookeft in thy beauty, from the clouds, and laugheft at the ftorm. But to Offian, thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more; whether thy yellow hair flows on the eaftern clouds, or thou trembleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps, like me, for a feafon,... | |
 | Ossian - 1790 - 450 pages
...thou looked in thy beanty, from the clouds, and laughed at the ftorm.^ But to Offian, thou lookeft in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more ; whether thy yellow hair flows on the eaftern clouds, or thou trembleft at the gates of the weft. But thou art perhaps, like me, for a feafon,... | |
 | English literature - 1779 - 756 pages
...thon lookefl in thy beauty ¡'rum the clouds^ and hughelt at the llorín. But to Offi.tr» thou looked in vain ; for he beholds thy beams no more, whether thy yellow hair flows ou the Ëaftern clouds, or thou» " 172 Anecdote of Charles V. trcmbleft at the gates of the Weft.... | |
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