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Naissance, birth.-Naît, is born.
Naître, v. to be born, arise.
Nappe, s. f. table-cloth.
Naquit, pret. was born.
Natte, s. f. mat.
Naturaliste, s. m. naturalist.
Naturel, le, adj. natural; native.
-, s. m. temper; disposition.
Naturellement, adv. naturally.
Naufrage, s. m. shipwreck.
Navire, s. m. ship, vessel.
Ne, n', (witlr pas, or point,)
not; (before a verb followed by
que,) only, nothing, but.
Né, part. born; endowed.
Néanmoins, nevertheless, however.
Nécessaire, adj. necessary.
Nécessairement, adv. necessarily.
Nécessité, s. f. necessity, want.
Négligèrent, pret. neglected.
Négociant, s. m. merchant.
Négocier, v. to trade.
Nègre, s. m. negro.
Neige, s. f. snow.
Nénufar, s. m. water-lily.
Nettement, adv. plainly.
Neuf, nine; new.
Neveu, nephew.

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Nid, (pl. nids,, s. m. nest.

Nœud, s. m. knot, tie.
Noierais, cond. of noyer, to drown
Noir, e, adj. black; dark
Noix, s. f. nut.

Nom, s. m. name.
Nombre, s. m. number.
Nombreux, se, adj. numerous.
Nomenclature, s. f. nomenclature,
a naming.

Nomma, pret. named; appointed
se Nommait, imp. was named,
Nommé, part. named. [called
Nomment, pres. ind. name, call.
Non, adv. no, not.
Nonobstant, prep. notwithstand-
Non-seulement, adv. not only.
Nord, s. m. north.

Normandie, s. f. Normandy
Nos, poss. adj. pl. our.
Notaire, s. m. notary.
Notre, adj. poss. our.


Nourrir, v. a. to nourish, to main-
Nourrit, pres. cultivates.
Nourriture, s. f. food.

Nous, pron. pers. we, us, to us
Nouveau, nouvel, adj. new.
Nouvelle, s. f. news, tidings.
Nouvellement, adv. newly, lately
Noyer, v. a. to drown.
Nu, adj. naked.
Nuage, s. m. cloud.
Nuance, s. f. color; shade.
Nuée, s. f. cloud; warm.
Nuire, v. n. to hurt.

Nuisible, adj. hurtful, prejudicial
Nuit, s. f. night.
Nymphe, s. f. nymph.

Obéir, v. n. to obey.

Objet, s. m. object; article.
Obliger, v. a. to oblige.

Obole, s. f. obole. (A coin of the

smallest value.)

s'Obscurcit, became darkened

Obscurité, s. f. darkness.

Observatoires m. observatory

Ooserve:, v. a. to observe.
Obtenir, v. a. to obtain, get.

Noblesse, s. f. nobility; nobleness. | Obtins, pret. obtained, gat.

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Occasion, s. f. occasion; opportu- | Où, adv. where; pron. rel. in which

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Onde, s. f. wave, water, stream.
Ont, pres. of avoir, have.
Opinassent, declared.
Opposé, opposed, opposite.
Or, conj. now; s. m. gold.
Oranger, s. m. orange-tree.
Orbites, s. f. pl. sockets.
Ordinaire, adj. ordinary, common.
Ordinairement, generally, usually.
Ordonner, v. a. to order.

Ordre, s. m. order.-Les ordres,
Oreille, s f. the ear. [holy orders.
Organisé, part. organized.
Orge, s. f. barley.
Orgueil, s. m. pride.
Orient, s. m. east.

Oriental, e, adj. oriental, eastern.
Ornait, ornaient, imp. adorned.
Orné, e, part. adorned; ornament-
Ornement, s. m. ornament, beauty.
Orphelin, s. m. orphan.
Orteil, s. m. toe. [small bird.)
Ortolan, s. m. ortolan. (A delicate
Oser, v. n. to dare; to presume.
Osier, s. m. wicker.

Oter, v. a. to take away; pull off
Ou, conj. or,

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-D'où, whence. - D'où vient,
how comes it? why?

Oubli, s. m. oblivion.
Oublier, v. a. to forget.
Ouest, s. m. west.

Oui, yes.
Oui dire, heard.
Ouïs, pret. of ouir, heard
Outre, en outre, besides.
Ouvert, e, opened, open.
Ouverture, s. f. mouth, hole.
Ouvrage, s. m. work; business.
s'Ouvrent, pres. fly open.

Ouvrier, s. m. workman; laborer
Ouvrir, v. a. to open
s'Ouvrirent, pret. flew open.
Ouvrit, pret. opened.


s. m. paganism, heaPain, s. m. bread; loaf. [thenisın Paisible, adj. peaceable.

Paissait, imp. was grazing.
Paître, v. to graze, feed.
Paix, s. f. peace.

Palais, s. m. palace; palate.
Palefrenier, s. m. groom.
Palette, s. f. palette.

Palme, palm.-Palmiers, palm-
Palpitant, p. pres. beating. [trees
Pampres, s. m. pl. vine-leaves
Panaché, e, adj. streaked.
Panégyriste, s. m. eulogist.
Panier, s. m. basket.
Papier, s. m. paper.
Papillotes, s. f. pl. paper curls.
Par, prep. by.

Para, pret. decked; put on.
Paraître, v. n. to appeur, to seem.
Parbleu! interj. Well!; Bless me!
Parce que, conj because.
Parcourait, imp. travelled, was
travelling; was going through.
Parcouru, part. travelled.
Paré de, dressed out with.
Pareil, le, adj. equal, similar, such
Parents, relations, kindred; pus-

Paresse, s. f. idleness, laziness

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Particulièrement, adv. particular-
Partie, s. f. part; quarter; party.
Partir, v. to set out, go away.
Partout, adv. everywhere.
Paru, parut, appeared, seemed.
Parure, s. f. dress.


Parvenu, e, attained; handed
Parviennent, pres. ind. succeed.
Parviens à les effacer, at length
efface them.

je à détruire, I destroy.
Parvint, pret. succeeded.

Pas, adv. not; s. m. step, pace:
se Passa, pret. was passed.
Passable, adj. tolerable.
Passablement, adv. tolerably.
Passager, s. m. passenger.
Passai, pret. spent.
Passait, imp. was passing.
Passant, passing; passenger.
Passé, part. passed; become.
Passer, v. to spend; get out; pass.
de, to dispense with.
Passerait, cond. would pass.


Passe-temps, s. m. amusement.
Passionnément, adv. passionately
Pâté, s. m. pie, pasty.
Pati, part. of pâtir, suffered
Pâtre, s. m. herdsman.
Patrie, s. f. country.
Patrimoine, s. m. patrimony
Pattes de devant, fore-feet.
Pâture, s. m. food.
Paume, s. f. tennis.

Pauvre, adj. poor.
Payer, v. a. to pay.
Pays, s. m. country.
Paysan, s. m. peasant.
Peignait, peignaient, painted.
Peindre, v. a. to paint, to draw.
Peine, s. f. pain, trouble, difficulty
à peine, adv. hardly, scarcely.
Peintre, s. m. painter.
Peinture, s. f. painting.
Pêle-mêle, adv. promiscuousɩy.
Pelle, s. f. shovel.
Penchant, s. m. brink.
Pendait, imp. was hanging.
Pendant, prep. during.

que, conj. whilst, while, as
Pénible, adj. painful.
Pensée, s. f. thought.
Penser, v. n. to think; to believe.
Pension, s. f. allowance; board
Pensionnaire, s. m. pensioner.
Perça, broke.-Perçait, rent.
Perçant, adj. piercing.
| Perché, part. past, perched.
Perdant, losing.-Perdimes, lost.
Perdis, perdit, lost.
Perdre, v. a. to lose.
Perdreau, s. m. young partridge.
Perdrix, s. f. partridge.
Perdu, e, part. lost.
Père, s. m. father.

Perfectionner, v. a. to perfect, im

Périr, v. to perish; to be lost.
Périssable, adj. perishable.
Perle, s. f. pearl.
Permettait, imp. suffered.
Permettez, allow, permit.
Permettre, v. a. to permit, allo

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Permis, part. permitted; allowed, | Plafond, s. m. ceiling.


me Permissent, would enable me.
Permit, pret. permitted, allowed.
Pérou, s. m. Peru.
Perruque, s. f. wig.
Perse, s. f. Persia.
Personne, person; nobody.
Personnellement, adv. personally.
Persuadé, part. convinced.
Perte, s. f. loss.

Péruviens, s. m. pl. Peruvians.
Pesanteur, s. f. heaviness; weight.
Pèse, pres. of peser, weighs.
Peste, s. f. plague.
Petit, e, adj. little, small; s. little
Peu, adv. little; few.


à peu, by degrees, gradually.
à— près, nearly.
Peuplade, s. f. tribe.
Peuple, s. m. people; nation.
Peuplé, e, populous; peopled.
Peur, s. f. fear.

Peut, pres. of pouvoir, can, may.
Peut-être, adv. perhaps.
Peuvent, pres. of pouvoir, can.
Phénix, phenix; most remarkable.
Philosophe, s. m. philosopher.
Philosophie, s. f. philosophy.
Physique, adj. physical.

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s. f. natural philosophy.

Picardie, s. f. Picardy.
Pied, s. m. foot.
Pierre, s. f. stone.

de touche, touchstone.
Pierreries, s. f. pl. precious stones.
Piéton, s. m. pedestrian.
Pillage, s. m. plunder.
Pin, s. m. the fir.
Pinceau, s. m. brush.
Pincettes, s. f. pl. tongs.
se Piquer, piquing themselves.
Piqûre (lui fait une), is pierced.
Pis (bien), much worse.
Pistolet, s. m. pistol.
Pitié, s. f. pity, compassion.
Pitoyable, adj. lamentable.
Pittoresque, adj. picturesque
Place, s. f. place, seat.

Plage, s. f. shore.
Plaider, v. to plead.
Plaideur, s. m. litigant.
Plaie, s. f. wound.

se Plaignait, imp. was lamenting
Plaignant, part. pres. lamenting.
se Plaignirent, pret. complained.
se Plaignit, pret. complained.
Plaindre, v. a. to pity.
Plaine, s. f. plain. [complains
me Plains, complain; se Plaint,
Plainte, s. f. complaint; exclama-
Plaire, v. n. to please. [tion
Plaisant, adj. pleasant; amusing.
Plaisanterie, s f. jest.
Plaisir, s. m. pleasure.-Plaisirs, (p
94), pleasure grounds.
Planche, s. f. plank, board.
Planté, planted. Planteur, planter
Plat, s. m. dish.

Plein, pleine, adj. full.
Pleinement, adv. fully; entirely.
Pleura, pret. wept, cried.
Pleurait, imp. was crying.
Pleurer, v. n. to weep, to cry.
Pleurs, s. m. pl. tears.
Plia, folded.-Plié, bent.
Plomb, s. m. lead.


Plongé, plunged; overwhelmed
se Plongea, pret. dived.
Pluie, s. f. rain.

Plume, s. f. feather; pen.

la plupart, most, the greatest part
Plurent, pret. of plaire, pleased.
Plus, adv. more; le plus, most, the
most; de plus, moreover.
Plusieurs, adj. several, many.
Plut, pret. of plaire, pleased.
Plutôt, adv. rather, sooner.
Poche s. f. pocket.
Poids, s. m. weight.
Poil, s. m. fur
Poing, s. m. fist.

Point, adv. no, not.
Poisson, s. m. fish.
Poitrine, s. f. the breast.
Poivre, s. m. pepper.
Poliment, adv politely.

Polir, v. a. to polish
Politesse, s foliteness
Politique, political; poitician.
Pommade, s f. pomatum
Pomme, s. f. apple.

Pompeux, adj. stately, glorious
Pont, s. m. bridge.

Ponte, s. f. laying of eggs.
Pontife, s. m. pontiff, a priest.
Porc, s. m. hog.

Porcelaine, s. f. China-ware.
Port, s. m. port, harbor.
Portai, pret. carried; turned.
Portant, p. pres. carrying.-Bien
portants, in good health.
Porte, s. f. door; gate.-Deux bat-
tants des portes, folding-doors.
Porte-tabatière, snuffbox-bearer.
Portée, s. f. reach.

Porter, v. a. to carry; bear; wear.
Porteur, s. m. bearer.
Portier, s. m. porter.
Portière, s. f. the door of a coach.
Posa, pret. placed, set.
Pose, (p. 60), places, or placed.
Posé, part. placed, laid, set.
Posséder, v. a. to possess.
Possesseur, s. m. possessor, master.
Possible (son), her best.
Poste, s. m. post.
Posté, e, part. posted.
Potage, s. m. soup, pottage.
Poteaux, s. m. pl. posts.
Pouce, s. m. inch; thumb.
Poudre d'Espagne, snuff.
Poudré, part. powdered.
Poule, s. f. hen.

Pour, prep. for, to, in order to.
Pourquoi, adv. why.
Pourrait, pourraient, could, might.
Pourrions, cond. could, might.
Pourront, fut. will be able.
Poursuivi, poursuivis, pursued.
Poursuivons, imper. let us pursue.
Poursuivre, v. a. to pursue.
Pourtant, conj. however.
Pourvoir, v. to provide.
Poussa, pret. uttered; drove.
Poussai, uttered.-Poussait, drove.

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Pouvons, pres. of pouvoir, can.
Prairie, s. f. meadow.

Pratique, s. f. practice.
Précédent, adj. former.
Précepte, s. m. precept; maxim.
Prêcher, v. to preach. [uable
Précieux, euse, adj. precious, val
me Précipitai, pret. rushed.
Précipitant, p. pres. rushing.
Précipiter, v. a. to precipitate.
Précisément, adv. precisely
Prédit, pret. predicted.
Préféré, part. preferred.
Préjugés, s. m. pl. prejudices.
Prélat, s. m. prelate.
Premier, e, adj. first; former.
Prenais, prenait, took, was taking
Prenant, taking. Prend, takes.
Prendra (s'en), will lay the blame
Prendre, v. a. to take; catch hold
(nous y), set about it
Prenions, imp. were taking
Prennent, prenons, take.
Préoccupation, s. f. idea.
Préoccupé, part. absorbed.
Préparatifs, s. m. pl. preparations.
Préparer, v. a. to prepare.
Près, prep. near.-A peu près
about, nearly.

Prescrit, prescribed, appointed.
Présenté, presented; introduced.
Présenter, v. a. to present, offer.
Présomptueux, adj. presumptuous
Presque, adv. almost.
Pressant, e, pressing.

Presse, s. f. press-gang; prcss.
Pressé, part. pressed. [sight
Pressentiment, s. m. surmise, fore
Prêt, adj. ready.

à, who was on the point of.
Prête, pres. ind. gives.
Prétend, pres. ind. maintains.

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