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Words which are alike in French and English, such as Paris, nation, justice. are suppressed as unnecessary.]


or à, (with a grave accent,) prep. to, at, in. A, er a, (without any accent,) third person, prosont indicative, of the verb avoir, has. Abandonnai, pret. gave up. Abandonne, pres. ind. abandons. s'Abattit, pret. alighted. Abattre, v. a. to pull down. Abattu, adj. dejected, aflicted; broken down. Abbaye, s. f. abbey. Abbé, s. m. un 66


abbé," an eccle

Abcès, s. m. abscess, tumor.


| Absolument, adv. quite.
Absorbé, part. absorbed; deep.
Abusait, imp. took advantage.
Académicien, s. m. academician
Académie, s. f. academy.
Acajou, s. m. mahogany.
Accable (dont on m'), with which
I am loaded.

Accablée, oppressed, sinking.
Acceptai, pret. accepted.
Accessoires, s. m. pl. appendages.
Accompagner, v. a. to accompany
d'Accord (sont), agree.

s'Accorda, pret. coincided.

Accorder, v. a. to grant.

Accourent, pres. ind. run up.

Accourir, v. n. to run up.

Abîme, s. m. abyss.

Aboie, pres. ind. barks.

Abondance, s. f. abundance.

Abondant, o, adj abundant.

Accoutumer, v. a. to accustom.

Abonder, v. n. to abound.

s'Accroche, pres. catches hold.

[blocks in formation]


'Acheminai, pret. went. Acheter, v. a. to buy; to purchase. 'Achève, should be finished. Achever, v. a. to finish, to comAcquérir, v. a. to acquire. Acquiescé, part. acquiesced. Acquis, acquit, acquired. s'Acquitta, pret. performed. Acquitter, v. a. to acquit.

Adjugea, pret. adjudged, awarded. Admirer, v. a. to admire. Admis, part. admitted. Adoptèrent, pret. adopted. Adorer, v. a. to adore, worship. Adoucir, v. a. to soften. s'Adresser, v. r. to address oneself, to apply. [tagonist. Adversaire, s. m. adversary, anAffaiblis, part. softened. Affaire, s. f. business, affair; engagement.

Affamé, adj. starved, famished. n'Affectait rien, was free from affectation.

Affecté, part. affected, moved. Affecterai, fut. I shall affect, put


Affermis, pres. ind. strengthen.
Affinité, s. f. affinity, resemblance.
Affligé, part. afflicted, grieved.
Affreux, adj. dreadful, frightful.
Affublé, part. muffled up.
Affût (à l'), on the watch.
Afin de, prep. to, in order to.
que, that, in order that.
Agé, adj. aged, old.
Agir, v. n. to act.

Agitées, part. past, agitated.
Agréments, s. m. pl. comforts.
Agreste, adj. rural.

Ai, pres. of avoir, have.

Aidé, part. with the assistance.
Aigle, s. eagle.

Ailé, adj. winged.
Ailes, s. f. pl. wings.


Ailleurs, adv. elsewhere. D'ailleurs,
Aimable (figure,) agreeable person.
Aimer, v. a to love, to like.
Alué, aînée, adj eldest.

Ainsi, adv. thus, so.

que, as well as. Air, s. m. air; tune; sky. Ais, s. m. board. Aise, glad; easeAisé, adj. easy.


Mal à son aise

Aisé (peu), of no great property.
Aisément, adv. easily.
Ait, from avoir, to have.
Ajouter, v. a. to add.
Ajustement, s. m. attire.
Ajuster. v. a. to adjust
Alarma, pret. alarmed.

s'Alarma de, took the alarm at. s'Alarment, pres are alarmed. Algèbre, s. f. alge, ra. [away Alla, allai, went. S'en alla, went Allaient, imp. were going; went. Allais, allait, was going; was about to.

Allâmes, pret. of aller, went.
Allé, part. past, gone.
Allée, s. f. walk.

Alléché, allured, attracted.
Allégorie, s. f. allegory.
Alléguer, v. a. to allege, quote.
Allemagne, s. f. Germany.
Allemand, s. and adj. German.
Aller, to go. S'en aller, to go away
Allions, imp. were going.
Allons, come; let us go.
Allumer, v. a. to light; to kindle
Almanach, s. m. almanac. P. 99
Aloès, s. m. aloes. [a directory
Alongeant, p. pres. reaching out.
Alors, adv. then, at that time
Altesse, s. f. Highness.
Amandes, s. f. pl. almonds.
Amant, s. m. lover.

Amasser, v. a. to amass.
Amateur, s. m. amateur, lover.
Ambassade, s. f. embassy.
Ambassadeur, s. m. ambassador
Ame, s. f. soul; mind.
Amélioré, part. improved.
Amende, s. f. fine.
Amener, v. a. to bring.
Amènerais, cond. would bring.
Amèrement, adv. bitterly.


Amérique, s. f. America.
Ami, amie, friend.

Amitié, s. f. friendship, intimacy.
B'Amortir, v. r. to abate, allay.
Amour, s. m. love; Cupid.
Amour-propre, S m. self-love;
Amoureux, adj. fond. [spirit.

[blocks in formation]

Apprêter, v. a. to prepare.
Apprirent, pret. learned.
Appris, e, part. past, learned
Appri, learned; informed; heard
Apprivoiser, v. a. to tame.
s'Approcha, pret. approached.
Approche, s. f. approach.

Amuser, v. a. to amuse, entertain. | Approcher, v. a. to approach.

An, s. m. year.

Aucêtres, s. m. pl. ancestors.
Ancien, adj. ancient.
Ane, s. m. ass.

Anéantir, v. a. to annihilate.
Ange, s. m. angel; beauty.
Anglais, s. and adj. English.
Angleterre, s. f. England.
Animaux, animals.
Année, s. f. year.

Annoncer, v. a. to announce.
Anthropophage, s. m. cannibal.
Antichambre, s. f. antechamber.
Anticipais, imp. was anticipating.
Antoine, s. m. Anthony.
Août, s. m. August; harvest.
Apaiser, v. a. to appease.
Apercevant, part. pres. perceiving.
Apercevoir, v. a. to perceive.
Aperçu, part. past, perceived.
Aperçut, pret. perceived, descried.
Aplani, e, part. settled.
Apôtre, s. m. apostle.
Apparaissent, pres. appear.
Appareil, s. m. display; pomp.
Apparence, s. f. appearance.
Appartenir, v. n. to belong.
s'Appauvrit, pret. empoverished.
Appel, s. m. appeal.
Appeler, v. a. to call.
s'Appelle, pres. is called.
Appliquer, v. a. to apply
Appointements, s. m. pl. salary.
Apportait, imp. brought.
Apporté, e, part. past, brought.
Apporter, v. a. to bring.
Apprécier, to judge; appreciate.
Apprenait, imp. learned.

Apprendre, v. a. to learn; teach.
Apprenez, imper. learn.
Apprentissage, s. m. apprentice-


Approuva, pret. approved.
Appui (à l'), in confirmation.
s'Appuyait, imp. was leaning.
Appuyé, leaning.
Après, prep. after.

Aqueducs, s m. pl. aque Jucts.
Arabe, Arabic; Arabian.
Araignée (toiles d'), cobwebs.
Arbre, s. m. tree.

à pain, bread-tree.
Ardent, adj. burning.
Arène, s. f. arena.
Argent, s. m. silver; money.
Aristophane, Aristophanes. (A cel-

ebrated Greek actor and comic poet. who flourished about 400 years before the Christian éra.) Arme, s. f. arm.

Armé, armés, part. armed.
Armée, s. f. army.
Armoiries, s. f. coat of arms.
Armorié, having a coat of arms.
Armure, s. f. armor.
Arpent, s. m. acre.

Arpenter, v. a. to pace.
s'Arracha, pret. tore.

Arracher, to pull off; tear from.
s'Arrangent, are settled.

Arrêt, s. m. decision.-Mirent la
lance en arrêt, couched the lunce
s'Arrêta, s'arrêtait, stopped.
Arrêter, v. a. to stop; arrest.
Arrivée, s. f. arrival.

Arriver, v. n. to arrive; happen.
Arrosa, pret. watered.
Arrosé, e, sprinkled; drenched.
Article (sur l'), in point.
Artiste, s. m. artist.
Artistement, adv. ingeniously.
Asie, s. f. Asia.
Assailli, part. assailed.

[blocks in formation]


Assez, enough; rather; pretty.
'Assied, pres. ind. sits down.
Assiége, pres. ind. besieges.
Assiette, s. f. plate.
Assigné, e, assigned, summoned.
Assis, e, seated; sitting; sat.
Assises, s. f. pl. assises; sessions.
Assister, v to assist; to be present.
Assisteraient, cond. should be pres-
'Assit, pret. sat down.
m'Associait, made me a partner.
Assommer, v. a. to knock down;


to knock out the brains. Assura, pret. assured.-S'assura Assuré, adj. bold. [de, secured. Assurément, adv. assuredly. Assurer, to assure; to affirm. Astres, heavenly bodies. Atelier, s. m. press; workshop; Athènes, s. f. Athens. Atours, s. m. pl. attire. Attachai, pret. tied.


Attaché, fixed; bound; attached.
'Attachent, pres. ind. stick.
Attacher, to tie, fasten, attach.
Attaque, pres. ind. attacks.
Atteint, part. attained.
Attenant, contiguous, next to.
Attend, pres. ind. awaits.
m'Attendaient, awaited me.
Attendais, imp. waited, expected.
Attendant, p. pres. waiting.-En
attendant, in the mean time, till.
Attendre, v. to wait for; to expect.
Attendri, part. softened, moved.
Attentivement, adv. attentively.
Atterre, pres. ind. impair.
Attester, v. a. to attest.
Attique, s. f. Attica.

Attirer, v. a. to attract, draw.

Attisa, pret. stirred.
Attraits, s. m. pl. charms.
Attribuer, v. a. to attribute.
Attribut, s. m. attribute.


Attristé, part. grieved, afflicted.
Au, to the, at the, in the
Aucun, e, adj. no, none, not any.
Augmenter, v. to increase.
Auguste, adj. august.
Aujourd'hui, adv. to-day; now-a
Aumône, s. f. alms, charity.
Aune, s. f. yard.
Auparavant, adv. before.
Auprès, prep. near.
Auquel, pron. rel. to which.
Aura, aurai, shall, or will have.
Aurais, aurait, auraient, cond
should, could, or would have.
Aurez, fut. of avoir, shall have.
Auriez, aurions, would, should

Auront, fut. shall, or will have.
Aussi, adv. also, as, so.
Aussitôt, adv. immediately; as


Autant, adv. as much, as many.
d'- plus, so much the more
Autel, s. m. altar.
Auteur, s. m. author.

Automne, s. m. and f. autumn.
Autour de, prep. round, around •
Autre, adj. and pron. other. [ubout.
Autrefois, adv. formerly.
Autrement, adv. otherwise.
Aux, to the, in the.

Auxquelles, pron. rel. to which.
Avais, avait, avaient, had.
Avait (il y), there was, there were.
Avaler, v. a. to swallow.
d'Avance, adv. beforehand.
Avancement, s. m. promotion
Avancer, v. a. to advance.
Avant, avant de, avant que, before
en Avant, forward.
Avantage, s. m. advantage.
Avantageux, adj. advantageous.
Avare, adj. avaricious. [profitable
Avec, prep. with.

Avenir, s. m. the future.
Aventure, s. f. adventure.
Avertir, v. to warn; to inform
Aveu, s. m. confession.
Aveugle, adj. blind.


Aveuglement, s. m. blindness. Avez, pres. of avoir, have.-Vous avez beau, it is in vain for you Avidité, s. f. avidity.

(avec), greedily.
Aviez, imp. of avoir, hud.
il Avint, pret. it happened.
Avions, inp of avoir, had.
Avis, s. m. advice; opinion. [rated.
Avisàmes, pret. considered, delibe-
Avisée, (s'est), has ventured.
s'Aviser, v. r. to think of.
Avoine, (pain d'), oatcake.
Avoir, v. auxil. to have.
Avons, pres. of avoir, have.
Avouer, v. a. to confess, to own.
Avril, s. m. April.

Ayant, p. pres. of avoir, having.

s. m. chat.

Baignent, pres. of baigner, to wash.
se Baignent, pres. float.
Baignés, part. bathed; full.
Bailli, s. m. bailiff.
Baillon, s. m. gag.
Baiser, v. a. to kiss.

se Baisse, pres. ind. stoops.
Bal, s. m. ball.

Balai, s. m. broom.

Balayé, part. whisked off.
Balbutiant, p. pres. stammering.
Baleine, s. f. whale.
Ballon, s. m. balloon.
Ballot, s. m. bale.

Balourdises, s. f. pl. blunders.
Bananier, s. m. banana-tree.
Banc, s. m. bank.

Banni, past part. banished.

Bannière, s. f. banner, standard.
Banquette, s. f. a form.
Banquier, s. m. banker.
Baptême, (p not pron.) baptism.
Baptisé, (p not pron.) part. bap-
tized, christened, named.
Barbares, barbarians; rude.
Barbarie, s f. barbarity, cruelty.
Barbe, s. f. beard.
Barbouillai, pret. besmeared.
Barrière, s. f. gate.

[blocks in formation]

Bas, basse, low.-En bas, à bas
Bataille, s. f. battle.
Bateau, s. m. boat
Bâtir, v. a. to build.
Batiste, s. f. cambric.
Bâton, s. m. stick.
Battants, see Porte.
Battez, imper. of battre, beat.
me Battis, pret. fought.
Battit, pret. beat; clapt; fought
Baume, s. m. balm; balsam.
Bavards, s. m. pl. babblers.
Beau, beaux, adj. fine, handsome,
beautiful. Vous avez beau, it is
in vain for you.

Beaucoup, adv. much, very much, many.

Beau premier, very first (he mot with.)

Beauté, s. f. beauty.
Bec, s. m. bill.

Becquée, s. f. bill-full.
Bégayer, v. n. to stammer.
Bègue, a stammerer.

Bel, belle, adj. fine, beautiful.
Belette, s. f. weasel.
Bellune, Belluno.
Bénédiction, s. f. blessing.
Bénies, past part. blessed.
Bénirons, fut. will praise.
Bénit, pres. of bénir, to bless.
Berceau, s. m. bower.
Bergère, s. f. shepherdess.
Besogne, s. f. business.
Besoin, s. m. need, want.
Bétail, s. m. cattle.

Bête, s. f. beast.

Bibliothécaire, s. m. librarian.
Bibliothèque, s. f. library.

Bien, adv. well; very; much; many; easily. Bien que, though although.

Bien, s. m. good; fortune; estute: property.

Bienfait, s. m. advantage; benefit. Bienfaiteur, s. m. benefactor. Bientôt, adv. soon, very soon. Bière, s. f. coffin; beer.

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