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Before I conclude I would say something in favor of the old-fashioned triplet, which I have here ventured to use so often. Dryden seems to have delighted in it, and in many of his poems has used it much oftener than I have done, as for instance in the Hind and Panther, and in Theodore and Honoria, where he introduces it three, four and even five times in succession.

If I have erred anywhere in the structure of my verse from a desire to follow yet earlier end higher examples, I rely on the forgiveness of those in whose ear the music of our old versification is still sounding.t

• Pope used to mention this poem as the most correct specimen of Dryden's versification. It was, indeed, written when he had completely formed his manner, and may be supposed to exhibit, negligence excepted, his deliberate and ultimate scheme of metre. - Johnson.

† With regard to trisyllables, as their accent is very rarely on the last, they cannot properly be any rhymes at all; yet nevertheless I highly commend those who have judiciously and sparingly introduced them as such.- Gray.




HENCE to the realms of Night, dire Demon, hence!
Thy chain of adamant can bind

That little world, the human mind,

And sink its noblest powers to impotence.
Wake the lion's loudest roar,

Clot his shaggy mane with gore,

With flashing fury bid his eye-balls shine;
Meek is his savage, sullen soul, to thine !

Thy touch, thy deadening touch, has steeled the breast,

Whence, through her April-shower, soft Pity smiled; Has closed the heart each godlike virtue blessed,

To all the silent pleadings of his child.


At thy command he plants the dagger deep,

At thy command exults, though Nature bids him weep!

When, with a frown that froze the peopled earth,3
Thou dartedst thy huge head from high,
Night waved her banners o'er the sky,
And, brooding, gave her shapeless shadows birth.

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