The Rev. William Buller, D. D. Dean of Canterbury; and The Rev. Jofeph Turner, D. D. Dean of Norwich. The following are created Peers of Great Britain: The Earl Donegall, Baron Fisherwick. The Earl of Fife, Baron Fife. Viscount Grimfton, Baron Verulam. Lord Mulgrave, Baron Mulgrave. Arch. Douglas, Efq; Baron Douglas. Edwin Lafcelles, Efq; Baron Hare wood. Gilbert Gerard, D. D. Profeffor of Greek in King's College, Aberdeen, in place of Mr Leflie, decca'ed. Marriages. Alexander Majoribanks, Efq; of Marjoribanks, to Mifs Katharine Laurie, daughter to the late Commiffioner Laurie. The Hon. and Rev. Archibald Hamilton Cathcart, to Mifs Frances Henrietta Fremantle. Lieut. David Dewar, of the 22d regiment, to the widow of the late Mr Dewar of Vogrie. Ebenezer Oliphant of Condie, Efq; to Mifs Mary Stirling of Ardoch. Births. Lady Helen Hall, of a fon. The Lady of Capt. Campbell of Stonefield, of a daughter.. The Lady of Lord George Murray, of a daughter. Mrs Campbell of Fairfield, of a fon. Mrs Lockhart of Caftiehill, of a daughter. ter. Mrs. Blair of Blair, of a daughter. Lady Haddo, of a fon. Mes Cheape of Roffie, of a fon. The Moft No le George Duke of Montagu, Earl of Cardigan, Baron Montagu, Mafter of Horfe to the King, and Governor of Windfor Caftle, K. G. an Extraordinary Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Phyficians at E dinburgh, aged 78 years. The Dukedom by his Grace's death becomes extinct; the Ear dom of Cardigan goes to his brother Lord Brudenel, and the Barony of Montagu to his grandfon Lord HenryMontagu, fecond fon to the Duke of Buccleugh, along with a confiderable fortune. Mr Willliam-Charles Craigie, writer to the fignet. Mr Adam Bell, writer in Edinburgh Mr John Lefly, profeffor of Greek, King's College, Aberdeen. At Fintry Mill, aged 103, John Buchan. James Logie, Efq; collector of the cuftoms at Rothsay. Mr John Sime, writer to the fignet. At Philadelphia, in the 84th year of his age, the well known Dr Franklin. As a Legiflator, and as a man of literature, employing his talents in the fervice of the States, none deferved more of his country. Before the American war he refided, as their agent, at the Court of London, and afterwards in the fame character at Paris. On the 11th of April, Sidi Mahomet, Emperor of Morocco. He is fucceeded by his fon Muly el Zezid. George Jennings, Efq; member of the late Parliament for Thetford. Alexander Miller, Esq; of Dalnair, ad vocate. Mr Archibald Hope, fecretary to the Royal Bank of Scotland, treasurer to the Royal Infirmary, and factor to the Dean of his Majefty's Chapel Royal. At Dantzic, in an advanced age, Archi bald Gibfon, Efq; merchant there. Sir John Lockhart Rofs of Balnagown, Bart. Vice Admiral of the Blue Squadron. Ile is fucceeded in title and eftate by his fon Major Charles Rofs of the 35th regi ment. Sir James Innes of Coxtoun, aged 75. Lieutenant General John Pomeroy, Colonel of the 64th regiment, Member in the late Irish Parliament for Trim, and a Privy Counfeilor in that kingdom. The Rev. Mr David Connel, minifter at Eaft Kilbride. Count Lucchefe, the Neapolitan Envoy Extraordinary. Aged for, the Rev. Patrick Curtin, parifh prieft of Dyfart, in Ireland. Mils Burnett of Monboddo, much and juftly regretted. Mr Alderman Swain, of the city of London. Colonel Groves, of his Majefty's Ma rine forces, Aged 94, Mr James Young, merchant, Aberdeen. Mrs Campbell of Newfield. The only daughter of Henry Drummon, Efq; Banker at Charing Crofs. Mr Charles Rivington, Printer in London. The Countefs of Ilchefter. The Rev. Mr Alexander Dun, at Calder. |