their spiritual sponsors. About the Augustus made lotteries which conyear 1116 long hair was confidered sisted of things of little value, but as a luxury, and a mark of effeminacy. Eighty years after, whoever wore long hair was, by a canon, excluded from entering the church; and on Christmas-day at mass, God. froy, bishop of Amiens, refused at St. Omer, in presence of Robert, Earl of Flanders, the offerings of those who had preferved their hair. Francis I. wore his hair short on account of a wound which he had received in his head; his courtiers followed his example, and the people imitated the courtiers. The invention of bells is attributed to the Egyptians: however this may be, it is certain that they were always used to announce the festivals in honour of Ofiris. Amongst the Hebrews the high priest in grand ceremonies wore a kind of tunic, ornamented with small golden bells. At Athens, the priest of Proferpine and Cybele used them during their sacrifices, and in some measure they made a part of their mysteries. Bells were known also among the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans. Pope Sabinian, and St. Paulin of Nola, introduced them into the church, to call the faithful to divine worship, and to diftinguith the canonical hours, but it does not appear that large bells were ufed before the fixth century. In 610 the army of Clotaire, who were befieging Sens, were fo frightened by the noife of the bells of the church of St Stephen, which Loup, bishop of Orleans, ordered to be rung, that they raised the siege, and betook themselves to flight. About the beginning of the following century bells were baptifed; for Alcuin, preceptor to Charlemagne, confiders this ceremony as much older than the year 770. The Romans invented lotteries, to enliven their Saturnalia. This festival began by the distribution of tickets which gained some prize. Nero established fome for the people, in which a thousand tickets were distributed daily, and several of those who were favoured by Fortune got rich by them. Heliogabalus invented some very fingular; the prizes were either of great value or of none at all; one gained a prize of fix slaves, and another of fix flies; some got valuable vases, and others vases of common earth. A lottery of this kind exhibited an excellent picture of the inequality with which Fortune diftributes her favours. The first watches were made at Nuremberg in 1500, by Peter Hell, and called Nuremberg eggs, on account of their oval form. The same year George Purbach, a mathematician of Vienna, employed a watch that pointed to seconds, for astronomical observations. The art of making perukes was invented at Paris, about the end of the reign of Lewis XIII. and people then gave over the use of calottes ornamented with a double row of hair, quite straight or frizzled. The Abbe la Riviere first set the example; his peruke weighed two pounds. These head-dresses were heavy, and of an enormous size, until 1680, when the Sieur Ervais devised a method of curling the hair. Perukes then became real ornaments, and feemed to banish the marks of old age. Nonius Marcellus refers the origin of New-year's gifts among the Romans to Tatius, king of the Sabines, who reigned at Rome conjointly with Romulus, and who having confidered as a good omen, a present of fome branches cut in a wood confecrated to Strenia, the goddess of strength, which he received on the first day of the new year, authorised this custom afterwards, and gave to these persons the name of Strene. However this may be, the Romans on that day celebrated 1 Obfervations on the Origin of certain Customs and Inventions. 55 purged, became much fatter. He took it into his head to make a trial of it upon some of his brother monks; but, as the dose was too strong, they all died. Hence comes the name of antimoine in French, which has been given to this mineral substance. lebrated a festival in honour of Janus, searching for the philofopher's stone, and paid their respects at the same and having thrown to the hogs what time to Juno; but they did not pass remained after some of his experi it in idleness, left they should become ments, observed, that those who indolent during the rest of the year. swallowed it, after being violently They sent presents to one another of figs, dates, honey, &c. to shew their friends that they wished for a happy and agreeable life. Clients, that is to say, those who were under the protection of the great, carried presents of this kind to their patrons, adding to them a small piece of filver. Under Augustus the senate, the knights and the people presented fuch gifts to him, and in his absence deposited them in the Capitol. Of the succeeding princes some adopted this custom, and others abolished it, but it always continued among the people. The early Christians condemned it, because it appeared to be a relique of Paganism, and a species of fuperftition; but when it began to have no other object than that of being a mark of veneration and esteem, the church ceased to disapprove of it. The origin of abbeys is very ancient, and may be traced back to the first ecumenical council of Nicea in the fourth century. Some active ecclesiastics cultivated the earth, with an intention of confecrating the fruits of their labour to the relief of indigence; and while with one hand they fertilised the deserts, they affifted the distressed with the other. By their benefactions they acquired friends, and by their labour they procured riches. Their instruments of husbandry appeared to be incontestible titles of their right of posseffion; and, in the course of time, difmal and barren folitudes were converted into rich houses. The name of monastery seemed then no longer applicable to them, and they exchanged it for that of abbey. Antimony, that remedy so celebrated, was discovered by a German monk, named Basil Valentine, who, Posts were established in 1462, under Louis XI. King of France, on account of the siege of Nanci; the proceedings of which were regularly conveyed to him, by couriers, stationed at certain distances on the road. This expedient was found to be convenient, and it was afterwards continued, and brought to perfection. The custom of faying God bless you to those who sneeze, is said to have originated from Pope Gregory, surnamed the Great, during the time of an epidemical diforder, which carried people off in a fit of sneezing. Some, however, pretend that this custom is much older, and that it was known to the Greeks and the Romans long before the Christian æra. Cards were invented under the reign of Charles VI. King of France, to amuse him during the intervals of that disorder which conducted him to the grave. The world would have been at no loss, had his Majesty been suffered to die in peace without this invention. Burying grounds were not established until the year 200. People before were interred in the highways, and ancient tombs are still to be seen on the roads leading to Rome. Hence these words, so often repeated in epitaphs, Sta viator: Stop, traveller. John Van-Eick, better known under the name of John of Bruges, invented painting in oil, about the commencement of the fourteenth century. In In 1474, the physicians and fur- granted, the first operation of cutting geons of Paris represented to Louis XI. that feveral people of distinction were afflicted with the stone, and that it would be of the highest utility to anatomy to examine, in a living sub. ject, that part of the human body which is the feat of this disorder. They therefore requested his Majesty, that he would order a perfon, named Franc Archer, who had been subject to this malady, and who was condemned to be hanged, to be delivered into their hands. This being for the stone was performed publicly at Paris, in the burying ground of St Severin. The criminal was completely cured in the space of a fortnight, and obtained, besides his pardon, a confiderable reward. We cannot here help observing, that this is a striking instance of the viciffitudes of life, since, to be cured of his diforder, it was necessary that this unhappy man should be condemned to the gallows. On the Gallantry of the Roman Ladies, as compared with that of the C Moderns. USTOMS founded upon the paffions and the affections of the heart, must be prevalent in all ages, and common to every nation. Of all customs, none is more general than that of gallantry. Every where, and in every period, there have been ardent lovers, jealous and deceived husbands, infipid coquettes, and vain coxcombs, who have boasted of the favours conferred upon them by the fair sex. A like cause must always produce like effects. The Romans, from whom we often take examples, in the most flourishing times of the republic, conducted themselves, with respect to gallantry, almost in the same manner as we. 'Their's, however, could not properly be called gallantry; it was rather a real species of debauchery, authorised by example and custom. Irregularities of this kind, among women of the first class, were so common at Rome, that it often appeared surprising, that there were found a few who formed an exception; and though, among the Romans, there were fome delicate hufbands, as among us, it is certain that, in general, they were not much in censed at the worthless conduct of their fair spouses: on the contrary, they were often the best friends of their gallants. What renders their customs in this respect perfectly similar to ours is, that among them, the greatest men were most liable to be disgraced by the infidelity of their wives. This observation is so just, that we shall scarcely find an illustrious character, in the last age of the republic, who may not serve as a model of the unfortunate husbands of the present day. Julius Cæfar, without doubt, was one of the first personages at Rome, and, at the age of twenty-three, pofsessed a confiderable share of merit; he was one of the best made men of his time, and enjoyed, in an eminent degree, the favour of the Roman ladies. Every body, however, who has read ancient history, is acquainted with the illicit correspondence of his wife Pompeia with Clodius, and the adventure which the latter had at the facrifices offered up to the Bona Dea, The address with which Cæfar extricated himself from this affair is worthy of admiration. Being unwilling to quarrel quarrel with Clodius, he repudiated his wife, whom he asserted to be innocent; but he did not by this entirely shelter her from fufpicion. What man, then, is there who will not be comforted under such a misfortune, when he considers that Julius Cæfar himself was not exempted from it? Pompey, the celebrated rival of Cæfar, who was styled The Great, at the age of twenty-five, when returning from the Mithridatic war, was informed of such strange things respecting the conduct of his wife Mutia with Cæfar, that he could not help repudiating her. We, however, find, that he afterwards united himself in the closest manner with Cæfar: and this did not prevent Mutia from marrying a man of better family than Pompey. So true it is, that all these great men were extremely tractable, and easy on this head. We must indeed acknowledge that Pompey was not betrayed by his wife but in his abfence, whereas that of Cæfar carried on her intrigue in an open and scandalous manner, and during the ' time of a celebrated and splendid fef tival. The famous triumvir Mark Anthony, who, as we are told, was a man of great merit among the ladies, was well assured, and even a witness of the infidelity of his spouse with Dolabella; but, notwithstanding, he lived with the latter in habits of the most intimate friendship, there is every reason to believe also that he was not ignorant of the passion which his second wife Fulvia entertained for Augustus, who was neither sufficiently prudent, nor so much his friend, as to conceal this distressing secret*. And if it be true, as several VOL. XI. No 61. H authors have assured us, that he had married Cleopatra, it is certain that he was cruelly deceived by that queen who saw Delius in private, under pretence of his being the friend and. confident of Anthony. The father of Brutus the conspirator, saw, without emotion, the amours of his wife Servilia with Cæ far, and heard it publicly declared that Brutus was his fon. Servilia was the uterine sister of Cato, that stern philosopher, and the private commerce which Cæfar carried on with her did not end but with the death of both; for, amidst the numberless political intrigues which Cæfar was engaged in, he always retained his passion for Servilia, who, on her part, continued inviolably faithful to her admirer. Lucullus, whose mildness, great ness of mind, and magnificence, were never exceeded, experienced the same fate with his wife Claudia, who car ried her debauchery and perversity so far, as to give herself up to her own brother, and in such a fcandalous and public manner, that her conduct was well known to every body. The father of Lucullus had been equally unfortunate as his fon. It is well known to what excesses Cecilia, the mother of Lucullus, proceeded. They were so shameful and dishonorrable, that it required all the merit of her fon to prevent the splendor of the actions, which that young man performed, from being tarnished by them. We should never have done, were we to quote all the examples which history furnishes us on this subject. We must however confefs, that, amidst so many irregularities, and that universal corruption which prevailed among mong the ladies at Rome, there were fome women of so rare and fublime virtue, that, in a great measure, they effaced those stains which the rest brought upon the whole sex. * Profligate fools, in all ages of the world, have boasted of their own disgrace, and even added insult to injury, by revealing to the world the frailty of the unhappy object by whom they have been favoured. Were examples of this truth in modern times required, we need not go far to look for them. In Octavia, the third wife of Anthony, and fifter of Auguftus, we observe the most beautiful and exalted character that can adorn humanity. Her charms, the great number of her admirers, and the inconstancy of her husband, all invited her to prove unfaithful, but nothing was capable of making her deviate even for a moment from her duty. Livia, the wife of Augustus, absolute mistress of the empire, and of the emperor himself, and whose influence was great in a luxurious and refined court, never gave the least occafion for the voice of scandal to defame her reputation. Cornelia, the last wife of Pompey, whose fidelity and greatness of mind have been a fubject of admiration in all ages, made it be faid, and with great justice, that she was still more illustrious than her husband, and even than the conqueror of her husband. The wife of Paulus Emilius exhibits also a great and virtuous character; but we shall find one still more magnanimous in Portia, the wife of Brutus. As their history is well known, it will be needless to enlarge upon it here; but whatever may have been the virtues of these Roman ladies, it must be acknowledged, that fuch instances were rare, and that they were only to be met with now and then in an age. We may daily hear illiberal detractors of the fair sex decry the ladies of the present day, and reproach them with their inclination for gallantry; but if these ignorant despisers of the most beautiful and enchanting part of the creation, would give themselves the trouble to read the history, and study the private manners of the Romans, they would find that their women were much less delicate in that respect than ours. And who are those who take such liberties with the most agreeable part of fociety? Old bachelors, or young libertines. The first, like the butterfly, have stained so many rofes, that they are fully perfuaded it is impossible for them ever to find one unfullied. Debauchees by taste and by habit, and deaf to the voice of fentiment and friendship, they have feduced without remorse the wives of their beft friends, and, judging of the perversity of the rest by that of those who have been the miserable victims of their unbridled passions, they think themselves authorized to fwear that they will never marry, left they should be exposed to that misery which they have occafioned to more perhaps than one husband. According to them a virtuous woman is a phenix that never had existence but in the imagination; and at the very moment when they advance this ridiculous assertion, if you should ask them, whether their mothers were virtuous and chaste, they would not hesitate to answer in the negative*. Libertines from the age of twenty to twenty-five, calumniate the fair sex in a different manner. Elated with the advantage which age and the bloom of youth give them over the ladies, and being best acquainted with those only who will difpofe of their favours to the highest bidder, they boldly declare that there is no woman whom an amiable and handsome young * The following repartee is very applicable to the present subject: A certain perfon having asserted, in company, that all women without exception were unchaste; one present, immedtately replied, "You are then, Sir, the son of a strumpet, or you " have advanced an infamous falsehood." 1 |