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lature could never propofe that any man fhould fwear or make the exercife of his franchife depend upon, what is uneffential. The oath is therefore declaratory of the law, and mentioning nominality among other difabilities, it proves that reality, or the poffeffion of the whole ufe and benefit of the claimant himself, and not for the use and benefit of another perfon, is effentially requifite by law.And that the eftate is not fo poffeffed, is capable of being proved.

The refult is, that any freeholder objecting to prove nominality, is entitled to the ufual procefs of the Court, to_the confefion or judicial examination of the party objected to produce written evidence or parole evidence or to make a reference to the oath of the party.-In a word, the fact of nominality may be eftablished, like any other fact, according to the established courfe of proceedings by the law of Scotland, and practice of the Court of Seffion, in ordinary cafes or common actions, and upon the evidence the Court is to pronounce.


Lord Henry Spencer, Secretary to the Embaffy to the States General, with chaFacter of Minifter Plenipotentiary.

James Duff, Efq; Conful of Cadiz, in room of Jofiah Hardy, Efq; deceast.

John Buller and Robert Nicholas, Efqre, Commiffioners of Excife in England, in room of D. Papillion and Sir Will. Burrel, Bart. retired.

Sir Alex. Hood, K. B. Rear Admiral of Great Britain, in room of Admiral Darby, deceaft.

The Bishop of Norwich, Bishop of St Afaph, in room of Dr Hallifax deceast.

John Haliburton, Efq; Inspector General of Stamps for Scotland, in room of George Innes, Efq; deceast.

Dr Andrew Coventry, Profeffor of Agriculture in the University of Edinburgh; a new profefforship inftituted by Will. Pultney, Efq;

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The Rev. Wation, minifter of Arberlot, in room of Mr Hunter, deceast. James Jeffray, Efq; Profeffor of Botany and Anatomy in the University of Glasgow, in room of Profeffor Hamilton, deceast.

The Right Hon. the Earl of Leven, his Majefty's High Commiffioner to the Gemeral Affembly of the Church of Scotland. Marriages.

The Rev. Mr Thomas Pitcairn at Shapenfhay, after being three weeks a widower, to Mifs Peggy Rofs, whofe ages united make 150 years,

The Hon. Mr Townfend, one of the

Lords of the Admiralty, to the Hon. Mifs Southwell daughter of Lord de Clifford.

William Elliot, Efq. of Stobbs, to Mife Ruffel, daughter of John Ruffel, Efq; Clerk to his Majesty's Signet.

Robert Beatfon, Efq; of Kilrie, to the only daughter of Murdoch Campbell, Esq; of Rofs-end.

Adam Keir, Efq; banker in Edinburgh, to Miss Isabella Dempfter, daughter of Mr Dempfter Jeweller.


Mrs M'Donald of Clanronald, of a for. Lady Vif. Falmouth, of a fon. Mrs Chriftie of Durie, of a daughter. The Right Hon. Lady Willoughby de Erefby, wife of Sir Peter Burrel, Bt. of a daughter. Deaths.

At Woolwich, Col. Williams of the Roy al Artillery.

The Right Hon. the Countess of Fauconberg.

Robert Campbell of Monzie, Efq; Re ceiver General of the Customs for Scotland. Lord Haftings, only fon of the Earl of Huntingdon, of the fmall pox.

At Naples, Prince di Jaci, aged 91, Privy Counsellor to both the King of Naples and the King of Spain.

In North Carolina, the Hon. Richmond Cafwell, Speaker of the Senate. He was member of the first congrefs in 1775, and has been repeatedly elected Governor of that state.

Mrs Mackenzie of Allengrange, coheirefs of the late Mr Falconer of Monktoun.

Sir George Ramfay of Banff, Bart. having been mortally wounded in a duel with Capt. M'Rae.

Colonel Urquhart of Bird-yards. David Steuart Moncrieff, Efq; one of the Barons of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer.


William Hamilton, Efq; Capt. in the Royal Navy.

At Ipfwich, Alexander Dean, Efq; in the 100th year of his age.

The Earl of Mays, of the kingdom of Ireland.

Lord Mapey, of the fame kingdom. Sir Peter King, Commiffary General of Mufters, Ireland.

Mr Will. Buchan, writer to the fignet. The relict of the deceased Rob. Wright, Efq; of Foodie, aged 95.

Will. Veitch, mafon in Peebles, aged 98. In an advanced age, the widow of the late pious and learned Dr Doddridge.

William Mitchel, Efq; many years Secretary to the Eaft India Company.

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State of the BAROMETER in inches and decimals, and of Farenheit's THER MOMETER in the open air, taken in the morning before fun-rife, and at noon; and the quantity of rain-water fallen, in inches and decimals, from the 30th April, 1790, to the 30th of May, near the foot of Arthur's Seat.

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