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Johmton, King's Counsel in the Island of Grenada.

At Braid Burn, near this city, Mrs Dick, aged 105.

• Vice Admiral the Count de Guichen, who commanded the French fleet in America last war.

The Rev. Mr Davis at Hareford, in the Losth year of his age, who ate heartily, and drank plentifully, and who without exercise enjoyed an uninterrupted ftate of good health, and to the day of bis death, beloved by all who knew him.

Mrs Ramsay of Whitehill, widow of Mr Balfour-Ramsay, who represented the county of Mid Lothian in Parliament on the death of Sir Charles Gilmour in 1755.

Mr Alexander Innes, Commissaryclerk of Aberdeen.

James Grant, Esq; late of Carron. Lieut. General Lang, in the East India fervice upwards of 33 years.

Robert Adair, Elq; Surgeon-General to the army, and to the Chelsea Hospit

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At Letham, East Lothian, Mrs Buchan of Lethem. [Not Mr Buchan, as in our laft month's Magazine.]

At Cherfon, the humane Mr Howard, of an epidemic fever, caught when adminiftering medical assistance to a young lady in the fame distemper. The dreary abodes of the miferable have echoed the praises of him, whose delight was in going about to do good. As a mark of refpect from Government, the London Gazette gave account of his death from Warfaw; which is uncommon' for that paper to give of a private gentleman.

At Pila, General Lockhart of Lee Court of the Holy Roman Empire, he is fucceeded by his eldest fon Charles, a minor.

At Eastwood, the Rev. Mr James Simpson, minifter of that parish.

The Right Hon. Lady Dowager Lindores in the 94th year of her age.

Lieut. Col. Francis Sutherland, plate of the Scots Brigade, in the service of the States of Holland, aged 76.

In the 85th year of his age, Sir Joshua Rowley, Bart. Vice Admiral of the

White. He is fucceeded by his fon now Sir William, late a captain in the guards

At Genoa, Tenducci the celebrated finger, of an apoplexy. In paying the debt of nature, he has discharged other demands to a large amount.

The Right Rev. Dr Hallifax, Lord Bishop, and Arch-Dean of St Afaph, Rector of Wersop, and Master of the Faculties.

Sir Charles Erskine of Cambo, Bart.
The Rev. Dr Jameson at Ratwick,

aged 86.

The Rev. Mr Brown at Langside, aged 85.

Viscountess Chetwynd, daughter of the late Sir Jonathan Cope, Bart. Her Ladyship married the present Viscount in 1751.

At Iflington, John McIntosh, Efq; of Dulmunzie.

At Caldwell, Capt. Alexander Mure, late of the 19th regiment of foot.

Lady Augusta Fitzgerald, daughter of the Duke of Leinster.

Mr William Hamilton, Professor of Anatomy in the University of Glasgow; a gentleman of much professional know. ledge, justly regreted.

John Hunt, Esq; Collector of the Customs of St Kitts.

Lady Smythe, relict of the late Chief Baron Smythe.

Dr Addington Physician at Reading, Father to the Speaker of the House of Commons, on which account the House adjourned for three days in compliment to their Speaker.

At his House near Stonehaven, Mr William Young Sheriff-clerk of Kincardineshire.

At Dublin, William Mylne, Esq. Architect and Chief Engineer to the City of Dublin. Mr Mylne was a Member of the Corporation of Matons in Edinburgh; was Conveener of the Trades in 1765, and built the North Bridge in that City. His ancestors have been Masons from Father to Son in Edinburgh some hundred years, one of whom built the Palace of Holyrood House.

At Vienna, 20th Feb. his Imperial Majesty Joseph II. Arch-duke of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia. He was born 1745, crowned King of the Romans 1764, fucceeded his father as Emperor 1765, and his mother to the Auftrian dominions 1780. He was first married to a Princess of Parma, and afterwards to a Princess of Bavaria Bavaria-but without issue.



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State of the BAROMETER in inches and decimals, and of Farenheit's THERMOMETER in the open air, taken in the morning before fun-rife, and at noon; and the quantity of rain-water fallen, in inches and decimals, from the 30th of March, 1790, to the 29th April, near the foot of Arthur's Seat.

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