Alex. Irvine, Efq; M. P. for Eaftlow, and Capt. of the first Regt. of Guards. James Webiter, Efq; Merchant in London, who, from being a Clerk at L. 15 a-year, by ftrict attention and honour in his dealings, accumulated up wards of One Hundred Thousand Pounds. He carried on business with his brother, who died about two years ago, both came from Dundee. Mifs Janet Robertson, the youngest daughter of the Rev. Principal Robertfon Geo. Cleghorn, M. D. Profeffor of Anatomy in the Univerfity of Dublin, a Gentleman efteemed, beloved, and re. fpected, aged 75. Major General Arch. M'Nab, Colonel of the 41ft Regt. of Foot. James Spence, Efq; late Treasurer of the Bank of Scotland, in the 88th year of his age; he had been fixty-fix years in the fervice of the Bank. Dr Goodár, Phyfician in Leven, Fifefhire. The Rev. Mr John Cranston at Anc rum. The Right Hon. Anthony Brabazon, Earl of Meath, Lord Brabazon, of the kingdom of Ireland. Mrs Corby of Oxford Street, by the bite of a cat, who had been worried by dogs, and ill-ufed by unlucky boys; every precaution was taken, notwithftanding, the infection began to appear in about fix weeks, and grew worse and worfe every day, till fhe died, Thomasforthingham, Efq; of Powrie. William Gray, late provoft of Perth, aged 94. Mr John Blair, agent for the Royal Burghs of Scotland. Mr Charles Elliot, Bookfeller in this City, by whofe death this country has loft a great promoter of the printing and paper bufinefs; he was poffeffed of more literary property than any other in the trade. Sir William Nairne of Dunfinnan, Bt, he is fucceeded in title by his uncle, Lord Dunfinnan, one of the fenators of the College of Juftice. The Rev. Mr Cruickshanks, Rector in Kent; on leaving the Altar on Christmas day, he fainted, and in a few moments expired. Mr Alderman Burnel, of the gout in his ftomach, aged 85. In an advanced age, the Rev. Mr Bain, Minifter of the Relief Congrega tion in Edinburgh; he formerly was one of the Minifters of Paifley along with Dr Wotherspoon; owing to fome differenee in opinions, both left the Church, the one came to this city, the other went to America, and took an active part in the late war, being fome time member of Congrefs. In an advanced age, the Hon. Charles F. Ramfay, uncle to the late Earl of Dalhousie. John Leevre, Efq; Banker in London, who has left an only daughter, with an immenfe fortune; his death was owing to cutting his finger, which brought on a mortification. Thomas Ewer, Efq; merchant in London, M. P. for Dorchefter, and Treafurer of the Turkey Company The Right Hon. Lady Dowager Gray; her Ladyfhip was heirefs of Kinfauns, near Perth, and married her late Lord ia 1741, who died in 1782, leaving a numerous family. At Woodburn, Mifs Mary Ker, only daughter of James Ker, Efq; of Blackfheills. Preferments. Allan Gardner, Efq; Capt. in the Royal Navy, to be one of the Lord Commiffioners of the Admiralty, in place of Sir Francis Drake, deceaft. H. Combe, Efq; Alderman of Aldersgate-ward, in place of John Burnel Efq; deceaft. The Hon. Mifs Digby, a Maid of Honour to the Queen, in room of Mifs Gunning, who has married the Hon. Mr Digby. William Bellingham Efq; one of the Principal Officers of the Navy Office, in room of William Campbell, Efq; deceaft, and Francis Stephens, Efq; Commiffioner of the Victualling Office in room of Mr Bellingham. John Gray, Efq; one of the City Clerks, Agent to the Royal Burghs, in room of Mr Blair, deceast. * Inch Garvie is a small island in the middle of the Firth of Forth, where it is narroweft betwixt the Ferries: it is a small rock, very steep, except that it flopes a little to the Weft, where it is acceffible. During the American war the old fort was repaired, and a few foldiers were garrisoned in it. It belongs to Mr Dundas of |