Oct. 5, Jan. 5, 1790, 366,290 15 1,415.431 2 о 221,575 O O Total. 2,442,478 18 or near Tavo Millions and a Half! On a comparative review of the totals for the two laft years, there is to very confiderable a furplus of the former over the latter, befides paying off the ufual million of debt, as to warrant a hope, that the time may be at no great diftance, when we fhall witness a confiderable diminution of our national burdens. This increase of the revenue is one of the moft pleasant circumftances of the prefent times. In former days, receivers and collectors had the use of the public money long enough to propofe private bargains, and became bankers of the nation's cafh for their own emolument; now the channels through which the money paffes to the Treafury, are so immediate and fo few, that after payment of the neceffary expences in receiving, the public cheft fuffers no deduction: add to all this, the immediate obligation of paying in what is collected at a very early day after the fums are due; and moreover, the ftrict and relentless exertions of bringing old public defaulters to ac count. It is a fact, that after the day whereon the feveral taxes become due from the receivers, that is, when they are to be fuppofed to have made all their collections, the minifter fends for the balance, and with great urgency requires immediate payment. Every collector, therefore, muft be ready, and every hundred pounds due to the revenue muft be paid in. Much as the revenue of laft year exceeded that of the preceding one, the year 1790, yet in its infancy to be fure, promifes a more abundant flow of wealth into the national treasury, if an opinion may be formed from the comparative ftatement of the produce of the customs, L. 152,850 1 7 249,465 13 2 The increase in the revenue for the week ending 8th January, 1790, above the correfponding week in 1789, is Ninety-Six Thousand, Six Hundred and Fifteen Pounds! The tobacco Excife act, befides the very great revenue it is found to produce, has already almoft totally put a stop to the fmuggling of that article. It is with great fatisfaction we observe, that while many nations have lately been deluged with blood, or torn in pieces by civil difcord, Great Britain, and her dependencies, have enjoyed, and are likely to enjoy, peace and tranquillity; their fi nances improving, and their trade and manufactures flourishing in a degree hitherto unknown. The philanthropic Mr Howard was on the 17th of November, in perfect health at Cherfon in Little Tartary, in his way to Turkey, vifiting the Ruffian Military and Naval Hofpitals in that neighbour hood, after having infpected thofe of Ri ga, Cronftadt, &c. which he found in the moft dreadful state of neglect, through which at leaft 70,000 foldiers and failors are faid to have perished in the laft year only. Jan. 16. Such is the uncommon mildnefs of the prefent feason, that a thrush's neft was found last Monday, in Atwood's gardens, St George's Fields, in which were four young birds almoft fledged. Many rofe trees have budded, and feveral cherry trees in the neighbourhood of Walworth are full blown. Almost every day produces fresh inftances of the uncommon mildnefs of the feafon A blackbird's neft, with four eggs, was taken on Christmas-day, near Lord Harcourt's, at Nuneham, in Oxfordfhire; another, with young ones, in Salcey Foreft; and feveral fparrows and finches nefts have been found in different parts, completely built as in fummer, and with eggs in them. The nightingale fung fung laft week in Suffex, and a tMr Adney's villa, Lidney Wood, in Leicester fhire. Jan.16. OnThurfday his R. Highness Prince Edward, their Majefty's fourth fon, arrived in town from Geneva. On notice of his arrival being fent to Carleton-houfe, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales immediately waited upon him, and returned with his brother to Carleton-house, where they breakfafted, and afterwads paid a vifit to their Royal brother, at York-house. His Royal Highness Prince Edward's arrival in England was extremely unexpected, his Majefty having had no previous intimation of it. He takes up his refidence for the prefent at CarletonHoufe. His Highnefs's fudden return is variously spoken of. Birth-Day. Jan. 19. Yefterday being the day appointed for the celebration of her Majef ty's Birth-Day, a very fplendid Court was affembled at St. James's.-The drawing-room began at half past two, at which their Majefties were both prefent, and which therefore rendered it (if we may ufe the expreffion) the moft perfect birth-day fince June 1788-The Royal prefence feemed to diffuse peculiar joy and gratification through the whole circle; nor would it, we will venture to fay, have been decreafed, if all the Princes had honoured the Court with their prefence. The Prince of Wales only was there, with ease and vivacity which inchanted all-The Dukes of York and Clarence, we fear, are not fufficiently recovered from their late illness, Various reafons are given for the abfence of Prince Edward. The three Princeffes, however, added as ufual to the Royal Affemblage. The following are fome of the many nobility prefent: His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Gloucefter, his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Cumberland, his Serene Highnefs the Duke of Orleans. Archbishop of Canturburry, the Archbishop of York, Mr. Pitt, Dukes of Richmond, Leeds, Dorfet, and Montague. Marquiffes of Stafford, Salifburry, Bath, Worcefter, and Graham. Several Bishops, foreign minifters, &c. &c. The Lord Chancellor was not at Court, yesterday, though his Lordship is faid to be in good health. The Court dreffes had one great recommendation; they feemed all of our own manufacture, with very few exceptions. Ode for the New Year was not performed, as was expected. Various conjectures are given, for its fuppreffion the most plaufible of which is, that it touched with too much freedom upon the Revolutions abroad, and upon continental politics. It is not a little remarkable, that the London Gazette has been, for fome time, totally filent refpecting the French Re volution, and not a fingle word has been faid in it about the revolution in the Auftrian Netherlands. Houfe of Lords. Jan. 21.This day at noon the King came from Buckingham Houfe to St James's Palace, in his private coach, where he had a private Levee; after which, his Majefty went in ftate to the House of Peers, where the Commons being fent for, his Majefty opened both Houfes of Parliament, with the following moft gracious Speech from the Throne: My Lords and Gentlemen, Since I laft met you in Parliament, the continuance of the war on the Continent, and the internal condition of different parts of Europe, have been productive of events which have engaged my moft ferions attention. While I fee, with a juft concern, the interruption of the tranquillity of other countries, I have at the fame time great fatisfaction in being able to inform you, that I receive continued affurances of the good difpofition of all foreign powers towards these kingdoms; and I am perfuaded that you will entertain with me, a deep and grateful fenfe of Providence, in continuing to my fubjects the increafing advantages of peace, and the uninterrupted enjoyments of those bleffings which they have fo long derived from our excellent conftitution. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I have given directions that the efti mates for the present year fhould be laid before you, and I rely on your readiness to grant fuch fupplies as the circumftances of the feveral branches of the public fervice may require. My Lords and Gentlemen, The regulations prefcribed by the act of the laft Seffions of Parliament, relative to the Corn Trade, not having been carried into effect in feveral parts of the kingdom, there appeared reafon to apprehend, that fuch an exportation of Corn might take place, and fuch difficulty arife in the importation of Foreign Corn, an as would have been productive of the moft ferious inconvenience to my fub jects. Under thefe circumftances, it appeared abfolutely neceflary to take immediate and effectual measures for preventing the exportation, and facilitating the importation of particular forts of corn; I therefore, by the advice of my Privy Council, iffued an order for that purpofe; a copy of which will be laid before you. "I have only further to defire, that you will continue to apply youselves to thofe objects which may require your attention, with the fame zeal for the public fervice which has hitherto appeared in all your proceedings, and of which the effects have been fo happily manifefted by an increase of the public revenue, the extenfion of the commerce and manufactures of the country, and the general profperity of my people." His Majefty having retired, the Commons withdrew. In the House of Lords the addrefs was moved by Viscount Falmouth, and feconded by Lord Cathcart; in the House of Commons, by Lord Valletort and Mr Cawthorne. SCOTLAND. High Court of Justiciary. Jan. 12. Yefterday came on before the High Court of Jufticiary (Lord Swinton, in abfence of the Lord Juftice Clerk, being chosen President, the trial of Duncan Wright, gardener in New Town of Paifley (a man upwards of fifty years of age) accufed at the inftance of his Majefty's Advocate of committing a rape upon Mary Anne Petrie, of the fame place, a young girl of about fifteen years of age. The Court pronounced an interlocutor, finding the libel relevant to infer the pains of law, and allowing the pannel a proof of all facts tending to exculpation or alleviation. The trial then proceeded, but it would be inconfiftent with the principles of decency to enter into the minutia of fuch a trial as this. After the evidence was clofed, the Lord Advocate addreffed the Jury, on the part of the Crown, as did Mr Wight for the prifoner. Lord Swinton fummed up the evidence with great candour, and the Jury returned their verdict this day, finding, by a great plurality of voices, the pan. nel Guilty of the crime libelled. The Judges delivered their opinions upon the VOL. XI. No. 61. B verdict, and unanimoufly fentenced the prifoner to be hanged at the common place of execution, upon Wednesday the 24th of February. Lord Hailes pronounced the judgment of the Court with much feeling. 12. On Friday the Lord Provoft, Magiftrates and Council of Edinburgh voted a piece of plate of fifty guineas value to Dr Cullen, as a teftimony of their respect for his diftinguished merits and abilities, and his eminent fervice to the University during the period of thirty-four years, in which he has held an Academical Chair. On the plate will be engraved an infcription expreffive of the high fenfe the Magiftrates, as patrons of the Univertity, have of the merit of the Profeffor, and of their efteem and regard, 15. A meeting of the pupils of Dr Cullen was held on Wednesday in the Medical Hall, when an addrefs to the Doctor was agreed upon, and ordered to be prefented by the following gentle men: Dr Jachman, Annual Prefidents of the Medical Society. Mr Benjamin Bell, Dr Jas. Hamilton, and Dr Charles Stuart. A motion was alfo made, and unanimoufly agreed to, that a ftatue, or fome durable monument of the Doctor, fhould be erected in a proper place, to perpetuate the fame of the illuftrious Profeffor. The execution of this, and of all neceflary measures for the purpose, was alfo committed to the above gentlemen, The Royal Physical Society have prefented a very elegant address to Dr Cullen. The gentlemen who prefented it were very politely received by Robert Cullen, Efq; Advocate, and Dr Henry Cul en (Dr Cullen himself being much indifpofed), and a fuitable anfwer was returned by Robert Cullen, Efq. Similar addreffes have been prefented by the Hibernian Medical Society, and the American Pie Sical Society of Edin burgh, EDINBURGH COLLEGE, January 27. 1792. The Principal and the Profeffore of the University of Edinburgh, being this day convened in SENATUS ACADEMICUS, Dr Gregory informed them, that in a meeting of the Royal Medical Society, and of other Gentlemen, the former and prefent pupils of Dr Cullen, it had been refoived to evect fom fome durable monument of grateful repect for their venerable inftructor; and the Committee appointed for carrying this determination into execution, thinking a confpicuous place in the New College would be most proper for that purpofe, he was empowered to requeft, in their name, the consent of the SENATUS ACADEMICUS. The members of the SENATUS ACADEMICUS, thoroughly acquainted with the eminent and various talents of their illuftrious Colleague, and fenfible how much thefe have contributed towards increafing the reputation of the School of Medicine in this University, unani moufly expreffed the warmest approbation of this refolution; and they have no doubt that their Honourable Patrons, who, with their usual attention to the welfare of the University, have already given a public and honourable teftimony of the ftimation in which they hold the genius and merit of Doctor Cullen, will readily concur with them in granting what is defired. And the SENATUS ACADEMICUS directed their Secretary, to furnish Dr Gregory with an extract of this minute, to be by him communicated to the Royal Medical Society, and the other Gentlemen concerned. WILLIAM ROBERTSON, Principal. AND. DALZEL, Secretary. Jan. 25. Came on before the High Court of Jufticiary the trial of William Wilfon tenant in Hareftanes for forgery. The proof on the part of the profecution clofed about eight o'clock, and that in exculpation about nine. The pannel brought the moft amp proof of good character, refpectability, and usefulness, in the country; and endeavoured to fhow, that from circumftances he was under no temptation to commit the crime... The Lord Advocate, in a very able and candid manner, addreffed the Jury on the part of the Crown. His Lordfhip gave up the 75 1. bill, as not being proved a forgery against the pannel. The 1ool. bill, however, his Lordfhip contended, was proved a forgery by the depofition of Dr Lindefay, fupported by the pannel's own declaration, emitted before the Sheriff of Edinburgh. The iflung and difcounting of it was likewife fully proved and therefore, as to that bill, he expected a verdict in his favour. Should the Jury, however, view the matter in a different light, he muft fubmit, fatisfied that he had done his duty to his country. He had brought his profecution against a person who had been proved, and who, he was ready to acknowledge, formerly enjoyed a character for honesty and integrity inferior to none in that part of the country where he refided. He hoped, therefore, the prefent trial would convince the public at large, that however elevated the ftation, or refpectable the character of any perfon might be, neither his ftation nor character would protect him from punishment, when he prefumed to tranfgrefs the laws of his country. His Lordship fpoke upwards of an hour. The Hon. Dean of Faculty followed the Lord Advocate on the part of the pannel. His exordium was in the higheft degree pathetic and affecting, particularly when he took notice of the unblemished, and even admired character of his client, as well as of the venerable appearance his perfon exhibited. The Dean, in a speech of two hours, went over the proof with his ufual accuracy and acuteness, and endeavoured to show that there was not a veftige of evidence on which the Jury could bring in a ver dict against the pannel. The evidence of Dr Lindefay, he contended, was liable to many objections; and without meaning in the Imalleft degree, to impeach his veracity, there was every reafon to believe he had mistaken one bill for another; and indeed, confidering the multiplicity of bills to which he had adhibited his fubfcription, fome of them too without having a date at the time, it was no wonder he fhould miftake.With refpect to the pannel's declaration, which was faid to corroborate Dr Lindefay's evidence, the Dean contended, no firefs could be laid upon it; for, if one part of the declaration is held as evidence, fo muft every part; and he infifted, that the bill then upon the table, on which Dr Lindefay's name appears, could not be the bill alluded to in the declaration, as it was not authenticated in the ufual manner by the subfcriptions of the Sheriff, and pannel, as relative to his declaration. The Dean, paid many handfome compliments to the Lord Advocate for the candid manner in which he had conducted the profecution; but infifted, that as his Lordship. had failed to lay before the Jury the beft evidence poffible to be brought, they were not bound to liften to what he had been pleafed to fubflitute in its flead. The Lord Hailes having with great candour and accuracy, fummed up the whole evidence, and given a charge to the Jury, they were inclofed about one o'clock on Tuesday Tuesday morning. At two o'clock that afternoon, they returned a verdict, unanimoufly finding the libel not proven. Upon which Mr Wilfon was affoilzied fimpliciter, and difmiffed from the bar. During the course of the trial, fome of the exculpatory witneffes fwore, that it was a common practice in that part of the country for perfons to fign, accept, or indorfe accommodation bills, leaving the dates and fums blank, to be afterwards filled up by their agents, as Lord circumftances might require. Hailes very property defired the witneffes to warn thofe perfons who had adopted this abfurd cuftom, against a practice fo dangerous and deftructive, and which might be attended with the worft confequences. The year 1789 having been uncommonly wet, a correfpondent in EaftLothian has favoured us with a diary of the weather kept by him, from which that there were that year, appears it Fair days, 129 Days of rain, 186 Days of fnow, 35 Days of mift, they had time to run off, and to fink into the ground. The warmth of the air in November and December 1789, is much more remarkable than the quantity of the rain that has fallen in that year, had there not been a cold and a rainy Autumn. Quantity of rain, in inches and decimals, which fell last year, near the loot of Arthur's Seat, from 31ft December 1788, inclufive, to 31ft December 1789, ex clufive: 114 cloudy, 29. rain, fnow, 12 Between the rft of Jan. and 12th of May, of froft, 103 days Between the 16th of Oct. and 31st December, 26 Total 129 I 6 1895277879 68765 Inches 35 The quantity of rain which fell in the year 1788 is 15 inches, 7 tenths, 7 hundred, and 3 thousand parts of an inch lefs than in the year 1789. But 35. 2. o. I. cannot be reckoned much, becaufe the average quantity at Glasgow, for twenty years, is nearly 31 inches; and it is the fame at Bristol, and all the weft fide of Britain, equally remote from the fea, mountains, and lakes. In fome of the hilly parts of Lancashire it is about 40 inches. During this year the Clyde has been remarkably low, because the rains were gentle; on which account |