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to use it myself; the very thought of a damp bed makes me tremble, so put him into that."

The next day was, as Mr. Wobble had sagely foretold it would be, Sunday, a day of all others dearest to Rufus Wadd, who liked to have his time, as, indeed, he liked to have everything else to himself. But to him this "Sabbath was no day of rest." The twelve o'clock coach brought Mr. and Mrs. William Wadd, who apologized for not getting down to breakfast, the distance being so short it was shameful to lose the fine of the morning; but then the one o'clock coach made ample amends to the amiable host, for it brought Mr. Parkins (the currier) and his son, just in time for luncheon. "The distance is so convenient," observed the latter, "that one can calculate one's time to a moment; and then the luxury of being set down at the very door!" I'll set fire to the house, thought Rufus. The next conveyance introduced Peter Wadd. "I'm sorry your wife is not with you," said Rufus, putting the best face he could on the matter, yet heartily glad at seeing him solus. "You know how it is, Rufus; women are never ready; but as the distance is positively not worth mentioning, I left them to come by themselves by the next stage."" Them!!" "O-ay-the two Miss Praters are staying with us, so we couldn't do less than to invite them to come with us. As I said to Jane, where two can dine three can dine, and -besides, you can make an addition to your provision with so little difficulty at this charming placeyou are at such a convenient distance!"

These two or three days are types of most of those which followed. Mr. Wadd saw his projects frustrated, his hopes of leisure and retirement destroyed. He was seldom left alone, except when he would have given one of his ears for society-that was when it rained a deluge, and he was constrained to remain in-doors, and seek amusement in beating the devil's tattoo with his fingers on the plate-glass windows of his front parlor, or watching the little circles, made by the little rain-drops, in the little cistern wherein Cupid stood.

His temper, his patience, his health, and perhaps his income, would not much longer have held out against the daily importations of visiters, consigned to him through the medium of those moving lazarhouses, the Turnham-Green stages, carrying only six inside; and he began to think of stealing a mile or two lower down the road. One morning at breakfast, while Rufus was reading the Morning Post, Mrs. Wadd and Jemima were alarmed at hearing a sort of rattling sound in the good man's throat. The paper had fallen from his hand, and a piece of toast was sticking in his mouth: he was within an ace of choking, but their attentions presently revived him. He spoke not, but pointed to the paragraph which had so fearfully affected him. It ran as follows: "We are happy to learn that four Omnibuses, each carrying sixteen inside, will run daily between the City and Turnham Green."

It is supposed that Mr. Rufus Wadd is gone with his family to reside at one of the most distant settlements on the Swan River.


In treating of Consumption, Dr. James Clark, in his work on "The Influence of Climate," the second edition of which has just issued from the press, has directed his inquiries

chiefly to the causes and origin of that fatal disease, with the view of establishing rules for its prevention ; for he is satisfied that it is only by a knowledge of the causes which lead

to it, and by directing our efforts to counteract them, that we shall be able to diminish the ravages of consumption. He is convinced that by adopting such a system of management, from early infancy, as he has laid down, a great improvement might be effected in the general health of many among the higher and middle classes of society in this country. The children of delicate, nay of diseased parents, might, by proper care, be reared so as to overcome, in a large proportion of cases, their hereditary disposition to disAnd how many diseases, when the history of families can be looked into, are found to be hereditary! Consumption is to many a bright and blooming girl and boy, an heritage, though it is not in the title-deeds of those estates which, Cin transitory succession, they for a few glimpses of sunshine enjoy.


Dr. Clark hopes, and he is well entitled to do so, that from the minute manner in which he has described the characters of the different climates frequented by invalids, and the care with which he has indicated the nature of the diseases benefited by them, that he has gone far to correct many of the erroneous opinions which have hitherto existed on these subjects; and anticipates, at least, this good effect from his labors, that, for the future, those patients only will be sent abroad, whose cases afford a reasonable prospect of benefit from such a measure, and that the practice of hurrying out of their own country a class of invalids whose sufferings can only be thereby increased, and their lives shortened, will no longer be sanctioned; but that such persons may be allowed, henceforth, to die in peace in the bosom of their own families.

Let us, in the first place, endeavor to state the sum and substance of Dr. Clark's inquiries into the nature of consumption, and in the second, to abridge some of the inforntation he has given us respecting

the adaptation of certain climates to certain diseases.

It is now clearly ascertained by pathologists, that the immediate cause of pulmonary consumption, or that which constitutes its essential character, is the existence in the lungs of certain substances called tubercles. Therefore, till we arrive at a knowledge of the state of the system which leads to the formation of these bodies, and of the circumstances which induce that state, we cannot hope to establish rules for the prevention of consumption upon any sound principles. Now, tubercles, when not very numerous, may exist in the lungs, without producing much inconvenience, for many years; and if the general health is improved, and those causes which are known to excite irritation or inflammation in the respiratory organs, are avoided, they may not, for aught we know, shorten materially the life of the individual. But this is the most favorable, and by much the rarer result of the case. Tubercles, in the vast majority of instances, advance rapidly, destroy that portion of the lungs in which they are imbedded, and cause death. Expectoration sometimes leads to a cure of the disease, and, indeed, it is the opinion of some of the best pathologists of the day, that this is the only way in which a cure of tuberculous consumption is effected. That tubercles are ever absorbed, we have no proof. The next step in the research, therefore, leads us to inquire into the proximate cause of tubercles. Morbid anatomy has discovered that they may be formed without even the slightest symptoms of inflammation; while, on the other hand, inflammation, in all its degrees, is of frequent occurrence without giving rise to tubercles. Dr. Clark is of opinion that tubercles are not generally the result of inflammation, though sometimes they are; and the question arises, Whence is it that the same morbid action gives origin to tubercles in The immediate process by which tubercles are produced, is involved in much obscurity. It may be the peculiar action of the extreme vessels totally unconnected with inflammation, or even with increased action; nay, it is just as likely that they may be the result of a morbid diminution of action. In persons, however, strongly predisposed to tubercular disease, the frequent occurrence of catarrh, or pulmonary inflammation, may, by keeping up a degree of congestion and irritation of the lungs, give rise to the formation of tubercles at an earlier period than would otherwise have happened, or even, in nicely balanced cases, determine their occurrence. Dr. Clark thinks with Dr. Todd, and some other pathologists, that the real cause of tubercles is a morbid condition of the general system, hereditary in some, and, in others, induced by a series of functional derangements, ultimately affecting the whole animal economy.

one instance, and not in the other? much color. Now, there is a geneIn a healthy subject, he believes they are never the result of inflammation, and that, when they appear to be so, it will be found to be inflammation occurring in, and modified by, a disordered state of the system, of a peculiar kind. To that disordered state of the system, then, it behoves the physician to direct his chief attention, -for by correcting it, he may prevent the formation of tubercles, or, in other words, of consumption.

Having advanced thus far, Dr. Clark proceeds to point out some of the leading symptoms by which this state is characterised, -premising, that it is more easily recognised than described; for the affection being a progressive one, its signs are more or less manifest according to the degree in which it exists.

First, The countenance is generally paler than natural, though at different times, and without any apparent reason, it is, in this respect, subject to striking changes. These are very remarkable where there is

ral paleness, with a sunk, faded appearance of the countenance-now, an irregular mixture of white and red. In place of the natural gradations in which these colors pass into each other in health, they terminate by distinct and abrupt lines, giving the face a blotched or spotted appearance. Sallow complexions assume a peculiarly unhealthful aspect, exhibiting a dull, leaden hue, diffused over a general pallid ground, and there is paleness on the lips. The eyes have generally a pearly, glassy appearance, and the whole countenance has commonly a sunk and languid aspect. At first they are transitory, but though, during the progress of the disease, and on to its close, variable, yet evident to the most cursory observer. The skin of the patient is either harsh and dry, or that state will be found to alternate with a moist, clammy, and relaxed one. The color, too, is often changed to a sallow, and, in some cases, to a dirty yellowish hue; and except on the cheeks, there is always a deficiency of red vessels. In some hereditary cases, particularly in females of a fair and delicate complexion, the skin assumes a semi-transparent appearance, resembling wax-work, and the veins may be seen distinctly through it. Poets ought not to describe the hands of their imaginary mistresses as transparent, except when they are conducting them, not to their bridal beds, but to their graves. 'Tis a bad sign of a young lady's health when you can see through her hand as easily as her heart; and, instead of a parson, you should call in a physician.

Secondly, The digestive organs are very generally more or less deranged. Look at the tongue, and it is furred towards the base, the extremity and edges being pale and flabby. Or, with the base furred, the point and margin are redder than natural, and often studded with papillæ (small eminences, resembling paps) of a still brighter hue.

trying death to the most religious of God's creatures.

The former state of the tongue is a day by day, in despondency and in more frequent accompaniment of despair; nor can there be a more that form of disease which originates chiefly in hereditary predisposition; the latter, of that which is principally or entirely acquired, and in which an irritated state of the stomach attends the disorder from the beginning, and often precedes it. In a third class of cases, of much occurrence, the tongue is clean and natural in its appearance, and the digestive organs pretty regularly perform their functions. This happens chiefly, Dr. Clark thinks, in females in whom the disease has been mainly owing to hereditary predisposition. Such patients bear, and even require, a fuller and stronger diet; with the others it is the reverse.


Thirdly, In consumptions the circulation is subject to great variety; in hereditary cases, the powers of the heart, Dr. Clark thinks, are commonly under the ordinary standard, while the frequency of the pulse is generally above it, and palpitation is not an unfrequent symptom. Indeed, he thinks that small feeble heart is a strong predisposing cause of consumption.


Fourthly, The nervous system partakes of the general derangement. Sleep is unsound, being either disturbed, or unnaturally heavy and unrefreshing. The mind, sympathizing with the body, loses its energy; and the temper is often remarkably changed. In the purer and less complicated cases of hereditary consumption, there is generally great serenity of mind; the spirits are often of surprising buoyancy, and hope brings its cheering influence with the last sufferings of the patient. That beauty is the worst of all to be borne by the loving spectator of the dying one. But such a state of mind is far seldomer an attendant on consumption than is generally believed, especially in those cases in which the disorder of the digestive organs leads to the morbid condition of the system. Then the poor patient is seen dying

Under the general term, Consumption, then, are comprehended three different forms or stages of disease: 1st, General disorder of the health-2d, Tubercular cachexy -3d, Consumption, properly so called. These different stages may, in general, be distinctly recognised; but it is only in proportion to the physician's powers and habits of minute and careful observation that the symptoms of the first stage will be remarked, or in other words, that he will be able to detect the approach of the first tubercular disease. But this is the time, by proper applications, to prevent consumption. Ifit be allowed to pass by, as it is in many million cases, then "The trot becomes a gallop soon, In spite of curb or rein."

Having thus spoken of the symptoms, let us now speak of the causes, of consumption and, first, let us attend, with Dr. Clark, to the hereditary nature of the disease.

By hereditary predisposition, a term in the application of which there has been some confusion, Dr. Clark understands a peculiar condition of the system, depending upon its original conformation and organization, and derived from the parents, which renders the individual more susceptible, or more liable to lapse into certain diseases, than other persons endowed originally with a more healthy organization. Now, it does not follow, as a necessary consequence, that a child born with a predisposition to a disease, must be attacked by that disease; but it will be more easily induced, unless the condition of the system which constitutes the hereditary predisposition be corrected by proper management in early life. In some families, the hereditary predisposition seems so strong, that, without any cognisable cause, the regular actions of the economy become deranged, and the system lapses into

the morbid state, which terminates eventually in consumption. Indeed, in some rare instances, the infant at birth has been found to be laboring under tubercular disease. On the other hand, so weak is the hereditary predisposition in many individuals, that a complication of powerful causes long applied is necessary to induce the disease. Between these two extremes there exists every variety of shade in the disposition to consumption. A disposition to consumption and to scrofula is often transmitted from parents to children, by the deteriorating influence of other diseases in the parents on the physical condition of their offspring. Thus, the children of dyspeptic, of gouty, and of cachectic parents, are very liable to scrofula and consumption; and this, though a more remote, Dr Clark thinks is probably the original source of scrofulous and tuberculous diseases.

But the predisposition to consumption is very often acquired without any hereditary taint; no person, however healthful may have been his original organization, can be considered totally exempt from the liability to consumption. It is met with in early infancy, and occasionally proves fatal to the octogenarian. All causes predispose to it which lower the tone of bodily health- sedentary occupations abuse of strong spirituous or fermented liquors-unwholesome diet. In humid and cold situations, all diseases which induce what is called a bad habit of body." Mental depression accelerates the evil, and in constitutions laboring under tubercular disease, its destructive influence is most conspicuous.

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But the origin of the constitutional disorder which Dr. Clark describes as tending ultimately to consumption, is very often to be traced, he says, to the mismanagement of children. The seeds of disease, which are to ripen at a later period of life, are frequently sown during infancy and childhood in the first case by imperfect suckling, or the

entire substitution of artificial food for the natural and only proper nourishment of infants; and in the second, by improper, and often overstimulating, food; and a hundred other causes connected with early education. The education of girls is too often such-especially in boarding-schools-it is needless to describe it here-as to comprehend all the causes of consumption; or, if any be wanting, they are soon supplied by a fashionable life. On this part of the subject, Dr. Clark dwells with much feeling; but we have not room to follow him, and must now go on to consider a change to a milder climate as a remedy for that deranged state of the health from which consumption springs.

Before such a change is resorted to, the disordered functions of the body-particularly the digestive organs-must be corrected; and that must be done, not by any violent means, but by slow, gradual, and cautious treatment of local congestion and irritation, often combined with general debility, a pathological state which it requires great judgment and sagacity to manage. This being done, then the sooner the patient removes to a milder climate the better; for the great utility of such a climate consists in no "hidden magic," but in enabling the patient to pursue the restorative system through the whole year.

The misfortune is, that the period of the functional disease is too often permitted to pass, before any danger is feared; and that relations are not alarmed till symptoms of irritation, or impeded function in the lungs, appear, of tubercular disease established there, and fast leading to the third and last stage of consumption. Even then, removal to a mild climate, especially if effected by means of a sea-voyage, under very favorable circumstances, may still be useful-but merely as a means of improving the general health, and of preventing inflammatory affections of the lungs and bronchia. But when consumption is fully esta

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