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sad in sound, which amused the ear and served the purposes of watchwords. The people complained loudly of taxes, of being compelled to use the Dutch language, of an unequal partition of places; whereas, in point of fact, they were simply in a very bad humor at the treatment of their newspapers, which had naturally enough identified their own cause with that of the national liberty and independence. Thus the Belgian revolution is a newspaper revolution, as was that of Paris.

It never, however, could have come to anything, had it not been for the extreme folly and mismanagement of the government, who actually enticed and tantalized the Belgians on to revolt.

The beginning was a mob or riot after the play the house of Van Maanen, the prime minister, was burnt and pulled down; and the house of the prime minister's devil, Lebry Bagnano, the editor of the National, and a printer. The respectable citizens at length succeeded in quelling the violence of the mob, and with arms in their hands-those they had used against the rioters-they began to treat with the government respecting the grievances alleged to have laid the foundation of the popular commotion. The king listened with apparent attention, temporised, and shuffled. He exhibited both his fear and his obstinacy. The Prince of Orange arrived in Bruxelles, avowedly to inquire into the complaints of the people, and to assist in remedying them. He grew alarmed, and, under pretext of bearing a message to his father, decamp ed. The people were again left to themselves; with arms in their hands, and a mob ready to rise into violence, the very first moment of encouragement. The municipal authorities perceiving the royal government too weak to protect them, deserted their posts, and the citizens were driven to erect temporary governments, and to other revo

lutionary acts, for the sole purpose of maintaining order, and carrying on the business of the country. At the first unequivocal signal of an honest intention to meet the complaints of the people, their arms would have been laid down. No such sign was given all was palaver. Though tired to death of military employment, the citizens would have been too glad to resign their weapons on the slightest pretext: they could not do it in very shame. The king would not afford them an excuse. All his talk was of the fundamental law and the States-General: the people well knew they had nothing to look to but the monarch's will. If the design had been to tire out the bourgeois, who were neglecting their business, losing their time, and occupied in disagreeable duties, there might have been some wisdom in the plan. But the king would neither disband these rebels by promptness, nor weary them out by delay: he neither used clemency nor severity, but shilly-shallied between the two, till he had absolutely driven even the best-intentioned into rebellion. He then, when it was too late, and while he was still pretending to defer the question to the States assembled, secretly marched an army to the siege of Bruxelles. While the States were deliberating upon the demands of the complainants, the army of Prince Frederick was cutting them in pieces in the streets of the capital.

The success of the citizens of Brussels, in their opposition to the Dutch troops, is almost unaccountable. It required cowardice and incapability of the most eminent degree, to ensure a failure of the enterprize. In the first place, they were scarcely opposed at all; they were stopped simply because they dared not proceed, and when they were opposed, it was because they in a manner invited the attack; it was a kind of rising to crush a retreating, trembling monster, that while it grinned and showed its teeth, was evidently bent upon tak

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ing to its heels on the first opening plunderings, were commenced. Perthat presented itself. There is per- haps the flying army did its share; haps an inaptitude in both Dutch but it was the canaille of Bruxelles, and Belgians to military command: sallying forth from lane and hovel, the commanders of the king exhibit- garret and cellar, that perpetrated ed the extremest ignorance and im- far more than half the mischief. becility, and the commanders that This has never been said in Bruxsprung up on the popular side were elles, for a very good reason: noforeigners; Van Halen, a Spaniard, body dare say it. From the time of and Mellinet, a Frenchmen; and the victory up till very lately, the subsequently Duvives and Ponte- mob has always been at least coulant, both, we believe, natives dreaded.. of France, or at least born of French parents. Viscount Pontecoulant commands in West Flanders; and I, who was a witness of his procecdings, was struck with the soldierly air, and the familiarity and mastery he appeared to have in all military and administrative functions over the Belgians acting with him, many of whom had had equal opportunity for acquiring warlike experience.

The loss experienced on both sides in Bruxelles was certainly considerable, but it has been greatly exaggerated. The forces brought against Bruxelles amounted probably to 7,000 or 8,000; though as many more might be approaching, to join the forces under the command of the Prince. Of their loss it is difficult to form a calculation. The people had killed 400 or 500 1,500 more were wounded, and a considerable proportion died of their wounds-perhaps 300.

Persons at home, who formed their opinions through the exaggerating medium of the newspapers, whose correspondents probably wrote in great haste, and in some confusion, have imagined the picture of an infuriated population falling upon a numerous army in the act of taking their city by storm. Nothing, however, that was warlike, could be more peaceable than was the fight of Bruxelles. It was a set-to at pop-game, which lasted four days. The horrors, of which we have heard so much, began when the army was in the act of being driven out it was then that the atrocities, the burnings, the rapes, and the

The apparent stand against the king had been made by the bourgeois, the respectable tradespeople, who, with muskets in their hands, had treated with the king, and had been represented by the Committee of Safety, and by their Commander in Chief. It was they who treated, but it was not they who fought. When the troops approached, they gladly let the mob take their arms, while they ran away to their cellars and hiding-holes. This was called being disarmed by an insurrection of the mob: the authorities of the bourgeois took this favorable occasion to disappear. So that when the army arrived, the talking and treating revolutionists had disappeared: the chief part of the tradespeople and their families joyfully made ready to receive the prince and his troops, for revolutions are bad for trade, and it was universally expected that the army would enter and take possession of the city. But the army seemed to think twice about the matter. They came in shuffling and looking behind them; they were evidently in a dreadful taking. This encouraged a few of the mob-they who had picked up the arms of the bourgeois guard-to fire. They fired, and fired,-up a lane and from the bottom of an alley, or the top of a house, or out of a garret window; but the attack was perfectly despicable. The town had neither spirit, leaders, nor ammunition, and on the field no force at all. The passiveness of the Dutch, however, soon brought everybody upon them. Delay encouraged, the peasants

flocked in, and at last a very considerable crowd was collected. Muskets peeped out of every door, lane, and window from behind every lamp-post, balcony, and buttress, till at last they all took courage; a man with a wooden leg trundled a field-piece en avant, the mass shouted, and followed, an explosion took place, and the Dutch army retreated. Night fell, and when morning came, no enemy was to be found. The combatants were out of work; for it is odd enough, as they were almost all laborers and artizans, so did they keep workmanlike hours, going to their meals with wonderful regularity. As soon as the customary hour was ended, and nature satisfied, they returned to their occupation of popping. The greatest slaughter took place among the milk people, who made a point of supplying their customers, as usual; and in order to do this with security, they delivered their milk at a very early hour, before the fighting beBut many, not sufficiently active, or sufficiently early, were caught by the Dutch bullets in the street before all their pratique was supplied.


We would not wish to ridicule an event which is likely to be productive of great consequences, and which certainly was accompanied by much suffering; but the blame must lie at the door of those who puff the courageous exploits of the brave Bruxellois, and compare the battle to that of Paris.

When the victory was decided nay, indeed, when it appeared probable that it would turn in favor of the people, the authorities, the organs of the revolution, made their appearance. A Provisional Government was immediately patched up, and as soon as the arrival of the news at Paris informed M. de Potter of the state of things, he lost not a moment in returning to the country whence he had been so unjustly banished. He was immediately cooptated by the Provisional Government, since which time he has been

its soul, the spring on which it moved, its oracle, and its guide.

The situation of the Provisional Government was one of extreme difficulty; the interval between the victory of Bruxelles and the assembling of Congress, of extreme danger. All the strong places of the country were filled with Dutch troops; luckily, however, mixed with Belgians. A war was to be carried on without funds, and a starving and excited people to be kept in order without a police, with scarcely a single existing municipal authority. Troops were, however, set on foot, and the war successfully maintained, and the people, with a few exceptions, that of Bruges, for instance, hindered from breaking out into open sacking and plundering. In most towns there was nothing to prevent the numerous poor from rising upon the fewer rich, except their own notions of right and wrong, and also the conciliatory precautions taken by the wealthy, who were well aware of their danger. All this was done amidst the intrigues of the Dutch court, and the apprehensions of foreign intervention. Besides which, the Government found leisure greatly to ameliorate the existing laws, and by several popular and liberal enactments secured the favor of the country. They also organized the assembling of a Congress of Notables, by which the form and principles of the native constitution of the independent state should be decided upon. Up to the very meeting of this assembly, the Government appears to have gone on with unity of purpose, and in harmony of feeling. The course of procedure to be adopted by the Provisional Government, as respected the form of acknowledging the authority of the Congress, became a matter of discussion, and De Potter seems to have been left in a minority of one. The immediate consequence has been his retirement altogether from the management of affairs. What the future consequences of his se

cession may be, it is more difficult to say. De Potter may now be considered the head of the Republican party, and the fact of that act

ive and zealous faction being able to place at their head so distin guished a chief, may very seriously affect the fortunes of Belgium.


MR. T, a young gentleman with a broken limb, which refused to heal long after the fracture, went to consult Mr. Abernethy; and, as usual, was entering into all the details of his complaint, when he was thus stopped almost in limine"Pray, sir, do you come here to talk, or to hear me ! If you want my advice, it is so and so-I wish you good morning."

A scene of greater length, and still greater interest and entertainment, took place between this eminent surgeon and the famous John Philpot Curran. Mr. Curran, it seems, being personally unknown to him, had visited Mr. Abernethy several times, without having had an opportunity of fully explaining (as he thought) the nature of his malady. At last, determined to have a hearing, when interrupted in his story he fixed his dark bright eye on the "doctor," and said"Mr. Abernethy, I have been here on eight different days, and I have paid you eight different guineas; but you have never yet listened to the symptoms of my complaint. I am resolved, sir, not to leave this room till you satisfy me by doing so." Struck by his manner, Mr. Abernethy threw himself back in his chair, and assuming the posture of a most indefatigable listener, exclaimed, in a tone of half surprise, half humor, "Oh, very well, sir, I am ready to hear you out. Go on, give me the whole-your birth, parentage, and education. I wait your pleasure; go on. Upon which, Curran, not a whit diconcerted, gravely began: My name is John Philpot Curran. My parents were poor, but I believe honest people, of the province of Munster, where also I was born, being a 42 ATHENEUM, VOL. 5, 3d series.

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native of Newmarket, county of Cork, in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty. My father being employed to collect the rents of a Protestant gentleman of small fortune, in that neighborhood, obtained my entrance into one of the Protestant Free-schools, where I obtained the first rudiments of my education. I was next enabled to enter Trinity College, Dublin, in the humble sphere of a sizer ”. and so he continued for several minutes, giving his astonished hearer a true, but irresistibly laughable account of his "birth, parentage, and education," as desired, till he came to his illness and sufferings, the detail of which was not again interrupted. It is hardly necessary to add, that Mr. Abernethy's atten tion to his gifted patient was, from that hour to the close of his life, assiduous, unremitting, and devoted.

Mrs. I. once consulted him on a nervous disorder, the minutiae of which appeared to be so fantastical, that Mr. Abernethy interrupted their frivolous detail, by holding out his hand for the fee. A one-pound note and a shilling were placed in it; upon which he returned the latter to his fair patient, with the angry exclamation of, "There, ma'am! go and buy a skipping-rope : that is all you want."

Mr. Abernethy's strong point in prescribing is generally addressed to the relief of the bowels, and to the lowering and regulation of diet and regimen. He is, consequently, much sought in dyspeptic disorders; and, it is stated, often refers to such or such a page in one of his books, where he has already given the remedy. The patients have only to buy the work, where they will find an exact description of their symp

On one occasion, a lady, unsatisfied with this amount of information, persisted in extracting from Mr. A. what she might eat, and, after suffering from her volubility with considerable patience for awhile, he exclaimed to the repeated "May I eat oysters, doctor? May I eat suppers ?" "I'll tell you what, ma'am, you may eat anything but the poker and the bellows; for the one is too hard of digestion, and the other is full of wind."

toms, and a recipe for their cure. meantime, I wish you and your daughter seriously to consider the proposal I am now about to make. It is abrupt and unceremonious, I am aware; but the excessive occupation of my time, by my professional duties, affords me no leisure to accomplish what I desire by the more ordinary course of attention and solicitation. My annual receipts amount to £E and I can settle on my wife; my character is generally known to the public, so that you may readily ascertain what it is. I have seen in your daughter a tender and affectionate child, an assiduous and careful nurse, and a gentle and lady-like member of a family. Such a person must be all that a husband could covet; and I offer my hand and fortune for her acceptance. On Monday, when I call, I shall expect your determination; for I really have not time for the routine of courtship." In this humor, the lady was wooed and won; and, we believe we may add, the union has been felicitous in every respect.

The reported fashion of his courtship and marriage is also extremely characteristic. It is told, that while attending a lady for several weeks, he observed those admirable qualifications in her daughter, which he truly esteemed to be calculated to render the married state happy. Accordingly, on a Saturday, when taking leave of his patient, he addressed her to the following purport: "You are now so well, that I need not see you after Monday next, when I shall come and pay you my farewell visit. But, in the


THE realms on high-the boundless halls, where sports the wing of light,
And Morn sends forth her radiant guest unutterably bright,

And evening rears her gorgeous pile amidst the purple ray,-
How glorious in their far extent and ever fair are they!

The dark autumnal firmament, the low cloud sweeping by,
The unimaginable depth of summer's liquid sky—
Who hath not felt in these a power, enduring, undefined--
A freshness to the fever'd brow, a solace to the mind?

But most when, robed in nun-like garb, with sober pace and still,
The dun night settles mournfully on wood and fading hill,
And glancing throughits misty veil, o'er ocean's depths afar,
Shines here and there, with fitful beams, a solitary star.

Then wearied sense and soul alike receive a nobler birth,

Then flies the kindling spirit forth, beyond the thrall of earth;

While lasts that soft and tranquil hour, to thought's high impulse given,
A charter'd habitant of space-a denizen of heaven!

Then, seen in those eternal depths, the forms of vanish'd days
Come dimly from their far abodes to meet the mourner's gaze;
And they the fondly cherish'd once, and they the loved in vain,
Smile tranquilly as erst they smiled, restored and hail'd again.

And words which, breathed in long-past years, the ear remembers yet,
And sounds whose low endearing tone the heart shall not forget;
The parent speech, the friendly voice, the whisper'd vow, are there,
And fill with gentle melody the shadowy Realms of Air.

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