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11. "Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth,
Repeats the story of her birth;

While all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn,
Confirm the tidings as they roll,

And spread the truth from pole to pole."

12. These are some of Night's lessons. Are you tired of them'? Or, will you learn one more? Lift up your heart to Him who has given you the past day, with thanks for its blessings,—with penitence for its faults,—with supplication for strength and wisdom for the time that is

to come.

13. "Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge"* of God. Thus, meekly and faithfully studying Night's lessons, may we find

"Even sorrow, touched by Heaven, grows bright

With more than rapture's ray,

As darkness shows us worlds of light,

We never saw by day."

QUESTIONS.-1. Who watches over us when asleep? 2. In what way is the pole-star useful to man? 3. What is said of the stars? 4. What extra lessons is it that night gives thirteen times a year? 5. Describe the first appearance of the moon. 6. How does it next appear? 7. Where is Palestine? 8. Where are the passages to be found, quoted in the 7th, 8th, and 13th paragraphs? 9. Do you know who is the author of the 11th verse? Ans. Addison.

*Psalm 19th, 2d verse.

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1. SUN-LIGHT'! tell the hidden meaning
Of the rays thou lettest fall;

Are they lessons writ in burning,
Like God's warning on the wall' ?


Strive, O man, to let a loving
Spirit cheer the sad and poor;
So shall many a fair hope blossom,
Where none grew before!


2. Stars'! what is it ye would whisper,
With your pure and holy light?
Looking down so calm and tender
From the watch-tower of the night.


When thy soul would quail from scorning,

Keep a brave heart and a bold;

As we always shine the brightest
When the nights are cold.


3. Hast thou not a greeting for me,
Heaven's own happy minstrel-bird'?

Thou whose voice, like some sweet angel's,
Viewless, in the cloud is heard'?


Though thy spirit yearneth sky-ward,
Oh, forget not human worth!

I, who chant at heaven's portal,
Build my nest on earth.


4. River! river'! singing gayly
From the hill-side all day long,
Teach my heart the merry music
Of thy cheery, rippling song.


Many winding ways I follow;
Yet, at length, I reach the sea.

Man, remember that thy ocean

QUESTIONS.-1. What is meant by God's warning on the wall? See the 5th chap. of Daniel. 2. What is meant by minstrel-bird? Ans. The lark.

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A NON.' is an abbreviation of anonymous, which means without name; nameless. See SANDERS' ANALYSIS, page 88, Exercise 108.


1. They are sowing their seed in the daylight fair,
They are sowing their seed in the noonday's glare,
They are sowing their seed in the soft twilight,
They are sowing their seed in the solemn night;
What shall their harvest be?


2. They are sowing their seed of pleasant thought,
In the spring's green light they have blithely wrought;
They have brought their fancies from wood and dell,
Where the mosses creep, and the flower-buds swell;
Rare shall the harvest be!

3. They are sowing the seeds of word and deed,
Which the cold know not, nor the careless heed,—
Of the gentle word and the kindest deed,
That have blessed the heart in its sorest need;
Sweet shall the harvest be!

4. And some are sowing the seeds of pain,
Of late remorse, and in maddened brain;
And the stars shall fall, and the sun shall wane,
Ere they root the weeds from the soil again;
Dark will the harvest be!

5. And some are standing with idle hand,
Yet they scatter seeds on their native land;
And some are sowing the seeds of care,
Which their soil has borne, and still must bear
Sad will the harvest be!

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6. They are sowing the seed of noble deed,
With a sleepless watch and an earnest heed;
With a ceaseless hand o'er the earth they sow,
And the fields are whitening where'er they go;
Rich will the harvest be!

7. Sown in darkness, or sown in light,
Sown in weakness, or sown in might,
Sown in meekness, or sown in wrath,
In the broad work-field, or the shadowy path,
SURE will the harvest be!

QUESTIONS.-1. Who are meant by they in this lesson?

2. What is said

of those who are sowing the seeds of word and deed? 3. What, of those who are sowing the seeds of care? 4. Repeat the last verse. 5. What passage of Scripture teaches the same idea? Ans. "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."-Gal., 6th chap., 7th verse.


FOR' TI FI ED, strengthened by works; FORE' CASTLE, short deck in the fore

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1 SA HA'RA, is a Great Desert in Africa, lying south of the Barbary States, and extending from the Atlantic on the west to Egypt and Nubia on the east. The winds that come from this desert, are hot and suffocating.

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