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PRE $UMP' TION, arrogance.
SOPH ISTS, professed teachers of wis-
AC COST ED, addressed.
GEN' IUS, natural aptitude.

IN DUC' ED, prevailed upon.


PHI LOS' O PHER, lover of wisdom,
BAR' BA ROUS, foreign; uncivilized.

DIS SUADE', turn away from

EX CESS' IVE, overmuch.
ES TEEM' ED, highly regarded.
RE TRENCH', lessen; curtail. [less.
SU PER FLU OUS, extravagant; need
UN DER TAK' ING, engaging in.
IN CA PAC' I TY, inability.

THE MIS' TO CLES, a celebrated Athenian statesman and military leader, was born about 514 before Christ.

'CI' MON, an illustrious Athenian general and statesman, born about the year 510, before Christ. He belonged to the aristocratic party of his time, and contributed to the banishment of Themistocles, the leader of the opposite party. He was also the political opponent of Pericles.

• PER I CLE$, an Athenian statesman, born about 495 before Christ. He labored to make Athens the capital of all Greece, and the seat of art and refinement.

• PLA' TO, a celebrated Greek philosopher, born in Athens about the year 429 before Christ. He was a pupil of Socrates, for note on whom, see p. 138.




1. THE young people of Athens, amazed at the glory of Themistocles,' of Cimon, of Pericles,' and full of a foolish ambition, after having received some lessons from the sophists, who promised to render them very great politicians, believed themselves capable of every thing, and aspired to fill the highest places. One of them, named Glaucon, took it so strongly in his head that he had a peculiar genius for public affairs, although he was not yet twenty years of age, that no person in his family, nor among his friends, had the power to divert him from a notion so little befitting his age and capacity

2. Socrates, who liked him on account of Plato' his brother, was the only one who succeeded in making him

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change his resolution. Meeting him one day, he accosted him with so dexterous a discourse, that he induced him to listen. He had already gained much influence over him. "You have a desire to govern the republic?" said Socrates. "True," replied Glaucon. "You can not have a finer design," said the philosopher, "since, if you succeed in it, you will be in a state to serve your friends, to enlarge your house, and to extend the limits of your native country.

3. "You will become known not only in Athens, but through all Greece; and it may be that your renown will reach even to the barbarous nations, like that of Themistocles. At last, you will gain the respect and admiration of everybody." A beginning so flattering pleased the young man exceedingly, and he very willingly continued the conversation. "Since you desire to make yourself esteemed and respected, it is clear that you think to render yourself useful to the public." "Assuredly." "Tell me, then, I beseech you, what is the first service that you intend to render the state?"


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4. As Glaucon appeared to be perplexed, and considered what he ought to answer,-"Probably," replied Socrates, "it will be to enrich the republic, that is to say, to increase its revenues." Exactly so." 'And, undoubtedly, you know in what the revenues of the state consist, and the extent to which they may be increased. You will not have failed to make it a private study, to the end that if one source should suddenly fail, you may be able to supply its place immediately with another." "I assure you," answered Glaucon, "that this is what I have never thought of."

5. “Tell me, at least, then, the necessary expenses of maintaining the republic. You can not fail to know of what importance it is to retrench those which are superfluous." "I confess to vou that I am not more instructed

with regard to this article than the other." "Then it is necessary to defer till another time the design that you have of enriching the republic; for it is impossible for you to benefit the state while you are ignorant of its revenues and expenses."

6. "But," said Glaucon, "there is still another means that you pass over in silence, —one can enrich a state by tlə ruin of its enemies." "You are right," replied Socrates, "but, in order to do that, you must be the more powerful; otherwise you run the risk of losing that which you possess. So, he who speaks of undertaking a war, ought to know the power of both parties, to the end that if he finds his party the stronger, he may boldly risk the adventure; but, if he find it the weaker, he should dissuade the people from undertaking it.

7. "But, do you know what are the forces of our republic, by sea and by land, and what are those of our enemies'? have you a statement of them in writing'? You will do me the pleasure to allow me a perusal of it." "I have none yet," replied Glaucon. "I see, then," said Socrates, "that we shall not make war so soon, if they intrust you with the government; for there remain many things for you to know, and many cares to take."

8. The sage mentioned many other articles, not less important, in which he found Glaucon equally inexperienced, and he pointed out how ridiculous they render themselves, who have the rashness to intermeddle with government, without bringing any other preparation to the task than a great degree of self-esteem and excessive ambition. "Fear, my dear Glaucon," said Socrates, "fear, lest a too ardent desire for honors should blind you; and cause you to take a part that would cover you with shame, in bringing to light your · incapacity, and want of talent."

9. The youth was wise enough to profit by the good advice of his instructor, and took some time to gain private information, before he ventured to appear in public. This lesson is for all ages.

QUESTIONS.-1. To what did the young people of Athens aspire? 2. What did Glaucon believe he possessed? 3. Who succeeded in making him change his resolution? 4. How did Socrates do this? 5. What did Socrates finally say to him?


CREST, topmost hight.
TOR RENTS, rushing streams.
TYPE, symbol; token.

AE' RIE, (a'ry,) eagle's nest.
VAULT ED, arched.

LIQUID, (lik 'wid,) clear; flowing.
BASK, he exposed to warmth.
CAN' O PY, covering.

REV' EL RY, noisy merriment.
FIDE, stay; continue.

VO LUPTU OUS, devoted to pleasure.
HAUNTS, places of resort.

EX PIRES', dies; becomes extinct.
SMOL DER ING, burning and smok-

ing without vent.

HER IT AGE, inheritance.
QUENCH' ED, extinguished.
PEN' NON, flag; banner.
WRENCH, wrest; twist off.
CRA VEN, base; cowardly.


1. I BUILD my nest on the mountain's crest,
Where the wild winds rock my eaglets to rest,
Where the lightnings flash, and the thunders crash,
And the roaring torrents foam and dash;
For my spirit free henceforth shall be

A type of the sons of Liberty.

2. Aloft I fly from my aërie high,

Through the vaulted dome of the azure sky;

On a sunbeam bright take my airy flight,
And float in a flood of liquid light;
For I love to play in the noontide ray,
And bask in a blaze from the throne of day.

3. Away I spring with a tireless wing,

On a feathery cloud I poise and swing;

I dart down the steep where the lightnings leap,
And the clear blue canopy swiftly sweep;
For, dear to me is the revelry

Of a free and fearless Liberty.

4. I love the land where the mountains stand, Like the watch-towers high of a Patriot band; For I may not bide in my glory and pride, Though the land be never so fair and wide, Where Luxury reigns o'er voluptuous plains, And fetters the free-born soul in chains.

5. Then give to me in my flights to see,
The land of the pilgrims ever free!

And I never will rove from the haunts I love.
But watch, from my sentinel-track above,

Your banner free, o'er land and sea,
And exult in your glorious Liberty.

6. O, guard ye well the land where I dwell,
Lest to future times the tale I tell,
When slow expires in smoldering fires
The goodly heritage of your sires,—
How Freedom's light rose clear and bright
O'er fair Columbia's beacon-hight,

Till ye quenched the flame in a starless night.

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