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8. What was the famous Ben Jonson? He was first a brick-layer, or mason! What was he in after years? 'Tis needless to answer.

What was Burns? An Ayrshire plowman! What was he in after life, in the estimation of his countrymen, and the world? Your library gives the answer!

9. But shall we go on, and call up, in proud array, all the mighty host of worthies that have lived and died, who were cradled in the lap of penury, and received their first lessons in the school of affliction'? Nay'; we have cited instances enough already,—yea, more than enough to prove the point in question—namely, that there is no profession, however low in the opinion of the world, but has been honored with earth's greatest and worthiest.


10. Young man! press hard upon you, your despairing soul'? Have courage! Mighty ones have been your predecessors, and have withstood the current of opposition that threatened to overwhelm their fragile bark.

Does the iron hand of misfortune and disappointments well-nigh sink

11. Do you despise your humble station, and repine that Providence has not placed you in some nobler sphere'? Murmur not against the dispensations of an All-wise Creator! Remember that wealth is no criterion of moral rectitude or intellectual worth,—that riches dishonestly gained, are a lasting curse,—that virtue and uprightness work out a rich reward,—and that

"An honest man's the noblest work of God."

12. And when dark Disappointment comes, do not wither at her stare; but press forward, and the prize is yours! It was thus with Franklin,-it can be thus with you. strove for the prize, and he won it! So may you! 'Tis


well worth contending for; and may success attend you, and the "stars" grow brighter, as the "stripes" wear deeper!

QUESTIONS-1. What did the rich boy say of the poor boy? 2. What reply did the poor boy make? 3. What other examples are cited of eminent men who were once poor? 4. What is said of Cincinnatus? 5. Of Washington? 6. Of Ben Jonson? 7. Of Burns? 8. What do all these examples prove? 9. What encouragement is given to young men? 10. What are the full forms of the words you're, 'prentice?


MAG' IC, power of enchantment.
CON TEN' TION, strife; controversy:
TRA DI"TION, facts or events handed
down from age to age.
SUB TILE, thin; slight; slender.
IN VEST ED, clothed.

CREST' ED, adorned with a plume or
Az' URE, light-blue; sky-colored.

VEST URE, garment.
SE DATE', calm; quiet.
FAN TAS' TIC, fanciful; visionary.
RA' DI ANCE, brightness; luster.
IN VECTIVE, railing speech.
I DE AL, imaginary.

FA TIGUING, wearisome; toilsome.
AS PIR' ING, aiming; seeking to rise.

PER SPECT IVE, (PER, through; SPECT, to see; IVE, having the power,) having the power to see through; a view through.

UN DI VERT ED, (UN, not; DI, aside; VERTED, turned,) not turned aside; unheeded.


1. IN distant days,—of wild romance,

Of magic, mist, and fable,


When stones could argue, trees advance,*

And brutes to talk were able,

When shrubs and flowers were said to preach,
And manage all the parts of speech,-

*The reference is to Orpheus, (or' füse,) an ancient poet and musician of Greece. The skill of Orpheus on the lyre, was fabled to have been such as to move the very trees and rocks, and to assemble the beasts around him as he touched its chords.

2. 'Twas then, no doubt, if 'twas at all,
(But doubts we need not mention,)

That Then and Now, two adverbs small,
Engaged in sharp contention;

But how they made each other hear,
Tradition doth not make appear.

3. Then was a sprite of subtile frame,
With rainbow tints invested,-
On clouds of dazzling light she came,
And stars her forehead crested;

Her sparkling eyes of azure hue,

Seemed borrowed from the distant blue.

4. Now rested on the solid earth,
And sober was her vesture;
She seldom either grief or mirth
Expressed, by word or gesture;
Composed, sedate, and firm she stood,
And looked industrious, calm, and good.

5. Then sang a wild, fantastic song,
Light as the gale she flies on,

Still stretching, as she sailed along,
Toward the far horizon,

Where clouds of radiance, fringed with gold,
O'er hills of emerald beauty rolled.

6. Now rarely raised her sober eye
To view that golden distance;
Nor let one idle minute fly

In hope of Then's assistance;
But still with busy hands she stood,
Intent on doing present good.·

7. She ate the sweet, but homely fare,
That passing moments brought her;
While Then, expecting dainties rare,
Despised such bread and water;

And waited for the fruits and flowers
Of future, still receding hours.

8. Now, venturing once to ask her why,
She answered with invective;
And pointed, as she made reply,
Toward that long perspective
Of years to come,-in distant blue,
Wherein she meant to live and do.

9. "Alas!" says she, "how hard you toil!
With undiverted sadness s;
Behold yon land of wine and oil!
Those sunny hills of gladness!
Those joys I wait, with eager brow,"—
"And so you always will!" said Now.

10. "That fairy land that looks so real,
Recedes as you pursue it;

Thus, while you wait for times ideal,
I take my work and do it ;
Intent to form, when time is gone,
A pleasant past to look upon."

11. "Ah, well," said Then, "I envy not
Your dull, fatiguing labors,-
Aspiring to a brighter lot,

With thousands of my neighbors;
Soon as I reach that golden hill,”—

"But that," says Now, "you never will!'

12. "And e'en suppose you should," said she,
"(Though mortal ne'er attained it,)
Your nature you must change with me,
The moment you have gained it;
Since hope fulfilled, (you must allow,)

Turns Now to Then, and THEN to Now."

QUESTIONS.-1. What two words are represented as holding a contro


2. Describe the appearance of each. 3. When did Then propose to do something? 4. How did Now act? 5. What answer did Then make, when Now asked her why she waited? 6. What was Now's reply? 7. What did Now finally say to Then? 8. How should passages, within a parenthesis, be read? See SANDERS' UNION READER, NUMBER THREE, page 20.

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1. In the early part of the war, a sergeant and twelve armed men undertook a journey through the wilderness, in the State of New Hampshire. Their route was remote from any settlement, and they were under the necessity of encamping over night in the woods. Nothing material happened

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