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Evolution: Anti-God, Anti-Bible, Anti-Science, AntiCommon-Sense.

"O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding oppositions of science falsely so called."-1 TIM. 6: 20.

Science and revelation are the bass and the soprano of the same tune. The whole world will yet acknowledge the complete harmony. But between what God describes as science falsely so called and revelation, there is an uncompromising war, and one or the other must go under.


The air is filled with social and platform and pulpit talk about evolution, and it is high time that the people who have not time to make investigation for themselves understand that evolution in the first place is up and down, out and out infidelity; in the second place, it is contrary to the facts of science; and in the third place, that it is brutalizing in its tendencies.

I want you to understand that Thomas Paine and Hume and Voltaire no more thoroughly disbelieved the Holy Scriptures than do all the leading scientists who believe in evolution.

I put upon the witness stand the leading evolutionists— Ernst Heckel, John Stuart Mill, Huxley, Tyndall, Darwin, Spencer. On the witness stand, ye men of science, living and dead, answer these questions: Do you believe in a God? No. And so say they all. Do you believe the Bible story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? No. Do you believe the miracles of the Old and New Testaments? No. Do you believe that Jesus Christ died to save the nations?

No. Do you believe in the regenerating power of the Holy Ghost? No. Do you believe that human supplication directed heavenward ever makes any difference? No.

Herbert Spencer, in the only address he made in this country, in his very first sentence ascribes his physical ailments to fate, and the authorized report of that address begins the word fate with a big "F." Professor Heckel, in the very first page of his two great volumes, sneers at the Bible as a so-called revelation. Tyndall, in his famous prayer test, defied the whole of Christendom to show that human supplication made any difference in the result of things. John Stuart Mill wrote elaborately against Christianity, and, to show that his rejection of it was complete, ordered this ✓ epitaph for his tombstone: "Most unhappy." Huxley said that at the first reading of Darwin's book he was convinced of the fact that teleology, by which he means Christianity, had received its death-blow at the hand of Mr. Darwin. All the leading scientists who believe in evolution, without one exception the world over, are infidel..


I put opposite to each other the Bible account of how the human race started and the evolutionist account as to how the human race started. Bible account: "God said, let us make man in our image. God created man in his own image; male and female created He them," He breathed into him the breath of life, the whole story setting forth the idea that it was not a perfect kangaroo, or a perfect orang outang, but a perfect man. That is the Bible account. The evolutionist account: Away back in the ages there were four or five primal germs, or seminal spores, from which all the living creatures have been evolved. Go away back, and there you find a vegetable stuff that might be called a mushroom. This mushroom by innate force develops a tadpole, the tadpole by innate force develops a polywog, the polywog develops a fish, the fish by natural force develops into a reptile, the reptile develops into a quadruped, the quad

ruped develops into a baboon, the baboon develops into a


Darwin says that the human hand is only a fish's fin developed. He says that the human lungs are only a swimbladder showing that we once floated or were amphibious. He says the human ear could once have been moved by force of will, just as a horse lifts its ear at a frightful object. He says the human race were originally web-footed. From primal germ to tadpole, from tadpole to fish, from fish to reptile, from reptile to wolf, from wolf to chimpanzee, and from chimpanzee to man. Now, if anybody says that the Bible account of the starting of the human race and the evolutionist account of the starting of the human race are the same accounts, he makes an appalling misrepresentation.

Prefer, if you will, Darwin's "Origin of the Species" to the Book of Genesis, but know you are an infidel. As for myself, as Herbert Spencer was not present at the creation, and the Lord Almighty was present, I prefer to take the divine account as to what really occurred on that occasion. To show that this evolution is only an attempt to eject God and to postpone Him and to put Him clear out of reach, I ask a question or two. The baboon made the man, and the wolf made the baboon, and the reptile made the quadruped, and the fish made the reptile, and the tadpole made the fish, and the primal germ made the tadpole. Who made the primal germ? Most of the evolutionists say, "We don't know." Others say it made itself. Others say it was spontaneous generation. There is not one of them who will fairly and openly and frankly and emphatically say, made it."

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The nearest to a direct answer is that made by Herbert Spencer in which he says it was made by the great "unknowable mystery." But here comes Huxley, with a pail of protoplasm, to explain the thing. The protoplasm, he says, is primal life, giving quality with which the race away back in the ages was started. With this protoplasm he proposes to explain everything. Dear Mr. Huxley, who made the protoplasm?


To show you that evolution is infidel, I place the Bible account of how the brute creation was started opposite to the evolutionist's account of the way the brute creation was started. Bible account: You know the Bible tells how that the birds were made at one time, and the cattle made at another time, and the fish made at another time, and that each brought forth after its kind. Evolutionist's account: From four or five primal germs, or seminal spores, all the living creatures evolved. Hundreds of thousands of species of insects, of reptiles, of beasts, of fish, from four germs-a statement flatly contradicting not only the Bible, but the very A B C of science. A species never develops into anything but its own species. In all the ages and in all the world there has never been an exception to it. The shark never comes of a whale, nor the pigeon of a vulture, nor the butterfly of a wasp. Species never cross over. If there be an attempt at it, it is hybrid, and hybrid is always sterile and has no descendants.

Agassiz says that he found in a reef of Florida the reremains of insects thirty thousand years old-not three but thirty thousand years old-and that they were just like the insects now. There has been no change. All the facts of ornithology and zoology and ichthyology and conchology, but an echo of Genesis first and twenty-first-" every winged fowl after his kind." Every creature after its kind. When common observation and science corroborate the Bible, I will not stultify myself by surrendering to the elaborated guesses of evolutionists.


To show that evolution is infidel I place also the Bible account of how worlds were made opposite the evolutionist account of how worlds were made. Bible account: God made two great lights-the one to rule the day, the other to rule the night; He made the stars also. Evolutionist ac

count: Away back in the ages, there was a fire mist or star dust, and this fire mist cooled off into granite, and then this granite by earthquake and by storm and by light was shaped into mountains and valleys and seas, and so what was originally fire mist became what we call the earth.

Who made the fire mist? Who set the fire mist to worldmaking? Who cooled off the fire mist into granite? You have pushed God some sixty or seventy million miles from the earth, but He is too near yet for the health of evolution. For a great while the evolutionists boasted that they had found the very stuff out of which this world and all worlds were made. They lifted the telescope and they saw it, the very material out of which worlds made themselves. Nebula of simple gas. They laughed in triumph because they had found the factory where the worlds were manufactured, and there was no God anywhere around the factory! But in an unlucky hour for infidel evolutionists the spectroscopes of Fraunhofer and Kirchoff were invented, by which they saw into that nebula and found it was not a simple gas, but was a compound, and hence had to be supplied from some other source, and that implied a God; and away went their theory shattered into everlasting demolition.

So these infidel evolutionists go wandering up and down guessing through the universe. Anything to push back Jehovah from His empire and make the one Book which is His great communication to the soul of the human race appear obsolete and a derision. But I am glad to know that while some of these scientists have gone into evolution, there are more that do not believe it. Among them, the man who by most is considered the greatest scientist we ever had this side the water-Agassiz. A name that makes every intelligent man the earth over uncover.

Agassiz says: "The manner in which the evolution theory in zoology is treated would lead those who are not special zoologists to suppose that observations have been made by which it can be inferred that there is in nature such a thing as change among organized beings actually taking place. There is no such thing on record. It is shifting

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