. Maximilian I. seeks an interview with his departed wife, 329 Mirrors, Spanish, quotations respect- Mistake corrected, 33 Moira, Countess of, obit of, 601 195 Mordible, remarks on the word, 22 187 Motteaux, anecdote of, 335 Newton, the Rev. John, obituary of, Novels, Classification of, 246 Pollock, Mr. Allen, account of his Publications, monthly list of new, 65, Raleigh, Sir Walter, remarks on a Po Religious intolerance, instance of, 335 Obituary of distinguished Persons, 77, Richards, Rev. Dr. obituary of, 202 186, 376, 480 Omniana, 141, 246, 332, 428 Ophites, in Malabar, 332 Orfeo, of Politiano, enquiry respect- Ounce, its cunning noticed, 332 Parmenides, account of, 339 Roofs, on the construction of, 585 Russia, account of the natives of, 126, -, Military force of, 530 Parry, Dr. on preventing the decay of Sadi, discourses of, 45, 256 Wood, 581 Paull, James, Esq. obit. of, 488 Phalaris, on the Epistles which bear remarks on, 408 Phocylides, account of, 337 Pisander, the Rhodian, account of, 38 Poetical Moods and Tenses, 141 Sal-ammoniac, account of Mr. Astley's 369 Temple, L. Sophia, on a plagiarism from one of her poems, 223 Temple of Memory, an allegorical Thales, account of, 432 Tour, extracts from a, in the Counties of Gloucester, &c. 325, 416, 525 Travels through the Country of the Turkish Superstition, 314 Tygers, best mode of encountering, Valloni, Antoni, some account of Vampires, account of, 520 Venezianu, Antoni, see Valloni, Umbrellas, account of Mr. Price' Unities, Dramatic, thoughts on, 409 Wales, North, account of a district Walker, Mr. E. on Vision, 370 184 Willis, Dr. obit. of, 94 William, the Conqueror, said to have Xenophantes, account of, 339 York, Cardinal, correction of the ac- Zinc, Malleable, advantage of con- INDEX TO THE THIRD VOLUME. Abdicate, remarks on the work, 328 428 Æsop, account of, 145 Albani, Cardinal, memoirs of, 446 Arctines, the Milesian, account of, 37 Arts and Manufactures, intelligence, Astley, Mr. J. account of his patent compensating pendulums, 473 Barry, Mr. J. obit. of, 502 441 Bibliographical Science, remarks on, 310 Books, account of rare and curious, Cana! Shares, prices of, 111, 215, 302, Cant, on the different kinds of, 401 Choisy, Abbe de, memoir of, 48 Classical Disquisitions, 34, 145, 251, Cleves, on the antiquities of, 113 416 Collins, Mr. J. obit. of, 508 458 Commercial Reports, monthly, 108, Critical Misrepresentation, 1 431 Current prices of merchandize, 110 Dance, Greek, account of a, 305 Bottles thrown into the sea, account Dancing, of the ancients, observations Brandt's Ship of Fools, conjectures on, 511 Davy, professor, account of his dis- 278 Dellon, M. account of, 246 Denmark, Christian VII. King of, obit. Dispute between De la Landes and Domestic Occurrences, 84, 188, 279, Dramatic Unities, thoughts on, 409 Durfey, Tom, witticism on his works, 162 Dyer, Mr. G. on the Alexandrine MS. 548 Ear Trumpets, improvements of, 75 Elliott's Patent for the improvement Hume, M. on the use of Sulphur in de- Jewel, Mr. his mode of preparing Ca- Imitation, remarks on the principle Endymion de Gombauld, account of, Inquisition first established in Ger- many, 20, done away, 21 John, of Tritenheim, said to have had Jones, Rev. T. memoir of, 260 Joseph, of Nazareth, made Grand Lightning, remarkable catastrophe Literary Blunder, a singular one, 412 tion, 58, 164, 266, 355, 455, 567 Manby, Capt. account of the success Markham, Archbishop, obit of, 86 The Average Prices of Navigable Canal Shares, Dock Stock, Fire Office Shares, &c. in MAY 1808; at the Office of Mr. Scott, 28, New Bridge-street, London. Leeds and Liverpool, 1721. ex. dividend.-Grand Junction Shares, 951. to 1001. -Ditto Mortgage Bonds, 901. for 1001.-Kennet and Avon, original shares, 211. to 221-New ditto, 41. to 51. per share premium.-Croydon, 551.-Ellesmere, 541. to 561.-West India Dock Stock, 1481. to 1531. per cent.-London Dock Stock, 1121. to 1161. per cent.-Globe Insurance, 111]. to 1121.—Imperial Assurance, 11l. per cent. premium. AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR MAY, 1808. The crops of every description, perhaps, never wore a more universally favourable appearance than at this time; nor was there ever a fairer promise of general abundance of the fruits of the earth: this will, however, essentially depend on a favourable blooming season for the wheats, and warm and moderately dry weather in July, namely, about the time of St. Swithin. The latter-sown spring crops, and those upon cold lands, have wonderfully recovered, from the late rains and mild weather. Wheats have not run too much to grass, but appear a stout and branching crop, more especially those which are drilled or dibbled and well cleaned. The artificial grasses are very bushy, and sainfoin promises to be a great crop in most counties where it is cultivated. The bottoms of the natural grass very thick. Hops run up very strong and luxuriant, and the fruit trees were never more laden with blossom. Throughout all the barley districts the opposition to the distillery bill is general, but in the strongest probability none of those inconveniences or mischiefs will ensue which are apprehended from the measure. Should it induce the custom of growing spring wheat upon some of the strongest barley lands, the change may be beneficial. Much live stock has perished this spring from scarcity of food in Scotland and Ireland—a sure sign that there are parts of those countries into which improvement has not yet penetrated. Markets for lean stock looking upwards, and every fat article increasing in price and likely to be dearer. Wool low. Smithfield.-Beef, 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d. Mutton, 5s. to 6s. Lamb, 6s. to 8s. Veal, 4s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. Pork, 5s. to 7s. Bacon, 6s. to 6s. 4d. Irish ditto, 48. 6d. to 5s. 4d. Fat, 4s. 3d. Skins, 10s. to 20s. Meadow hay, 6 guineas per load. Clover ditto, 7 guineas. Straw, 45s. Oats in Mark-lane, 45s. to 50s. per qr. FROM ANOTHER CORRESPONDENT. The mild warm weather we have recently had, accompanied with frequent refreshing showers, has been exceedingly favourable to vegetation. The crops of wheat on fertile light lands, and those on deep strong soils, which were well water-furrowed and kept dry in the winter, appear vigorous, strong, and lux. uriant, covering the ground well; and the wheats only, upon thin poor land, VOL. III. 4 I or |