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tleman, having long since parted with their souls as far too heavy encumbrances in the race for cash; after which succinct expression of opinion Tom would order fresh juleps and light another cigar, in which Charley Ashton and Marquis would abet him.

formly the thoroughly "good fellow," not los- | ate--as Tom would say the feelings of a gening, however, the indefinable tinge of his oldschool manner. In his most abandoned revels, when cheering on his companions to the wildest excesses, there was still this peculiar something in his manner, repelling all vulgar familiarity. Persons were never coarsely familiar with him -if it happened once, it was never repeated. No amount of wine ever dethroned his dignity completely, and his iron constitution seemed to bid defiance to the fiercest assaults on it.

The rest were gay young fellows, enjoying life carelessly, and generally deferring to the elders of whom I have spoken, for whom they seemed to have an unbounded admiration.

My sketch of this remarkable young man exTheir admiration could not exceed my own. tends to too great length, or I should take a I was then about twenty, had just finished my melancholy pleasure in speaking in detail of his collegiate course, which I had commenced at mental endowments, as I have done of his phys- sixteen, and was, as I have said, on a visit to ical graces. It may seem extravagant to say Marquis. At college he had taken a great fanthat he was more remarkable intellectually than cy to me, in return for my own more powerful in his person. I have never encountered a mind inclination toward himself; and in response to which filled me with such admiration. There his rollicking letter, I had left home soon after was the intuitive glance, flashing like lightning my return from college, and taken up my abode into the obscurest subjects. What others reach- at Marquis's, in — for an indefinite time. I ed by arduous trains of thought, he came to intended to stay but a week, and return to comat a single bound, and apparently without the mence the prosecution of my profession. I was slightest effort. What I have since read of Mr. absent from home with scarcely any interrupS. S. Prentiss, the great orator of the South- tion for half a year-a half year which I shall west, seems equally applicable to Marquis Cotes- never forget. It was a carnival so wild and bury. His mental coup d'œil appeared to pen- extraordinary that I scarcely realize its veritable etrate the heaviest clouds, to embrace with one existence, looking back now across many years. glance every detail; and the result was given I almost imagine that I have dreamed this pasin sentences of the most brilliant compactness sage in my youth. But actual events of sure -the club of Hercules wreathed with flowers. recollection soon come to my memory to teach To argue, to declaim, to jest, to laugh-there me that all actually happened. It was an abwas nobody like Marquis. The most exhaust-solutely pagan existence that we led. Epicurus ing processes of metaphysical logic became sim-in his most enthusiastic moments never conple and luminous under his handling; the ab-ceived a more purely sensuous philosophy than strusest problems of the German school were we carried into practice. I have said that Marmere play to him; and in law, the subtlest technicalities of trusts and remainders disentangled themselves and stood ranged in order, so clearly and simply that a child might have understood them. I may be thought to amuse myself in drawing a fanciful character-a mere assem-mint-julep, brought by a servant, silent, respectblage of perfections for the reader's amusement. Such is not the fact. This wonderful young man lived and moved before me, such as I have described him. Providence created, physically and intellectually, an actual, breathing wonder. My experience has not rendered me desirous of encountering such again—at least, if I am compelled to love them as I loved Marquis Cotes-open another bottle of Champagne, to snuff the bury.

quis possessed enormous wealth; he had also inherited the old family mansion of his father the judge, and here was spent the greater portion of our time. We rose about two in the day, and commenced existing with a mighty

ful, and attentive. The name of this servant, Marquis's factotum, was Jugurtha; and Jugurtha's entire duty was to be in call whenever his master wanted him. At three o'clock in the morning, when we were still playing cards, Jugurtha was standing, wakeful, silent, and respectful, near the side-board, ready at a sign to

candles flaring in the tall silver candelabra, or to I have taken up so much space speaking of bring a fresh bundle of cards. Jugurtha never the chief of our party, that I have little oppor- seemed sleepy; he was invariably serenely retunity to describe the rest. Perhaps it is not spectful, and never was known to doubt the poswholly necessary. Tom Francis, Charley Ash-sibility of any thing which his master or his ton, and the rest, were young men of ancient guests desired. Did you ask for something not families, large wealth, and " 'generous tastes." in the establishment: "Yes, Sir; directly, Sir,” That is to say, they had set out with the determ- was Jugurtha's reply. And in half an hour he ination to 66 see life." Tom Francis, especially, would glide in, with the desired object, whatwas a very gay young man, and seemed to re- ever it might be, upon his silver waiter. Lingard life as a race-course-a thing to be gotten gering a moment respectfully at the door, Juover or through at as suicidal a velocity as pos- gurtha would then glide out in a deprecatory sible. and modest manner, to reappear, calm and respectful as before, at the very first summons.

Grave people said that he was "going to the devil," but these were only surly old merchants who sold the produce of his large estates, cold-blooded individuals who could not appreci

But I intended to speak of the days as we spent them. After juleps and a hearty break

and night had passed over his extraordinary frame as a light cloud does over the sun, leaving him fresher and stronger, if such a thing were possible. Then we would descend to the breakfast-room-meet with laughter, to talk politics, or scandal, or literature, in which Marquis and Francis were no mean proficients and then recommenced the same routine.

Taken altogether, I think you will agree with me that we were an uncommonly gay set of young men, and lived in delightful freedom. We drank and played without stint or care. We were an uncommonly gay party!


fast, served with elegant simplicity upon the grand mahogany table, as dark as ebony from age, we called a solemn council to take into consideration the manner in which the day should be spent. Generally it was determined to go and pay some visits, due to rich old dowagers for balls and parties to which we had been invited. But riding in the great chariot or walking were both unsuited to the habits of the "pretty fellows" of the day. We rode Marquis's blooded horses, and the fine animals were daily passed in review and criticised with never-failing gusto. Marquis had placed at my exclusive disposal, the day after my arrival, a splendid animal, which no one else was per- Thus far I have been running on at random, mitted to ride-a young, thoroughbred, chest-in my garrulous way, about the life I led at this nut-bay. Upon Starlight, which moved as in-period. Perhaps you would like to hear the cessantly as a star twinkles, I went with the rest to leave cards at the houses of the ballgivers, or to talk for half an hour with some fair young dame; and on these occasions the pater familias generally regaled us with julep again, and we departed elsewhere, creating every where a sensation. What did we care for those vulgar staring people who looked askance at us? We were the patricians—they the plebs. Let them get out of the way, unless they relish being ridden over. So we rode. As I said above, some of the sour, morose old fellows said we were riding to the devil. I will not lengthen out my talk with all the events of the days. We dined splendidly, went to splendid entertainments or the theatre, ate late suppers, and then sat down to cards. During the day we drank, drank, drank-wine, brandy, whisky, julep, every thing. We smoked, and thendrank. drank.

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after history of my friends, Marquis, Tom Francis, and the rest. I shall accordingly proceed to relate it, commencing with a jaunt which we made to the estate of Tom Francis.

This was a fine old plantation and mansion, situated upon a water-course at some distance from the city of - There I first saw Ellen

Ogilvie. She was on a visit to Caroline Francis, Tom's sister, with whom she had become intimate at school; and the two young ladies, with an old housekeeper and a valetudinarian tutor, who lived in the house on the footing of an heirloom, constituted the whole establishment.

When we whirled up to the door in Tom's elegant equipage the heads of the young ladies were seen at the window, and soon the lovely Caroline was locked in the arms of her brother. I thought she looked deeply shocked when she saw the flushed cheeks and bloodshot eyes of her brother; but she made no other sign, welcoming us with elegant courtesy, and never appearing to suspect that the young gentlemen, now received at the mansion as guests, were "irregular in their habits." This air of uncon

throughout our entire stay, which was extended to very nearly three months.

We rode out, and returned, and We strolled out to look at the horses, and when we re-entered the house, we-drank. When cards came in due course, however, the excitement of play was a strong inducement to "crack a bottle of Champagne," or any thing else. We accordingly drank. We had an un-sciousness was preserved with wonderful success commonly gay time; but after a certain hour of the night I do not think that any of us knew very accurately what occurred. At such moments I remember having an indistinct idea that Jugurtha and his subordinates politely gave us their arms and shoulders to escort us to our beds, Marquis following the rest with a gait somewhat unsteady, and his habitual smile. On the next morning, or rather afternoon, Jugurtha would appear at the bedside, as I have said, silent, respectful, and armed with a huge flagon of mint julep, which he poured into cut-glass goblets, carried behind him by one of his subordinates upon a silver waiter; and under the inspiring effect of the draught the ceremony of dressing was gotten through with very leisurely. Before this was accomplished, however, I would hear the voice of Marquis singing in the long passage then his tap at my door-then he would enter, fresh, smiling, and gay, to give me the compliments of the day. His hand would be cool, his eye clear, his cheek not at all flushed. The debauch of the preceding day

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I do not like to speak of these scenes-it is disagreeable to allude to them even-and I trust that I shall never witness again any thing so wildly, so insanely degrading. At first, a sentiment of respect for Miss Francis and her companion operated as a check upon the company; but as they soon retired to their apartments, and exhibited no knowledge of their movements, the life of the city recommenced with the most terrible additions. The party no longer drank freely-they became regularly intoxicated; they scarcely preserved any of the traits of gentlemen; they were given up to the demon of drink. Especially was this the case with Tom Francis, who was the wildest of all.

Marquis and myself did not join in the revels. On the second day after my arrival I swore a solemn oath that I would never again permit intoxicating drinks to pass my lips, and God has enabled me from that moment to the present one to keep my vow. Marquis also had ceased

his potations. We had both of us fallen in love- | and the remark that "Certainly it was no conhe with Miss Francis, I with her friend.

In Marquis, with his really noble nature and excellent heart, this passion, as profound as it was sudden, assumed the form of the most chivalric respect. His tone to Miss Francis was deeply, almost devoutly respectful; his power of interesting women in him seemed all at once to have completely deserted him, and I think a single frown upon her face would have paralyzed him and rendered him unspeakably miserable. The young girl had a queenly way about her which appeared to take from Marquis his entire faculties of conversation, and he would sit by her side for hours, scarcely saying any thing, only gazing into her face-to avert his eyes when her own were turned upon him. I have often since that time reflected upon this singular subjugation of the brilliant converser and accomplished man of the world; and I have pleased myself with the idea that it indicated the true nobility of his disposition-the profound respect which he entertained, through all his woeful life, for a pure woman-and the depth and truth of his real nature.

I shall not speak at length of my own wooing. A kind Heaven enabled me to conciliate the affection of one of the best and loveliest persons in the world; and I have never ceased to return thanks for this great boon-a boon which I declare myself, in all honesty and truth, to have been then, as I am now, totally unworthy of enjoying. Ellen responded to my love, and I soon found that there was no obstacle to our union-a union which one year afterward was consummated at the residence of Mr. Ogilvie, in County. But I shall proceed.

In vain did Marquis and myself endeavor to restrain the insane revels of our companions, to the enormity of which our eyes were at last opened. Our entreaties were all met with laughter and jests, and we were asked whether we would "preach on Sunday next at Bethel meeting-house," with a variety of other facetia indicative of the light in which our sudden reformation was regarded. Tom Francis especially made us the subject of his satire, and a young man named Thornburg was his chief aider and abettor. I often saw Marquis Cotesbury's eyes flash when this person spoke to him, and afterward discovered the reason of their dislike. Thornburg had been for some time a suitor for the hand of Miss Francis, whom he had known in her youth-and in addition had won enormous sums from Marquis at cards, not without suspicion of unfair play on the part of his opponent. You may judge that these two circumstances were not calculated to elevate him in the estimation of his rival; but Marquis restrained himself, and only requested Mr. Thornburg, in a tone of cool politeness, not to criticise any course he was pleased to pursue. At such times I could see the "devil" very plainly in Marquis's eye, and I suppose Thornburg saw this dangerous look too, for after a little time he ceased to utter his jeers, contenting himself with a sneer, |

cern of his; if Cotesbury wanted to lead a holy life, he certainly had no objection." The words were muttered rather than spoken aloud, as Thornburg turned away, for he rarely withstood Marquis's glance fixed on him. It now expressed simply a lordly species of contempt; a freezing politeness accompanied his slight bow, and the opponents parted. Marquis was thinking of another species of affaire than the threatened one with Thornburg.

He did not prosper in his wooing with Miss Francis. Perhaps she had never seriously thought of marriage, or possibly the silent homage of her dignified suitor did not interest her; certain it is that Marquis did not gain ground, and the circumstance filled him with a gloomy pain.

"The fact is, Will," he would say to me, for we had soon confided to each other our hopes and feelings-"the fact is, I love her so much that I think it makes me stupid. In her presence I don't feel easy, and utter only platitudes, as my father used to say. I used to think I knew women, but this one foils me she's different, however—an angel almost, it seems to me. She will never look upon my suit.”

And Marquis would become silent, resting his head gloomily upon his hand and sighing deeply. In reply to my commonplace encouragements he only shook his head, and then relapsed into his motionless melancholy again. One day he took my arm suddenly, and drew me forth into the old garden. I saw that his brow was flushed with anger, and a threatening flash in his proud eye indicated some extraordinary emotion.

"What's the matter ?" I asked.

"The matter is," he replied hoarsely, "that I have discovered the source of my ill-success with-Miss Francis."

"Ah!-you have discovered-what ?"

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"Ah! you start!" said Marquis with a sneer of such haughty contempt as I never before saw. "You think as I do, then. I thought perhaps that I was mistaken in this gentleman— had undervalued him! But you agree with me

do you not?-that 'tis something shameful for this black-leg to aspire to the hand of Caroline Francis ?"

The words, thus written down, convey not the faintest idea of the mingled wrath and hauteur of the speaker. He went on, growing paler and colder as he proceeded.

"Yes, he's my rival; and he gets drunk, and boasts of his success. I'm nobody, you see! Marquis Cotesbury is a nonentity beside this

worthy nobleman - the representative of the house of Thornburg. By Heavens," cried Marquis, setting his teeth close, "I'll not spare him longer! I'll find the metal he's made of, if he has any-cheat, black-leg, vagabond! I'll no longer be bearded by his insolence, or permit his use of Miss Francis's name. Curse him! I've my scheme, and I'll not forego it!"

My attempt to moderate Marquis's anger, or change the unexpressed resolution he had conceived, was as futile as would have been the endeavor to turn the course of the north wind. He listened with bowed head until I had finished, then nodding shortly, returned to the house.

The evening passed as usual-Miss Francis and her companion retiring early, and then the card-tables were set out. To my great surprise Marquis took his seat at one of them-to my surprise, I say, for latterly he seemed to have lost all relish for play, and even to have registered a vow against it. His present seat was opposite to Thornburg, who had gracefully accompanied the ladies to the door and then prepared for play.

As the game proceeded I could see in Marquis's manner, forewarned as I had been, the indications of intense watchfulness-and this seemed to have been directed more particularly toward Thornburg. For the other two players at the square table on his right and left he seemed to have no eyes; his entire attention was concentrated on his enemy.

The game ended and Thornburg won. It was a large amount, but Marquis did not seem to regard it. He proposed as the stake of the next game an amount so great that the other players, with the exception of Thornburg, drew back shaking their heads. But Thornburg held his ground, and each drew forth and laid upon the table a pile of bank-notes. The cards were shuffled, the other members of the party gathered around the players, and the game began. As it proceeded, and Marquis regularly got the advantage of his opponent, I never once saw him relax his look of intense watchfulness. He cleaned his finger-nails with his penknife as the cards were dealt, but did not look at his hands. The game had nearly come to an end, and I had turned away for a moment, when I heard a sudden crash and a loud cry. My startled glance took in like a flash of light the whole occurrence. Thornburg, seeing that he was about to lose the large stake which he had put up, had done what Marquis suspected him of on former occasions he had slipped a card which would have decided the game in his favor up the sleeve of his coat, and, rising suddenly, Marquis had driven the blade of his penknife through his opponent's hand, and nailed it to the table. I shall not attempt to describe the scene which ensued, a confused mass of cries, oaths, and struggles was all that I heard and saw. In five minutes Thornburg, raving like a madman, was expelled from the Hall, and soon afterward was heard galloping away. The incident made the

wild young men silent and sober for a moment, but in half an hour they were playing and drinking as carelessly as ever, clapping Marquis on the shoulder, and swearing that they were "infinitely obliged to him for exposing that scoundrel."

From all this ovation Marquis soon retired, silent and gloomy. I followed him, and we walked and conversed by moonlight in the garden, listening to the wild revelry from within. High up in a remote chamber window a light was burning, and from this light Marquis seemed unable to remove his eyes.

"'Tis her chamber," he murmured. "Yes," I said, "but you had better think of this affair with Thornburg."

"Think of it?" said Marquis, looking at me, "No, Will! I'll not fight him unless some gentleman will take his place."

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'He'll assassinate you-take care." Marquis smiled sadly as he looked toward the twinkling light.

"I don't know if I'd care," he said. "You see I'm crossed in love, Will!"


On the morning after the scene which I have just related, a certain Major Wordell, half gentleman, half village bully, made his appearance at the Hall and delivered a mortal challenge from Mr. Thornburg to Mr. Cotesbury. "I refuse to meet Mr. Thornburg," replied Marquis, haughtily.

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"And why, Sir?" asked Major Wordell, in an insulting tone: indeed, judging from his countenance, he had been fortifying his courage with drink; "and why do you refuse, if I may ask ?"

I saw a certain shutting down of the eyelids, which with Marquis always indicated anger.

"I refuse," he said, "on the ground that Mr. Thornburg is a blackguard, and a detected cheat at cards."

"What do you mean, Sir ?" said Major Wordell, in a blustering tone. "Do you mean to insinuate that I would bring a message from a blackguard? No, Sir! Mr. Thornburg told me to say that he played fair, and that your act was that of a barbarian, and I agree with him."

The words had scarcely passed the speaker's lips when Marquis threw himself on him. Major Wordell was a powerful man, but he was no match for Marquis. Before he could resist, he was caught up bodily and hurled from the window to the lawn beneath.

He rose, brushing his coat and uttering the most horrible oaths, but even in his hot anger did not seem inclined to renew the contest. Shaking his clenched hand wrathfully at the house, he proceeded to where his horse was tied, mounted and rode away.

On the same evening Thornburg appeared at the Hall and asked for Mr. Francis. The servant returned in a moment with the reply that he was "not at home." Thornburg thereupon went away, uttering suppressed oaths. This occurred at about four in the afternoon, when no one was

at home save the young ladies, Tom Francis, and myself. The rest had ridden out before dinner, Marquis on horseback by himself.

not anticipate, or take into his calculation of chances. This event was simply a complete change in the sentiments of Miss Francis toward At nine o'clock he had not returned, and my friend. I never could explain or understand much speculation was caused by the event. I the exact process by which this change was remembered my own suggestion of the night be- brought about, but it probably grew out of the fore, and became terribly uneasy. As the night young lady's softness and goodness of heartdrew on this suspense grew insupportable, and her "pitying womanhood," which filled her with I induced the party to ride with me upon the tender sympathy and compassion for the poor, high-road, in the direction which I knew Mar- pale sufferer thus thrown upon her hospitality, quis had taken. We had not proceeded a mile and depending upon her alone for all those litbefore we saw, by the clear moonlight, a rider-tle feminine alleviations of pain and suffering less horse grazing by the roadside. At a hun- so grateful to the strongest. Miss Francis was dred paces distant we found the body of Mar-unremitting in her gentle offices of kindness; quis, insensible, and apparently dead. With and when Marquis rose from his sick-bed, pallid that suppressed breathing which indicates strong excitement every one quickly dismounted, and hastened to the spot. Raising the body we perceived that the wounded man still breathed, and, constructing a hasty litter, he was borne back to the Hall. His wound was a deep one on the head, and a surgeon, who was hastily sent for, declared that he could never recover.

and thin, but retaining all his noble beauty of person, it was soon observed that they were always together, and I was not surprised when one morning Marquis announced to me, with a glowing check, that he was the accepted lover of the young lady.

By a

I have thus brought to a sort of conclusion the events of the period which I set out with the To describe my feelings at this announcement intention to describe as well as I could. I have would be impossible. When I saw Marquis ly-done this very lamely, but I did not calculate ing thus, with a vacant look in his large, clear upon the repugnance and pain I should expeeyes, his pillow clotted with blood, the most rience in even glancing back at that time of inheart-rending grief struggled in my breast with sane revelry and wild intemperance. a wild desire for vengeance. This latter senti-powerful effort I was snatched from the yawnment reached its climax at the surgeon's intel- ing gulf which waited for me. I thank kind ligence, and hastily communicating to the rest | Heaven for giving me a pure love, and an almy belief that Thornburg and Wordell had been engaged in the assassination, I mounted, and, followed by Ashton and Francis, galloped to- | ward Thornburg's house. In an hour we drew up at the gate, and without ceremony rushed in. It was too late. The trembling servants assured us that their master and Major Wordell had set out at full gallop several hours before, in which direction they knew not.

Pursuit was plainly impossible. Overwhelmed with rage and despair, I returned with my companions to the Hall.

I shall not dwell at length upon the month which then passed. The powerful constitution of Marquis triumphed over the well-nigh mortal blow, and he slowly revived. The moment finally arrived when he was strong enough to inform us of all that had passed.

most perfect woman, which alone could have saved me. I shall briefly finish my sad record, passing to after years, but first shall mention a talk I had with Marquis just before my departure.

It was in the library one morning. Marquis was reading and smoking, when I heard him suddenly ejaculate the word "Extraordinary!” "What is extraordinary ?" I said, turning my head.

"Why, look here, Will," he replied; "here is something really strange. In turning over this volume of old Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy' I have three times come upon the word 'Lost!' Opening the leaves at random, in my idle way, this word has thrice stared me in the face. If I were a Greek or a Roman, now, I should regard it as an evil augury.”

And Marquis tried to laugh, but for some

"You are neither Greek nor Roman, and need give yourself no concern," I said.

"You think so?" he replied; "well, I differ with you, my boy. Something tells me that this

Thornburg and Wordell had met him on the highway, and the latter had exhibited no dis-reason the laugh sounded false and harsh. position to approach him. Thornburg, however, carried away by his rage, had suddenly struck at him as he passed, and Wordell had then assisted. The blow which rendered him insensible had been struck with the butt-end of Thorn-word has a terribly true reference to my lifeburg's heavy riding-whip-after which he re- perhaps prefigures my fate and that of our party membered no more. This was Marquis's tale, that we shall be lost to every worthy aim of and it was abundantly verified by the continued | life." absence of Thornburg and Wordell. They did not reappear during my stay; and disdaining to take any public steps to arrest them, Marquis dismissed the whole subject from his mind, and rapidly regained his health and strength.

Marquis's illness had caused an event, however, which it is probable Mr. Thornburg did

"What on earth do you mean?" I said, gazing with astonishment at the pale and gloomy countenance of my companion. For some moments he remained silent; with drooping head and compressed lips he seemed to be meditating.

"I mean, Will," he said, raising his head and gazing at me with a sadness which made

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