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"Mr. Broadacre and all of them pretend to be delighted with the country and all they see. Mr. Broadacre always did bear other people's troubles with the most provoking philosophy; but in attempting to make up the fire this evening he found his match in an obstinate chunk. He persevered with it until he smutted the carpet all over, burned his boot, and pinched his thumb, and when I took advantage of the opportunity of advising him to keep cool, he threw the tongs out of the window and left the room.

"Please write without delay, and direct to Knoxville. Give me all the news about the weddings, and how they were dressed, and whether that match we spoke of when I last saw


dees? Then he habitually pours his coffee into you is likely to come off. Love to all.

his saucer, blows it furiously to cool it, and makes rings on the table-cloth with his cup, and has a most peculiar and abominably unfashionable way of blowing his nose. But, after all, it is better to support our trials with fortitude, and I humbly trust I shall have strength to do so. I am consoled here with the idea that the people won't observe these peculiarities, for they dine without napkins or finger-bowls, and use twopronged forks with one prong broken off.

"As we were coming from Bristol to this place in the stage Leonore accidentally broke her camphor-bottle, when the man who sat in front of her hastily raised the curtain and thrust his head out into the rain. The odor was rather excessive, but not unpleasant; however, we opened the windows, and, wishing to say something apologetic, Leonore asked her vis-à-vis if he liked the smell of camphor. 'No, ma'am, I don't,' replied he, with a polite bow-'I'd as lief smell a skunk-hit's flung me into a darned sweat-but hit's no matter, ma'am.'

"Very affectionately yours,



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From Blountville our travelers started in the that covered the coach, and who looked, for all stage-coach for Jonesborough, twenty-one miles the world, like a great West India turtle listdistant. Through torrents of rain and unfath-lessly peering from his shell at a dull wishyomable mud the smoking horses slowly toiled washy world in which he felt no sort of interalong, while the crowded, cramped, half-suffo- est. cated inmates of the vehicle were as merry as if they really enjoyed themselves. Bob Larkin, who, despite the rain, still kept his seat with the driver, managed to make a little dry fun out of a dripping negro who occasionally poked his head from beneath the water-proof canvas

The country through which they passed contained nothing particularly worthy of remark except the light wooden bridge across the Holston and its picturesque surroundings. Our travelers were, therefore, well pleased to hear the coachman and his horn as they descended into

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the venerable and famous town of Jonesborough.

The higher clergy and the nobility, with a few exceptions, clung firmly together during these conflicts. Finding themselves, however, defeated, first in their endeavor to prevent the meeting of the States-General, and then in the effort to secure its division into three chambers, they now resolved, as their last and desperate measure, to gather the standing army of France

The first impressions of Jonesborough were generally satisfactory. It had an old-fashioned, substantial air, as if the people who built it intended to live there for the rest of their days. The town is snugly and modestly nestled in a deep hollow, while the adjacent hills are crowned with neat private residences, and several acad-around Paris and Versailles, and thus, overawemies of some architectural pretension. It contains about fifteen hundred inhabitants, and is the oldest town in East Tennessee.

But we must not forget our newly-arrived travelers. Passing by the stage-office, because the Squire observed the windows were all broken, they found quarters at the Eutaw House, and in due time were comfortably bestowed in their rooms. They then partook of a hearty old-fashioned supper of steaks, sausages, preserves, batter-cakes, and biscuits, and very soon after went to sleep.

ing the people, to disperse the Assembly by military force. Rumors of approaching violence filled the air, and the public mind was every day becoming more deeply excited. Squadrons of cavalry and regiments of infantry and artillery were on the march from the frontiers toward the menaced city; troops were continually accumulating in the streets of Paris and Versailles, and early in July an army of fifty thousand men had been assembled in the vicinity of the Court awaiting its orders. This army was placed under the command of Marshal

When they awake the world may, probably, Broglie, one of the most haughty of the nobles, hear more of them. and a very determined opponent of popular reform.





In Paris all business was at a stand. The poorer classes, entirely out of employment and literally starving, had nothing to do but to gather in groups to hear the news from Versailles. ten miles distant from the metropolis. only hope of any change which might rescue them from poverty and misery was in the action of the Assembly; and they trembled in view of that violent dissolution of the Assembly, which would hopelessly rivet their chains. The spacious garden of the Palais Royal, surrounded by the most brilliant shops in Europe, was the general rendezvous of the multitude. Often ten thousand men were assembled in the garden, where impassioned orators harangued them upon their rights and their wrongs.

OUIS XVI., in his endeavor to appease the universal discontent which pervaded France, had convened the States-General, to be composed of the three recognized orders of the realm, the Clergy, the Nobility, and the Third Estate. The two privileged classes were greatly alarmed at this movement, and did every thing in their power to prevent the meeting. They were, however, unsuccessful, and the StatesGeneral was convened at Versailles on the 5th of May, 1789. It was composed, in round numbers, of three hundred of the Clergy, three hundred of the Nobility, and six hundred of the Third Estate. As all the pastors of the churches, and several of the most illustrious of the nobles, like Lafayette, were earnest advocates of reform, and would vote with the representatives of the people, it was manifest that if the States met in one chamber the people would have the majority. It was equally evident that, if the States met in three chambers, each chamber having a vote, the people would be ever in a minority, having both of the privileged chambers against them. Thus there would be no hope of reform. The first great question to be de-estate in the army as well as in the state. cided, of course, was whether the States should officers were nobles, but the common soldiers meet in three chambers or in one. For more were from the people, and were with the people than a month this conflict was prolonged. All in all their sympathies. The French Guards, France, fully recognizing the issues at stake, looked on with intense interest.

The Duke of Orleans, with his enormous wealth, encouraged every insurrectionary move


He was willing so far to renounce aristocratic privilege as to adopt a constitution like that of England, if he, as the head of the popular party, could be placed upon the throne, from which he hoped to eject his cousin, Louis XVI. The Palais Royal became the sleepless eye of Paris, ever vigilant to note the march of events.

It soon became evident that there was a third

consisting of three thousand six hundred picked men in the highest state of discipline and equipment, were stationed at Paris. They began to echo the murmurs of the populace. The De

At last the people, mainly aided by the working clergy, who have ever been in the front ranks in the battles for freedom, gained the victory. The National Assembly was organ-lic clergy at the time the Revolution broke out. They ized, where all the deputies of the three orders met in one chamber, and where the majority of votes, of course, carried the decision.*

"I doubt whether on the whole, even taking into account the startling vices of some of its members, the world ever saw a more remarkable body than the Catho

were enlightened; they were national; their private vir

tues were not more striking than their public qualities: and yet they were largely endowed with faith, sufficient to bear them up against persecution. I began to study the Old Régime full of prejudice against the clergy. 1 have ended my task, and feel nothing but respect for them."-The Old Régime and the Revolution, by ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE, p. 144.


claration of the King had informed them that no reform whatever was to be tolerated in the army, that the common soldier was to be forever exeluded from all promotion. The privates and subalterns were doomed to endure all the toil of the army and its most imminent perils, but were to share none of its honors or emoluments. The young nobles who usurped all the offices were generally dissolute and ignorant men, who merely exhibited themselves upon the field on parade days, and who never condescended to show themselves even in the barracks.

The discontent of the soldiers reached the ears of their officers. Apprehensive that, by association with the people, the soldiers might become more strongly allied to them by a common sympathy, the officers commanded the Guards no longer to go into the streets, and consigned them to imprisonment in their barracks. This, of course, increased their exasperation, and, being left to themselves, with nothing to do, they held meetings very similar to those which they had been in the habit of attending in the Palais Royal. Among themselves they talked over their grievances and the state of the monarchy. Patriotic enthusiasm rapidly gained strength, and they took an oath that they would not fire upon their friends the people.*

i. 62.

"The French Guards," writes M. Rabaut de St.

Etienne, one of the clergy who most heroically espoused the cause of the people, "these generous citizens, rebels to their masters in the language of despotism, but faithful to the nation, are the first to swear never to turn their arms against her."—Hist. of the Revolution of France, Sir Archibald Alison designates this act of the soldiers as "the revolt and treason of the French Guards." The same occurrence assumes different aspects as seen from different stand-points. Through all these stormy scenes precisely the same deeds will appear to one as infamous, to another as virtuous, according as he is in favor of aristocratic privilege or democratic rights.

The colonel of the regiment arrested eleven of the most prominent in this movement, and sent them to the prison of the Abbaye, where they were to await a court-martial, and such punishment as might be their doom. This was on the 30th of June. On the evening of that day, as a vast and agitated multitude was assembled at the Palais Royal listening to the speakers who there, notwithstanding reiterated municipal prohibitions, gave intelligence of all that was passing at Versailles, tidings were brought to them of the arrest of the soldiers.

A young man, M. Lourtalot, editor of a Parisian paper, mounted a chair, and cried out:

"These are the brave soldiers who have refused to shed the blood of their fellow-citizens. Let us go and deliver them. To the rescue!"

There was an instantaneous cry rising from a thousand voices in the garden, and reverberating through the streets, "To the Abbaye!" The throng poured out of the gates, and seizing axes and crow-bars as they rushed along, every moment increasing in numbers, soon arrived at the prison six thousand strong. There was no force there which could for a moment resist them. The doors were speedily battered down, the soldiers liberated, and conducted in triumph to the Palais Royal. Here they were provided with food and lodging, and placed under the protection of a citizen's guard.

While the populace were conducting the soldiers whom they had rescued to the Palais Royal, a squadron of cavalry came clattering over the pavements, and were ordered by their officers to charge upon the multitude. They approached at full gallop until within a few paces, and then, regardless of their officers, reined in their horses, and lifting their caps with true French politeness, saluted their citizen friends. There was then a scene of fraternization such

as the French metropolis alone can exhibit. Men and women ran out from the houses and the shops, presenting to the dragoons goblets of wine, and shouting, "Vive le Roi! Vive la Nation!"

The courtiers could not conceal their exultation, and began openly to boast that their hour of triumph was at hand. Fifteen regiments of Swiss and German troops were now between Paris and Versailles. It was supposed that they, without any reluctance, would fire upon French citizens.

The people were still disposed to love their King. They instinctively felt that his sympathies were with them. Thus far they desired It was very evident that the Court was enonly reform, not the overthrow of the monarchy.deavoring to foment disturbances in Paris, that The Court, however, was instructed by these an appeal to the military might be necessary. scenes that it could not rely upon the French The leaders of the Revolution, on the other Guards to execute the bloody mandates which hand, were doing every thing in their power to it was about to issue. Hence vigorous meas- keep the people calm. A very able pamphlet ures were immediately adopted to concentrate was circulated through the city containing the in the metropolis an efficient force of foreign following sentiments: mercenaries, Swiss and German troops, who would be less scrupulous in shooting down and trampling under iron hoofs the French people.

The Parisians distinctly understood this movement, and one can hardly conceive of a measure more exasperating. It is worthy of record that the citizens, ascertaining that they had libcrated one soldier who was accused of what they deemed a crime, immediately sent that one back to his prison cell. The next day, July 1, the populace at the Palais Royal, who were thus far under the guidance of the most intelligent, virtuous, and influential citizens, sent a deputation to the National Assembly at Versailles, urging them to interpose with the King for a pardon for the soldiers.* This was a movement quite unexampled. The citizens, heretofore deprived of all political rights, had never before ventured to make their wishes known. Even then, for the people to send in a petition, was esteemed by the privileged classes the height of impudence.†

The National Assembly very prudently sent back word to the Parisians exhorting them to refrain from all acts of violence, and assuring them that the maintenance of good order was essential to the prosperity of their cause. At the same time the Assembly sent a deputation to the King imploring his clemency for the soldiers.

Troops were, however, still rapidly approaching the city from different parts of the kingdom. The higher clergy and the nobles were throwing every obstacle in the way of either deliberation or action by the Assembly. It was manifest to all that a conspiracy was fast ripening for its violent dissolution.‡

"I have studied history extensively, and I venture to affirm that I know of no other revolution at whose

outset so many men were imbued with a patriotism as sincere, as disinterested, as truly great."-The Old Régime and the Revolution, by ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE, p. 190. + Histoire Parliamentaire, ii. 32. MICHELET, i. 127. The Marquis de Ferrières, himself one of the nobles, and voting with the majority of his order, in his very candid Memoires, writes:

"While on this subject, I can not refrain from remarking on the impolitic conduct of the nobles and the bish

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"Citizens! the Ministers, the aristocrats, are endeavoring to excite sedition. Be peaceful, tranquil, submissive to good order. If you do not disturb the precious harmony now reigning in the National Assembly, a Revolution the most salutary and the most important will be irrevocably consummated, without causing the nation' blood or humanity tears.”

One is bewildered on learning that these humane sentiments came from the pen of Jean Paul Marat.*

The next day after the King had received the deputation from the Assembly, he sent an answer (July 2) that the soldiers should be pardoned as soon as order was re-established in the capital. Upon the receipt of this message at the Palais Royal the Guards were taken back to prison, from whence they were speedily released by a pardon from the King.

On the 3d of July, M. Bailly having resigned the Presidency of the Assembly, the Archbishop of Vienne, one of the high clergy who had warmly espoused the popular cause, was chosen President, and the Marquis de Lafayette, equally devoted to popular rights, was elected VicePresident. Thus the two most important offices of the Assembly were conferred upon men selected from the highest rank of the privileged class. But this act of conciliation did not in the slightest degree propitiate those who were determined to perpetuate despotism.

The aspect of affairs was every hour becoming more threatening. New regiments of foreigners were continually marching into the metropolis, and occupying all the avenues which conducted to Paris and Versailles. Squadrons of horse were galloping though the streets, and heavy artillery rumbling over the pavements. The Elysian Fields, the Place Louis XV., the Field of Mars, presented the aspect of an encampment. Sentinels were placed around the French Guards, who were confined in their barracks to prevent them from holding any intersembly and of the people who attended the sittings. Instead of listening, they laughed and talked aloud, thus confirming the people in the unfavorable opinion which it had conceived of them; and, instead of striving to recover the confidence and the esteem of the people, they strove only to gain their hatred and contempt."-FER RIÈRES, tom. ii. p. 122.

Histoire des Montagnards, par ALPHONSE ESQUIROS.

p. 15.

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