Was on the streams of Guadalquiver, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of the mighty river, Beside me on the bank was seated A Seville girl, with auburn hair, And eyes that might the world have cheated, — A wild, bright, wicked, diamond pair... The Spirit of the English Magazines - Page 4791825Full view - About this book
 | 1825 - 458 pages
...FIDELITY. [PROM THK LITKRARY SOUVENIR.] One eve of beauty, when the sun Was on the streams of Guadalquiver, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of the...seated, A Seville girl, with auburn hair, And eyes that mi.?ht the world have cheated, — A wild, bright, wicked, diamond pair ! She stooped, and wrote upon... | |
 | Alaric Alexander Watts - English poetry - 1829 - 476 pages
...LEL FIDELITY. (FROM THE SPANISH). ONE eve of beauty, when the sun Was on the streams of Guadalquiver, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of the...such a soft, small, shining hand, I could have sworn 't was silver flowing. Her words were three, and not one more, What could Diana's motto be ? The Syren... | |
 | American periodicals - 1849 - 658 pages
...when the sun Was on the stream of Guadalquiver, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of that mighty river ; Beside me on the bank was seated A...was going. With such a soft, small, shining hand, You would have sworn 't was silver flowing : Her words were three, and not one more ; What could DIANA'S... | |
 | American periodicals - 1849 - 614 pages
...when the sun Was on the stream of Guadalquirer, To cold converting, one by one. The ripples of that mighty river ; Beside me on the bank was seated A...upon the sand, Just as the loving sun was going, With euch a soft, small, shining hand, You would have sworn 't was silver flowing : Her words were three,... | |
 | Richard Wright Procter - Poetry - 1855 - 490 pages
...FIDELITY. ETON. FROM THE SPANISH. ONE eve of beauty, when the sun Was on the streams of Guadalquiver, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of the...Beside me on the bank was seated A Seville girl with auburu hair, And eyes that might the world have cheatedA wild, bright, wicked, diamond pair ! She stoop'd,... | |
 | Octavia Walton Le Vert - Europe - 1857 - 356 pages
...when the sun Was on the stream of Guadalquivir, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of that mighty river, Beside me on the bank was seated A Seville girl with dark brown hair, And eyes that might the world have cheated — A wild, bright, wicked, diamond pair.... | |
 | Charles Fenno Hoffman, Timothy Flint, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Kinahan Cornwallis, John Holmes Agnew - American periodicals - 1858 - 710 pages
...when the sun Was on the stream of Ouadalquiver, To gold converting, one by one, The ripples of that mighty river ; Beside me on the bank was seated A...the loving sun was going, With such a soft, small, shiuing hand, You would have sworn "t was silver Sowing : Her words were three, and not one more ;... | |
 | Paul Hamilton Payne - Literature, Modern - 1859 - 610 pages
...ripples of that mighty river, " One eve of beauty, when the sun Was on the stream of Guadalquiver, Beside me, on the bank, was seated A Seville girl...hair, And eyes that might the world have cheated— A bright, wild, wicked, diamond pair. She stooped and wrote upon the sand, Just as the lovely sun was... | |
 | Paul Hamilton Payne - Literature, Modern - 1859 - 610 pages
...sealed A Seville girl with auburn hair. And eyeğ that might the world have cheated — A bright, wild, wicked, diamond pair. She stooped and wrote upon the sand, Just as the lovely sun was going, With such a small, white, shining hand, You would have sworn 'twas silver flowing.... | |
 | Gaius Valerius Catullus - 1861 - 256 pages
...is an admirable paraphrase : — One eve of beauty, when the sun Was on the waves of Guadalquivir, To gold converting one by one The ripples of the mighty...cheated — A wild, bright, wicked diamond pair. She stoop'd, and wrote upon the sand, Just as the living sun was going, With such a soft, small, shining... | |
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