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Original Anecdotes, Literary News, Chit Chat, Incidents, &c.



The Dauphin has from his infancy shown himself to be good, modest, studious. The admirable remark that he made, when a boy, to Suffren, when the latter was presented to him at Versailles, on his return from the Eastern seas, is not yet forgotten. The Duke d'Angouleme had at the time a Plutarch in his hand: "I was reading the history of a hero," exclaimed the young Prince, embracing Suffren; "I now see one." Henry the Fourth, when a child could not have said a better thing.

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When the Sovereigns of Europe, whose thrones were all menaced with destruction, combined against the oppressor of nations, and Buonaparte fell, the Duke d'Angouleme was at Bourdeaux, that loyal city, which had opened its gates to him on the 12th of March. "God be praised!" cried the Prince, there will be no further effusion of French blood." A great number of the inhabitants of Bourdeaux solicited the honour of being presented to him. It had been thought necessary to place at the head of the list the persons most qualified by their titles and birth. Let the list be re-modelled in alphabetical order," said his Royal Highness; "since the 12th of March everybody is noble at Bourdeaux."


When his Royal Highness repaired to the South, by order of the King, in consequence of the disturbances which took place at the end of the year 1815, the following were the noble expressions which he addressed to the president of the consistory of the reformed church at Nismes: "No doubt prejudices have been instilled into your mind against me. You have probably been told that I do not love you. Certainly I am a good Catholic; but I can never forget that the most illustrious of my ancestors was a Protestant."

Two days after the capture of the Trocadero, while the regiments who had shared in that glorious enterprize were passing in review before the Duke d'Angouleme, some of the solATHENEUM VOL. 2. 2d series.


diers called out, "Is the prince satisfied with us ?" "My friends," replied his Royal Highness, "I was going to ask you if you were satisfied with me."

One day the Duke, incognito, was inspecting the quarters established in the suburbs of Andujar. In a narrow shed be observed an old soldier of the guard lying on a truss of straw. His Royal Highness approached him, and striking him lightly on the shoulder, said, "Comrade, pray make a little room." "With great pleasure," replied the soldier, drawing back "there was straw enough for two." His Royal Highness lay down, and soon fell into a profound sleep. An instant after the soldier wakened thoroughly. His astonishment and delight on discovering that it was the royal generalissimo who reposed by his side, may be easily conceived. After having covered his Royal Highness with his cloak, he mounted guard over him; and never was a post of honour filled with greater zeal, or a more noble pride.


The most extraordinary instance of human strength recorded in modern times, is that of Thomas Topham, a man who kept a public-house at Islington. Mr. Hutton, in his history of Derby, gives this account of him :He performed surprising feats of strength-as breaking a broomstick of the first magnitude by striking it against his bare arm, lifting two hogsheads of water, heaving his horse over the turnpike gate, carrying the beam of a house as a soldier carries his firelock, &c.

When this Second Samson appeared at Derby as a performer in public, at a shilling each, upon application to Alderman Cooper for leave to exhibit, the magistrate was surprised at the feats he proposed, and as his appearance was like that of other men, he requested him to strip, that he might examine whether he was made like them; but he was found to be extremely muscular. What were hollows under the arms and hams of oth

ers, were filled up with ligaments in him.

He appeared nearly five feet ten, turned of thirty, well made, but nothing singular; he walked with a small limp. He had formerly laid a wager, the usual decider of disputes, that three horses could not draw him from a post which he should clasp with his feet; but the driver giving them a sudden lash, turned them aside, and the unexpected jerk had broke his thigh.

The performances of this wonderful man, in whom were united the strength of twelve, were, rolling up a pewter dish of seven pounds as a man rolls up a sheet of paper; holding a pewter quart at arm's length, and squeezing the sides together like an egg-shell; lifting two hundred weight with his little finger, and moving it gently over his head. The bodies he touched seemed to have lost their powers of gravitation. He also broke a rope fastened to the floor, that would sustain twenty hundred weight; lifted an oak table six feet long with his teeth, though half a hundred weight was hung to the extremity; a piece of leather was fixed to one end for his teeth to hold, two of the feet stood upon his knees, and he raised the end with the weight higher than that in his mouth. He took Mr. Chambers, Vicar of All Saints, who weighed twenty-seven stone, and raised him with one hand. His head being laid on one chair, and his feet on another, four people, (fourteen stone each) sat upon his body, which he heaved at pleasure. He struck a round bar of iron, one inch diameter, against his naked arm, and at one stroke bent it like a bow. Weakness and feeling seemed fled together.

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of the kitchen spits from the mantelpiece, and bent it round his neck like a handkerchief; but as he did not chuse to tuck the ends in the ostler's bosom, the cumbrous ornament excited the laugh of the company till he condescended to untie his iron cravat. Had he not abounded with good nature, the men might have been in fear for the safety of their persons, and the women for that of their pewter shelves, as he could instantly roll up both. One blow from his fist would for ever have silenced those heroes of the Bear-garden, Johnson and Mendoza.

At the time of his death, which happened 10th August, 1749, he kept a public-house Hog-lane, Shoreditch. Having, two days before, a quarrel with his wife, he stabbed her in the breast, and immediately gave himself several wounds which proved fatal to him, but his wife recovered.


The Glasgow Courier gives the following communication respecting this ill-fated traveller, from notes made in 1822. "Duncanno, a negro,was born at Birnie Yaourie. He was in the Pass about to be mentioned, to sell collas,when he was seized by the Foulahs, carried off as a slave, and afterwards taken to the Gold Coast, where he was shipped on board a Portuguese vessel, and carried to Bahia, where he remained three years. He was employed in a Portuguese slave ship as a seaman, and returned to Africa in her, during Governor Maxwell's residence on the coast. Duncanno states, that he was in his native country, Birnie Yaourie, sixteen years ago (1808), when Mr. Park arrived there in a canoe with two masts; no persons land

Being a master of music, he entered. tained the company with Mad Tom. I heard him sing a solo to the organ in St. Werburgh's church, then the only one in Derby; but though he might perform with judgment, yet the voice, more terrible than sweet, scarcely seemed human. Though of a pacific temper, and with the appearance of a gentleman, yet he was liable to the insults of the rude. The ostler at the Virgin's Inn, where he resided, having given him disgust, he took one

The canoe continued her course down the river, with the travellers in her. The king of Yaourie, aware of their danger, sent off eight canoes after them to warn them of it, and in one of the canoes was sent a red cow, intended as a present to the white men. Mr. Park did not communicate with them, but continued sailing onwards. The canoes followed, and at last Mr. Park, probably dreading hostile intentions, fired upon them, but fortunately did not kill any one, The canoes re

turned, but the king, anxious for the safety of the travellers, again sent people to proceed after them, requesting them to stop, and he would send people to show them the safe and proper passage in the channel of the river. The messengers however, could not overtake them. Park continued his voyage, till the vessel got amongst the rocks off Boussa, and was, in consequence, "broke." Birnie Yaourie is in Houssa, but Boussa is not. The latter is in the country called Burgoo. Birnie Yaourie is by land distant one day's journey from Boussa, but by water one day and a half. Duncanno described the place or pass where the canoe was broke, to be like the cataracts in our mountains. The water ran with great force. The canoe was carried rapidly along, and before they -could perceive their imminent danger, it struck with violence on some rocks and was dashed to pieces. The people of Boussa stood upon the rocks projecting into the river, desirous if possible, to afford the white men assistance: but the catastrophe was so sudden, and the violence of the stream so great, that they could not reach them. The break of the river on the rocks is described as dreadful, the whirlpools formed appalling, and the agitation of the waters so great, as almost to raise the canoe on its end, and precipitate its stem forwards into the gulfs below it. At the moment the vessel struck, Mr. Park had something in his hand, which he threw into the water, just as the vessel appeared to be going to pieces. The "water was too bad," so agitated that he could not swim, and he was seen to sink in it. There were "plenty" of other white men in the canoe, all of whom were drowned. The river there is as broad as from Le Fevre Point to Tagrin Point, Sierra Leone, or above four miles. There was a black man, a slave, who was saved from the canoe. This black man spoke the Foulah language, and was a slave to a Foulah man. When Duncanno left Yaourie, this man was still in Boussa; but he knows nothing more of him. Duncanno asserted positively that no person from Park's vessel landed at Birnie Yaourie,that the

black was the only individual saved, and that that man only was left at Boussa. The people of Boussa went in canoes to this "bad place" in the river, where Park's vessel was broken, and where he was drowned, and some expert divers dived into the stream and picked up twelve pistols and two long musquets. "Plenty of people" went from Birnie Yaourie to Boussa to see the wreck, after the king of Boussa had sent to the king of Yaourie to inform him of the disaster. Park informed the black man who was in the boat, that in a week or two he should carry him with the canoe into a "great ocean," where the water was salt!"


A Tour in Germany and some of the Southern Provinces of the Austrian Empire, in the Years 1820, 1821 and 1822. 2 vols. 12mo.

There is a great deal of ability in these volumes, and what is more to the purpose, at the present day, of amusement. The writer appears to be one of those well-informed persons, who make the best use of their eyes, ears, and time, during their travels, and who have the tact of selecting what is likely to prove interesting to their untravelled countrymen. The opinions which he has formed, appear on the whole to be fair enough, though, here and there we trace a little dread of liberalism. The most interesting portions of his tour are, perhaps, those in which he has given an account of the German Universities, and of the state of society in Vienna. Nothing more lamentable can be imagined than the laxity of morals, nothing more detestable than the system of espionage existing in that metropolis. The worst symptom of all is, the contentment of the people under such circumstances. If the administration of Metternich fails to rouse the spirit of the Austrian, to what will they not submit? Our readers will, perhaps, be gratified with the following portrait of this statesman.

"At the head of the ministry, stands despotic the Chancellor of State, Prince Metternich, the most powerful individual in Europe who does not wear a crown. A private nobleman

from the banks of the Rhine, whose most celebrated vineyard has been bestowed on him by the grateful monarchs for whom he laboured; he has raised himself to be absolute master of the empire, firmly rooted in the confidence of his master, unwilling to bear a rival near the throne, but neither liked nor admired by the people. When I first saw him in the ball-room at Baden, he was sitting by the Court but yet alone. He was dressed in a plain suit of black, for it was the mourning for the late Queen of England. His eyes were fixed on the floor, as if in deep thought, except when they glanced up to follow the fair Countess A- who was flying round the ball in the waltz. His appearance has nothing striking or commanding. He is of middling stature, rather meagre than otherwise, but altogether a handsome man. His countenance is pale; his large broad brow is marked with what seem to be the wrinkles of cunning, rather than the furrows of thought: his smile appears to be so habitual, that it has scarcely any character, except when it is satirical. His manners are polite and conciliating, for he is through and through a man of the world. He possesses in a high degree the power of concealing his own sentiments, and a coolness which keeps him clear of all embarrassment."


The Ann. de Chemie contains a report from M. Percy, of the following operation for breaking down and expelling calculi:-A straight sound, make of silver, containing a smaller sound sliding within it. The smaller sound near its inner extremity is divided into three arms, which spring open when they pass through the end of the exterior sound, forming a kind of spring foreceps. Through the inner tube, a steel rod, having a saw, a file, or a knife, at the extremity, is made to slide with ease. The instrument being inserted through the uretha into the bladder, the inner sound is moved about until the forceps grasps a portion of calculus ; when the operator, by partially withdrawing the inner sound, closes the forceps firmly on the

stone; in which situation, the saw, drill, or file is made to act on it until it becomes broken down in smaller pieces-the fragments of which are subsequently ejected by the urine, aided by a copious injection of warm water to facilitate the discharge. Although there must be considerable delicacy required, and some degree of hazard attending this mode of operating, yet M. Percy relates three cases, in which it was attended with complete success. The first, a man thirty-two years of age, underwent the operation three times before the stone was completely removed, and was so little incommoded as to be capable of walking to the house of the operator. The second instance-a small stone was broken down and ejected, leaving for its nucleus "a white kidney-bean !" In the third case, a stone as large as a pigeon's egg, was completely broken down, and discharged.


THE LANGUAGE OF BIRDS. From the notes and tones of our domestic fowl alone we could produce a variety of instances to show that they are adapted and directed to particular occasions, all expressive of and working to a meaning and an end. might dwell upon the difference of their tones or vocal sounds when they come cheerily forth at early morn, themselves gay, humble, and sprightly, like itself; and the drawling gravity of their notes suited to the loiter and slowness of their step, when day is drawing to a close, and they are sauntering in the direction of their dormitory and their perch. As the air, activity, and gaiety of morn were greeted with their poor but best music, in brisk and flippant salutation, so are their retiring notes expressive of the quietude and composure of the evening hour: their farewel requiem to the day. It was the observation of Dr. Jenner, that the songs of birds varied in character with the varying season of the year. The most familiar instance was the robin. Spring and autumn afforded, of course, the most favourable specimens of the justness of his observation, by exhibiting the lovely song of this bird at its greatest distances; comprehending also its different grada

tions of composition and character of touch, from brilliant sprightliness to the graver notes of 'lengthened sweetness long drawn out.' But this sagacious observer of nature applied a similar remark to all song birds.


This volume shows considerable power of thought on a variety of subjects; on literature, the fine arts, and many abstract questions. The idea, too, of the story is good; but the execution falls somewhat short of the conception. It is founded on an anecdote, related by Dr. Cheyne, of an individual who had the power of dying at will for a certain number of hours. The tale is sufficiently curious to be repeated:

"He (the patient) could die when he pleased; and yet, by an effort, or somehow, he could come to life again. He insisted so much upon our seeing the trial made, that we were forced to comply. We all three felt his pulse: first, it was distinct, through small and thready, and his heart had its usual beating. He composed himself on his back, and lay in a still posture for some time. While I held his right hand, Dr. Baynard lay his hand on his heart, and Mr. Skrine held a clear looking-glass to his mouth. I felt his pulse sink gradually, until, at last I could not feel any by the most exact and nice touch. Dr. Baynard could not feel the least motion in his heart, nor Mr. Skrine perceive the least sort of breath on the bright mirror he held to his mouth. Then each of us, by turns, examined his arm, heart, and breath; but could not, by the nicest scrutiny, discover the least symptoms of life in him. We reasoned a long time about this odd appearance as well as we could; and finding he still continued in that condition, we began to conclude that he had indeed carried the experiment too far; and at last we were satisfied that he was actually dead, and were just ready to leave him. By nine o'clock in the morning, in autumn, as we were going away, we observed some motion about his body, and, upon examination, found his pulse and the motion of his heart gradually returning he began to

breathe gently and speak softly. We were all astonished, to the last degree, at this unexpected change; and after some further conversation with him, and with ourselves, went away fully satisfied as to all the particulars of this fact, but not able to form any rational scheme how to account for it."

On this strange anecdote, the Revelations of the Dead Alive are founded; but the author carries this idea much farther than Dr. Cheyne. He supposes that, for every day his hero lies in this trance of death, he lives through a year of futurity in vision; but, unlike other visions, things are presented with all the vividness and determination of real life. The object, therefore,of the sleeper is, to prolong his trance as much as possible; and the only obstacle to its duration is in the natural cravings for hunger. At last he finds a remedy for this in the writings of Humboldt, from whom he learns that the Ottomans subsist for months together on one good meal of a peculiar kind of clay. Accordingly he visits the savages, purchases the requisite food, and lying down on the heights of a giant-tree, he swallows the clay, and gives himself up to death. His trance lasts for one hundred and ninetynine days and a quarter; and for every day he runs through a year of futurity. But in this respect he has not shown much invention, as he only shows this futurity in its thoughts and opinions of the present: he seldom ventures to show the actual state of the time to come, and when he does, he evinces a small portion of imagination. On the other hand, his language is powerful, his ideas original, and his work by no means, belongs to the common order of every-day publications.


Whilst learned men are engaged in discussions upon the pretended fossil man, the Lyonese have just discovered, not far from their walls, a real fossil elephant, in ground which had not till now been dug up. M. Bretin, Director of the Royal Veterinary School, has visited the openings,and has ascertained that the petrified bones found therein have really belonged to an elephant. The less learned persons

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