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Glengarrys. the highland bonnet which rises to a point in front: shape was cocked rather fiercely on his head.

a bonnet of the ib. 742.

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globe-lamp s. Kuppellampe. ib. 676.

go-to-meeting-clothes s. etwa Ausgeherock (evening dress).

ib. 591.

goatee s. imperial, Ziegenbart; a


his chin. ib. 612.

extending the extremity of

good adj. for ausgebildet: to return, as the girls call it, from a boarding - school. ib. 736.

goods-carrying concern s. Speditionsgeschäft.

gradient (L. s. pl.?); one foot in eighty may be taken as an avaiCh. J. 683.


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gray-back s. das graue Wasserhuhn, sonst knot genannt. ib. 687. Grecian bend vgl. Archiv 54, p. 85. your own advocacy for the and the Alexandra limp both positive and practical imitations of physical affliction. ib. 629.

grindstone s. if a man does not know how to save, his nose will (Sam. Smiles, Thrift.) er bringt es zu nichts.

always be kept to the

Handy-man s. Handlanger, Tagelöhner:

of any kind. Ch. J. 655.

ready for odd jobs

hank s. ind.beat (Jagdspr.): -s being so often badly planned.

ib. 733.

head s. to have a

upon one's shoulders, den Kopf auf der rechten

Stelle haben. ib. 627.

hobbledehoy s. hobbadehoy, a youth between a boy and a man.

ib. 736.


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is played with a club which is curved at the bottom; it seems to be the same with hawkey described by Holloway. Wb. Die Beschreibung des Spiels s. Ch. J. 657.

home v. a. an die Heimat gewöhnen; the pigeon was

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few weeks old to a building in Cannon Street; the pigeon was of the best breed of -ing pigeons. ib. 721.

hop, skip, and jump adj. business must not be done in such a -way "übereilt". ib. 734.

hopper-barge s. Baggerkahn: depositing the dregs in what is

called -8. ib. 671.

Archiv f. n. Sprachen. LX.


horse v. a. these vehicles are -d through the streets to a railway depot. ib. 695.

If conj. vgl. Hoppe s. v. 2. adding, if a man, ib. 655 u. ö. „und setzt gewiss hinzu", also nicht blos als Zusatz zu Zahlenangaben. induction-coil s. Inductionsrolle (-draht). ib. 630.

Jerry s. abbr. für Gerald.

Joan, Pope

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Nicht der beste Bauer (Bube)", wie L. meint, sondern das sogen. „Pochspiel". Beim „,besten Buben" wird weder ein board gebraucht, noch kommt matrimony (unser „Melden" mariage) dabei vor. Dickens, Pickw. I, 74.

Jonathan s. millers do not scruple to mix up their grain with a cheap substance known among them by the mysterious name of Ch. J. 696.

journey-proud adj. wagenkrank: she was and could eat no

breakfast. ib. 575.

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Jubilee singers s. Eine Gesellschaft emancipirter Sklaven, welche seit 1871 die Welt durchziehen und zum Besten einer in Nashville (Tenessee) gegründeten Neger - Universität Concerte geben: they assumed the name of significant of their emancipation in

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1862, as the year of negro jubilee. ib. 733.

part in a a

Kettle-drum s. a large social party dress plays a considerable or stolen gossip, ib. 629. (On Tweedside, „, kettle“ signifies a social party", met together to take tea from the same kettle, hence any social party; „drum" applies to the close packing, as a drum of figs. Brewer.)

killick s. a heavy stone with a line attached. In Cornwall als Anker gebraucht. ib. 666.

kipper v. a. einsalzen von allen Fischen; -ed herring. ib. 630. Kleptomaniac s. Diebssüchtiger.

L. S. D.. s. d. (libra, solidus, denarius): he was engaged in no business, though fully appreciative of the - side of the question „die pekuniäre Seite". Ch. J. 693.

lady-bird, s. das Weibchen:

on for days, while the

which, when laid by the hen, he sits goes to sea. ib. 657.

larrikins s. Austr. a class of untameable youths, who go about

in gangs of 20 or 30, break street-lamps, maltreat policemen and at night commit assaults and robbery. ib. 675.

last v. a. dauernd versehen: powder enough to a Chief Justice's wig for six months. ib. 611.

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Leather-lane-market; hier haben die Street dealers ihren Hauptstand. ib. 607.

Legree s. A slave-dealer in Uncle Tom's Cabin by Mrs. Stowe: the slave-owners were not all -s. ib. 733.

leister s. a prong used in spearing salmon : a gentleman on board speared it with a salmon ib. 722.

Lenny abbr. für Leonard.

life s. Auch die „Dauer, Nutzbarkeit" the of a wheel is from 3 to 5 years. ib. 683.

liner. Auch sing. (L. s. pl.): the has her berths always full. ib. 632.

link s. Manschettenknopf; his linen was fastened at the wrist by gold --s. ib. 767.

links s. Gemeindegrundstück (schott.): golf, a game played over extensive commons or "links", as they are called, ib. 724; the verdict of the ib. 671.

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link-extinguisher s.

large extinguishers attached to the rail


ings of houses, formerly used by the linkmen for extinguishing their links the entrance with its on either side. ib. 680. list v. n. auf der Seite liegen. S. A.: some small smacks -ing on the mud. ib. 658.

living-rooms s. pl. Wohnräume, im Gegensatz zu bedrooms etc. ib. 682.

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long-whist s.; „at nine we don't reckon honours" (they played in those limes, we should of course say "at four" nowadays) ib. 680.

lock v. a. to

loppety adj.

encyclopedias at -. Pickw. I, 346, zu Hoppe.
loitering: he ran "clean" without that

notion, of

which even professional runners are seldom free. ib. 589. lounge s. (H. lounging chair): she sat upon a ; und: sitting com

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majolica s. Mit Schmelzfarben bemaltes irdenes Geschirr.

making-pretend s. (Berlin:,,man so du'n") little girls play at - —,

often assuming such form as this: I'll be a lady and you shall be my servant, oder: the of respect (in letters: Yours respectfully) is a small courtesy which lessens the probability of giving offence. Ch. J. 696.

march-past s. der Vorbeimarsch: to salute the colours during a. ib.

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marker s. das Lesezeichen; he was engaged in finding the places in his prayer book; there, he exclaimed, as he put in the last Misunderstood p. 32.

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expression is derived from Mary Magdalen (pron. maudlin) generally painted with eyes swollen with weeping.

meet v. a. bezahlen (zu Hoppe): those rapidly increasing bills which he must at the end of the quarter. Ch. J. 695. memo. abbr. für memorandum; his fingers were copying a General

ib. 720.

Micawber s. a projector of bubble schemes sure to lead to fortune but always ending in grief. Notwithstanding his ill success he never despairs but feels certain that something will turn up to make his fortune (Dickens, Copperfield), daher: such people acquire a habit of depending on chances. Ch. J. 749. middle s. Medium (Gramm.).


midge s. Boot (Devonsh.): littles conveying pleasure- parties. ib. 615.

mods. abbr. für moderations: to be in for vor dem zweiten Examen stehen. ib. 665.

moire s. frz.mohair; dressed in one of her lustrous -s. ib. 719. moue s. frz. das Mäulchen: the girl made a pretty little ib. 658.683. mouth s. to the innerlich: he had been in the habit of taking lauLloyd's Weekly 23./7. 76.


muff s. (H. & L. Dummkopf) besonders ,,Duckmäuser": boys must amuse themselves; at H.'s age it is natural they should do extraordinary things. I don't want to make him a

p. 176.

mugger s.


the common crocodile known throughout Bengal by this Hindustani title: the often grows to an enormous size. Ch. J. 720.

national-school s. ist eigentlich nicht unsere „Armenschule" (H.)

sondern „, Elementarschule" (primary-school ist nicht mehr üblich), die freilich von Kindern wohlhabender Leute in der Regel nicht besucht wird. Letztere empfangen den ersten Unterricht im Hause und werden dann in die Junior School geschickt.

Nature s. arrayed in 's garb

im Adamskostüm. Ch. J. 737.

nine-day fits, irisch für tetanus. ib. 698. nobble v. a. (H. nicht genau) Im Turf Slang

to get at, lame, or poison a horse: when it was a question of -ing the Black Prince". ib. 734.



non-a scripti s. non-collegiate students, die keinem College angehörenden Studenten, Wilde.

non-executive adj. nicht strafend: the lady (superintendent of the

Home) was enthusiastic and; the other applicant, previously matron of a prison, possessed testimonials as to her special fitness for the executive department. ib. 698.

nonsuit v. a. abweisen: the widow was -ed sie bekam einen Korb. ib. 675.

Oilers s. der ölgetränkte Matrosenanzug: over all of which to draw a suit of ib. 666.

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Old Maid s. p. ein Kartenspiel, unser Schwarzer Peter". Wer die Pique-Dame zuletzt behält, hat verloren; daher der Name;

a game of which the boys were particularly fond, no lady of a certain age could have shown more eagerness to get rid of the fatal Queen. Misunderstood p. 190.

ordinary s. und adj. The (degree) der B. A. Grad ohne

honours (rite promotus im Gegensatz zu dem cum laude promotus). outgo v. n. the -ing Mayor, der abgehende M. ib. 669. outmanoeuvre v. a. überlisten. ib. 688.

outofsortishness s. üble Laune. ib. 634.

overdone 1) adj.

crowded: Boulogne is almost as-as Liverpool, ib. 633. 2)= überladen, übertrieben: a dinner which would have made our footman pronounce the affair plebeian, bourgeois. ib. 634.

Parole s. he considered himself to be on an sein Wort gebunden.

ib. 586.


a small species of parrot. Wb.: flocks of many hundreds

of -8. ib. 673.

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the chair, die Würde des Lordmayor bekleiden, ib. 669.

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