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Schiller's Der Geisterscher. Part I. With notes and vocabulary by Professor Joynes of South Carolina College. Paper. 124 pages. 30 cts.

15 cts.

Selections for Sight Translation. Fifty fifteen-line extracts compiled by Mme. G. F. Mondan, High School, Bridgeport, Conn. Paper. 48 pages. Selections for Advanced Sight Translation. Compiled by Rose Chamberlin, Bryn Mawr College. Paper. 48 pages. 15 cts.

Benedix's Die Hochzeitsreise. With notes by Natalie Schiefferdecker, of Abbott Academy. Boards. 68 pages. 25 cts.

Arnold's Fritz auf Ferien. With notes by A. W. Spanhoofd, Director of German in the High Schools of Washington, D. C. Boards. 59 pages. 25 cts. Aus Herz und Welt. Two stories, with notes by Dr. Walhelm Bernhardt. Boards. 100 pages. 25 cts.

Novelletten-Bibliothek. Vol. I. Six stories, selected and edited with notes by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt. Cloth. 182 pages. 60 cts.

Novelletten-Bibliothek. Vol. II. Six stories selected and edited as above. Cloth. 152 pages. 60 cts.

Unter dem Christbaum. Five Christmas Stories by Helene Stökl, with notes by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt. Cloth. 171 pages. 60 cts.

Hoffman's Historische Erzählungen.

Four important periods of German history, with notes by Professor Beresford-Webb of Wellington College, England. Boards. 110 pages. 25 cts.

Wildenbruch's Das edle Blut. Edited with notes by Professor F. G. G. Schmidt, University of Oregon. Boards. 58 pages. 20 cts.

Wildenbruch's Der Letzte. With notes by Professor F. G. G. Schmidt, of the University of Oregon. Boards. 78 pages. 25 cts.

Stifter's Das Haidedorf. A little prose idyl, with notes by Professor Heller of Washington University, St. Louis. Paper. 54 pages. 20 cts.

Chamisso's Peter Schlemihl. With notes by Professor Primer of the University of Texas. Boards. 100 pages. 25 cts.

With notes by Professor 35 cts.

Eichendorff's Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts.
Osthaus of Indiana University. Boards. 183 pages.
Heine's Die Harzreise. With notes by Professor van Daell of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology. Boards. 102 pages. 25 cts.

Jensen's Die braune Erica. With notes by Professor Joynes of South Carolina
College. Boards. 106 pages. 25 cts.

Holberg's Niels Klim. Selections edited by E. H. Babbitt of Columbia College. Paper. 64 pages. 20 cts.

Meyer's Gustav Adolfs Page. With full notes by Professor Heller of Washington University. Paper. 85 pages. 25 cts.

Sudermann's Der Katzensteg. Abridged and edited by Professor Wells of the University of the South. Cloth. 210 pages.

40 cts.

Complete Catalogue of Modern Language Texts sent on request.

Stille Wasser. Three tales by Crane, Hoffmann and Wildenbruch, with notes
and vocabulary by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt. Cloth. 160 pages. 35 cts.
Auf der Sonnenseite. Six humorous stories by Seidel, Sudermann, and others,
with notes and vocabulary by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt. Boards. 153 pages.
35 cts.

Gerstäcker's Germelshausen. With notes by Professor Osthaus, Indiana Uni-
versity, and with vocabulary. Boards. 83 pages. 25 cts.

Baumbach's Die Nonna. With notes and vocabulary by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt,
Washington, D. C. Boards. 108 pages. 30 cts.

Riehl's Culturgeschichtliche Novellen. See two following texts.

Riehl's Der Fluch der Schönheit. With notes by Professor Thomas, Columbia
University. Boards. 84 pages. 25 cts.

Riehl's Das Spielmannskind; Der stumme Ratsherr. Two stories with
notes by A. F. Eaton, Colorado College. Boards. 93 pages. 25 cts.

François's Phosphorus Hollunder. With notes by Oscar Faulhaber. Paper.
77 pages. 20 cts.

Onkel und Nichte. An original story by Oscar Faulhaber. No notes. Paper.
64 pages. 20 cts.

Ebner-Eschenbach's Die Freiherren von Gemperlein. Edited by Professor
Hohlfeld, Vanderbilt University. Boards. 138 pages. 30 cts.

Freytag's Die Journalisten. With commentary by Professor Toy of the Uni-
versity of North Carolina. Boards. 168 pages. 30 cts.

Schiller's Jungfrau von Orleans. With introduction and notes by Professor
Wells of the University of the South. Cloth. Illustrated. 248 pages. 60 cts.
Schiller's Maria Stuart. With introduction and notes by Professor Rhoades,
University of Illinois. Cloth. Illustrated. 254 pages. 60 cts.

50 cts.

Schiller's Wilhelm Tell. With introduction and notes by Professor Deering of
Western Reserve University. Cloth. Illustrated. 280 pages.
Baumbach's Der Schwiegersohn. With notes by Dr. Wilhelm Bernhardt.
Boards. 130 pages. 30 cts; with vocabulary, 40 cts.

Benedix's Plautus und Terenz; Die Sonntagsjäger. Comedies edited by
Professor Wells of the University of the South. Boards. 116 pages. 25 cts.
Moser's Köpnickerstrasse 120. A comedy with introduction and notes by Pro-
fessor Wells of the University of the South. Boards. 169 pages. 30 cts.
Moser's Der Bibliothekar. Comedy with introduction and notes by Professor
Wells of the University of the South. Boards. 144 pages. 30 cts.

Drei kleine Lustspiele. Günstige Vorzeichen, Der Prozess, Einer muss hei-
raten. Edited with notes by Professor Wells of the University of the South.
Boards. 126 pages. 30 cts.

Helbig's Komödie auf der Hochschule. With introduction and notes by Pro-
fessor Wells of the University of the South. Boards. 145 pages. 30 cts.

Complete Catalogue of Modern Language Texts sent on request.

Schiller's Ballads. With introduction and notes by Professor Johnson of Bowdoin College. Cloth. 182 pages. 60 cts.

Scheffel's Trompeter von Säkkingen. Abridged and edited by Professor Wenckebach of Wellesley College. Cloth. Illustrated. 197 pages. 65 cts. Scheffel's Ekkehard. Abridged and edited by Professor Carla Wenckebach of Wellesley College. Cloth. Illustrated. 241 pages. 70 cts.

Freytag's Aus dem Staat Friedrichs des Grossen. With notes by Professor Hagar of Owens College, England. Boards. 123 pages. 25 cts.

Freytag's Aus dem Jahrhundert des grossen Krieges. Edited by Professor Rhoades, of the University of Illinois. 168 pages. 35 cts.

Freytag's Rittmeister von Alt-Rosen. With introduction and notes by Professor Hatfield of Northwestern University. Cloth. 213 pages. 70 cts. Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm. With introduction and notes by Professor Primer of the University of Texas. Cloth. 216 pages. 60 cts.

Lessing's Nathan der Weise. With introduction and notes by Professor Primer of the University of Texas. Cloth. 338 pages. go cls.

Lessing's Emilia Galotti. With introduction and notes by Professor Winkler of the University of Michigan. Cloth. 169 pages. 60 cts.

Goethe's Sesenheim. From Dichtung und Wahrheit. With notes by Professor Huss of Princeton. Paper. 90 pages. 25 cts.

Goethe's Meisterwerke. Selections in prose and verse, with copious notes by Dr. Bernhardt of Washington. Cloth. 285 pages. $1.25.

Goethe's Dichtung und Wahrheit. (I-IV.) Edited by Professor C. A. Buchheim of King's College, London. Cloth. 339 pages. 90 cts.

Goethe's Hermann und Dorothea. With introduction and notes by Professor Hewett of Cornell University. Cloth. 293 pages. 75 cts.

Goethe's Iphigenie. With introduction and notes by Professor L. A. Rhoades of the University of Illinois. Cloth. 170 pages. 65 cts.

Goethe's Torquato Tasso. With introduction and notes by Professor Thomas of Columbia University. Cloth. 245 pages. 75 cts.

Goethe's Faust. Part I. With introduction and notes by Professor Thomas of Columbia University. Cloth. 435 pages. $1.12.

Goethe's Faust. Part II. With introduction and notes by Professor Thomas of Columbia University. Cloth. 533 pages. $1.50.

Heine's Poems. Selected and edited with notes by Professor White of Cornell University. Cloth. 232 pages. 75 cts.

Walther's Meereskunde. (Scientific German.) Notes and vocabulary by S. A. Sterling of the University of Wisconsin. Cloth. 190 pages. 75 cts.

Gore's German Science Reader. Introductory reader in scientific German, with notes and vocabulary. Cloth. 195 pages. 75 cts.

Hodges's Scientific German. Selected and edited by Professor Hodges, formerly of Harvard University. Cloth. 203 pages. 75 cts.

Wenckebach's Deutsche Literaturgeschichte. Vol. I (to 1100 A.D.) with Musterstücke. Boards. 212 pages. 50 cts.

Wenckebach's Meisterwerke des Mittelalters.

Selections from German

translations of the masterpieces of the Middle Ages. Cloth, 300 pages. $1 26.

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