and the philosopher: but, as poems that are to delight, instruct or amend, we know not to what class of the community we could safely recommend their perusal. Such being our sentiments, on the merits of the original, we cannot sympathize with the solicitude of the many translators who have laboured to present it to their countrymen in an English dress. On the contrary; we should feel no regret nor pity for our unlettered brethren, if Juvenal were a sealed book to all but profound scholars. The remainder of our reading population would be no losers, if they rested satisfied with the imitations of him, which exist in our language. In those of JOHNSON, they would read what Juvenal would have written in his happiest moments, had he lived in our own times. That dignified solemnity and felicity of illustration, which we admire occasionally in the Roman, are sustained throughout in the English poet; and the dexterous introduction of modern examples gives a relish to his imitation, which no mere translation of an ancient can ever possess. Satirical composition, indeed, more, perhaps, than any other species of writing, is a local and national property. It abounds with allusions to the perishing events and characters of the day, which, to those of a different age and country, must be always uninteresting and generally unintelligible. The mere translator of such productions is like a merchant who should endeavour to force into circulation, a quantity of the current coin of some distant region, by simply altering the legend, instead of having it melted at the mint, its purity adjusted to the English standard, and the whole re-stamped with the insignia of Britain. How much less interesting to an English reader, is the catastrophe of Juvenal's Sejanus with his "longa et insignis honorum pagina," than the fall of the "full blown dignity" of Wolsey, with "Law in his voice, and Fortune in his hand?" and how vapid are those traits of indirect Satire, where Juvenal deals his bye-blows to less prominent and contemporary characters, which to us are literally voces et preterea nihil, compared to the parallel passages of Johnson, where every name recalls some well known period of our national history? CORRESPONDENCE--FOR THE PORT FOLIO. MR. EDITOR, The very entertaining writer of the Bee Hive, No. 4, under the head of "Keep to the right as the law directs" states, that he is informed, and on the very best authority, that the English rule is, keep to the left. I have travelled through great part of England, and can assure him that he is correctly informed. The circumstance of such being the law, gave rise to the following Epigram: The laws of the road are a paradox quite, If you keep to the left, you are sure to go right, Huntingdon, (P.) A CORRESPONDENT. SELECTED POETRY FOR THE PORT FOLIO. FROM MRS. EDGEWORTH'S MODERN GRISELDA. A FAMILY PICTURE. I married a Nymph who delighted all eyes, She would pout, refuse food, and murmur and sigh; VOL. V. 3 N 4 If to sooth her, I vow'd I respected her sense, 1 Then after much pensiveness, sighing, ah me! "How happy, she'd say, some women can be, "Mrs. Jerry my neighbour, how envied her life, "Mr. Jerry conforms to each wish of his wife; "If she mentions a thing, 'tis immediately bought, " He almost anticipates even her thought; "Alas! 'tis my lot-but let me refrain, "I'll suffer in silence, and scorn to complain, " It cannot last long-what a pain in my head!" Then she'd ring for a candle, and languish to bed. When I took my own side, I pass'd all the night, Afraid to disturb her; nor thought of delight. If I mov'd, she would shrink, and in anger protest, That I did so on purpose to rob her of rest. Next morning at breakfast my ear was aroused, By regrets for the offers of titles refus'd, Her foolish affection for me was so great, She had no one to blame, she deserv'd her sad fate. The advice of her friends she heedlessly scorn'd, She could not but own she was fully forewarn'd If a friend came to dinner, she'd pouting complain, And desire she might never behold him again, He was dull, or unpolish'd, or had some defect, All attempts to appease her, I found were in vain, Concessions to-day required greater tomonla 1 Thus piqued and thus harass'd, with firmness one day |