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In this machine the seeds are disengaged from the cotton by rollers of wood or metal, which draw the cotton through perpendicular apertures too small to admit the seeds-these rollers are fluted and turn reverse-wise. There sets of metal only of which are represented in the drawing) that feed the machine and disengage any extraneous matter; the middle set move up and down and pass between the teeth of the others. These combs are set in motion by means of a crank, and traverse on pivots, or in a slide. The rollers are impelled by bands running over pulleys on one side of the machine, and by pinions on the other, by bands, or by wheels and pinions on both sides.

combs placed before the rollers (twore thre

The middle bar, or transverse piece that supports the boxes in which the rollers turn, has dovetail pieces in front, and tenons behind to confine the boxes. On these the sliding pieces, in which

[blocks in formation]


the counter set of boxes are fixed that confine the rollers, are made to move, so as to adjust the rollers; or, the sliding pieces may be made to slide on dovetails and tenons fixed in the moving bars of the machine.

There are brushes fixed behind the rollers through the whole length of the feeding spaces that prevent the cotton from wrapping round them or jamming; this may also be effected by 'cushions made of cloth.



Democritus risu pulmonem, agitare solebat. Juv.

Democritus could feed his mirth, and shake

His sides and shoulders, till he felt them ache. Dryden.

CICERO elegantly observes, Were man permitted to ascend into Heaven, where he might behold the sublime order of the world, and the glories of the firmament, that they would afford only wonder, unmingled with interest and barren of entertainment, unless there was some individual, to whom he could impart the sentiment inspired by such a spectac... Friendship certainly endears every rank and condition of life. Should our lot be prosperous, how much does it enhance the dispensation; and when Adversity knocks at our door, and gains admission, its offering is sweeter than frankincense-more grateful than the smoke of myrrh and cassia. If any scheme is to be planned, or any plan to be practised, our speculation is more lively and acute, our execution more cheerful and effectual, when we enjoy adequate co-operation. Sympathy imparts a new zest to the transport of success, and mingles additional sweetness in every source of consolation, under a failure.

Impressed with the value of genuine fellowship, and being of a disposition to cultivate it, I very early sought an object, in

whom confidence might be reposed without the hazard of abuse; and where the affections might be exchanged without a scruple. The enthusiasm of youthful minds frequently betrays them; and I was not exempt from the fatality. It is with some concern, that I recollect the long catalogue of sycophants and parasites, on whom I successively lavished my regard, and dissipated my favours. At last however the search was crowned with a prosperous issue, and I discovered a friend, whose destinies seem to be cast under the same propitious stars that rule my own.

On a fine spring evening, at the commencement of the present century, I was induced to ramble out of town, and pleasingly lost myself in a contiguous wood. Nature wore an aspect of the sweetest tranquillity, and breathed a calm over my mind, that disposed me to love every man as a brother. I at length reached a bank, romantically embosomed, and overspread with wild violets and creeping box; above them the yellow jessamine luxuriantly flourished, and exhaled the richest redolence. A stranger who seemed about the middle age, was sitting near the spot, and engaged himself in administering berries and water to a little red-breast, he held in his left hand. A collection of plants, freshly plucked, were scattered on the ground. I was presently observed, and saluted with a smile of the sweetest affability. "I have found" said the stranger, as I walked up to him, "I have found an innocent outcast, whom the cruelty of man has wounded, past all surgery. I was amusing myself in picking up some shrubs, and classing them, after their order, I stooped to when a curious purple flower attracted my eye. gather it-It was a snow-drop, whose petals were stained with blood. At a short distance, this red-breast languished, and appeared to crave the offices of charity. But all the charity in the He stopped world is not worth a jot to the poor devil."

speaking-and a tear which stood in the corner of his eye, stole down to his chin, and dropped upon its head. The bird faintly shook its plumage, and in a few moments was cold and stiff. This scene spoke more feelingly to my heart, than a thousand letters of recommendation from any president or potentate on earth could have done. We retraced our steps in company,

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