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admirable works, for in that and Faust are combined all the universality of his genius. If, with reference to Goethe himself, we compare Werther with Wilhelm Meister, we shall see, that in the former he is still wrestling with life and destiny; in the latter, that he has vanquished them, and has found the remedy for evil, in the harmonious culture of his moral Being.

Those who read Wilhelm Meister for the mere attractions of incident, character, or description, will probably be disappointed in their expectations. But it will be found full of interest to him who considers it as deciphering, according to the Author's adopted conclusion, the riddle of human life, who loves to pursue the workings of his mind, to track the strange, enigmatical, tortuous wanderings of his genius, or to engage in the ever-baffled, yet attractive chase after his meaning, through the labyrinth of his flowing style, and multifarious imagery. The appearance of Wilhelm Meister gave rise to a species of novel, which had previously been unknown in Germany, but has since very generally prevailed, not only in that country, but in England and elsewhere. The Author takes up a fictitious or historical personage, and in the narrative of his life, in accordance with his own views and maxims, gradually developes the peculiar art, to which his hero has devoted himself. But Wilhelm Meister went somewhat beyond the sphere of such imaginary portraits. It could not have been the mere design of the Author, to describe the progress of a youth in the dramatic art, although a large portion of the work relates to the drama, for in the last four books that topic is wholly dismissed, and another object is brought prominently forward. We now acquire a faint perception of the Author's aim, to describe the general growth and ripening of a youth of talent into Man. His passion for the drama is only a transition state, and brings no permanent satisfaction. His education for life, for free and active exertion in a higher field, seems to be the true end.

It follows from this indistinct enunciatiou of the Author's meaning, that no book has been more generally misunderstood. Some have rejected it, as an unintelligible treatise on metaphysics, under the garb of an ill-arranged fiction, whilst others have

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ivagantly, as displaying a wonderful knowledge .al world, and delineating a bost of natural characters tions. The characters, however, may be considered as personifications of distinct trains of thought, than as beings, such as we met with in the world. On the whole, is a strange romance: i acts us with an irresistible charm: during the perusal, we seen 1 wander from one half-resolved doubt to another, until a die end of our pilgrimage, we begin to suspect that the writer he ie iemionaly misleading us into the belief that there existe some fa mystery in his pages. Aiternately attracted and let a last take refuge in the conviction that our fully is one of the Inspired, a true and original Genius, Ting or masliny & penetrate his views, or to competency a times Bouscure auf unintelligible, and a card

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THE performance lasted till a late hour. Old Barbara rent repeatedly to the window and listened for the rolling of carriages. She was expecting Mariana, her pretty mistress, who dressed in the character of a young officer, had charmed the public in that evening's performance, and her impatience became greater than was usual on occasions when she had only a plain supper to prepare. Mariana vas now to be surprised by a package, which Norberg, a ich young merchant, had forwarded by post, to afford vidence that even in absence he thought of his love.

In the character of old servant, confidant, adviser, manager and housekeeper, Barbara possessed the right of reaking seals, and she was less able to resist her curiosity his evening, as the favour of the generous lover was a ubject of greater anxiety to herself, even than to Mariana. To her extreme joy, she had found that the package contained a fine piece of muslin and some ribbons of the latest pattern for Mariana, together with a roll of cotton, some neckhandkerchiefs, and an enclosure of money for herself. With what tenderness and gratitude did she not call to mind the absent Norberg, and thought only of representing him to her mistress in the most favourable light, of reminding her how deeply she was indebted to him, and how much he was entitled to expect from her. constancy.

The muslin set off by the colours of the half unfolded ribbons, lay like a Christmas present upon the little table,


the position of the candles enhanced their brilliancy, and every thing was ready, when the old woman recognising Mariana's foot upon the stairs, hastened to meet her. How great was her astonishment when the young female officer, regardless of her caresses, hurried past her with unusual speed and emotion, flung her hat and sword upon the table, and paced restlessly up and down the room, without condescending to bestow even a glance upon the festive illuminations.

“What is the matter, dear ?" exclaimed the old servant with astonishment, "for Heaven's sake, what ails you, child? Behold these presents! From whom can they come, but from your most affectionate of friends? Norberg has sent you this piece of muslin for a night dress, he will be here presently himself, he seems to become fonder and more generous than ever."

Old Barbara turned round and was about to show the presents with which she herself had been remembered, when Mariana turning away from them exclaimed with vehemence, "Away, away! I will hear nothing of all this to-day. I have listened to you because you wished it to be so! When Norberg returns, I am his, I am yours! Do with me what you will, but until then, I am my own, and if you had a thousand tongues you should never persuade me from my purpose. I will give myself wholly to him who loves me, and whom I love. No grimaces! I will abandon myself to this passion as if it were to last for ever."

Barbara was not deficient in remonstrances and reasons, but when in the course of the dispute, she became violent and bitter, Mariana sprang at her and clasped her firmly. The old servant laughing aloud, exclaimed, "I must take care that she resumes her female attire, if I mean to be sure of my life. Come, strip! I hope the girl will beg pardon for what is inflicted on me by the wayward boy. Off then with the coat-off with every thing instantly! It is an unsuitable garb and dangerous for you, as I find to my cost. These epaulets make you rash."

Barbara took hold of her. Mariana disengaged herself. "Not so fast!" she exclaimed, "I expect a visit to-night." "That is not proper," replied the servant, "you do

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